One emperor

Chapter 694 Delicious Soul

Chapter 694 Delicious Soul

"You follow me?"

Ye Dong couldn't help being taken aback by the sudden request made by Longzi Bishui, thinking, just now you said you would stick to your credit, why did you change it now?

"Yeah, I've been here for more than 5000 years. The outside world has become very strange to me, and I don't have any friends. To be honest, I don't even want to leave here." There was a bit of sadness in Bishui's tone, but then he changed the topic: "But now that you are the real owner, and I am very interested in your soul, why don't you let me continue Stay here, I will go wherever you go!"

The first half of Bishui's words made Ye Dong full of sympathy for him, but the second half of his words made him shudder.

Interested in your own soul?
Then avoiding water has to follow your own purpose, isn't it because you want to wait for an opportunity to devour your own soul?

However, Ye Dong understood the meaning of avoiding water. He meant that he did not want to leave Ziwei Tianfu, and if he could really become the master of Tianfu, he should carry Tianfu with him in a special way, just like the Temple of the Wheel and Yama. It is the same as the palace, while avoiding water is still living in Tianfu.

"Of course this is fine, but why are you so interested in my soul? I heard that you only like to eat the souls of ordinary people?"

Ye Dong can bring Bishui by his side, but before that, he must figure out why Bishui likes his soul, otherwise he might swallow his soul someday!

"Because your soul is very strange. It's only been half an hour since I discovered you, and your soul power has increased by more than a hundred times, especially in your soul, which also contains There are many flavors that are a bit familiar to me!"

The improvement of soul power should be related to the opening of the Baihui acupoint, and several familiar smells for Bishui must have come from the blood prison, purple flame dragon fire, reverse scale mirror and colorful strange stones. I don't know which of these it is.

"But you can rest assured that although I like to eat souls, I only eat ugly souls. Such souls contain all kinds of things, and it is only enjoyable to eat. Those simple souls are bland and extremely tasteless, while Your soul belongs to this kind, it's golden, I don't want to eat it, it's disgusting!"

It turns out that Bishui can perceive the things hidden in the soul, so as to judge whether a person is good or bad!

Ugly souls must refer to the souls of those wicked people, because they are always thinking about how to plot against people and how to do bad things, and their souls are full of filth.

A pure soul is naturally a kind person. Their mind is pure and their soul is extremely pure.

There is a saying among human beings that people know their faces but don’t know their hearts. Affected by this saying, when people look at people, they almost always look at the other person’s appearance. It is impossible to judge whether a person is good or bad by his appearance.

If there is the ability to judge the good or bad of the other party directly through the soul of avoiding water, then good and bad will be completely clear at a glance, and this world will be much simpler.

This ability moved Ye Dong a little bit, because he had many enemies, especially those subordinates, many of them were forced to do things, and he really didn't want to kill all of them, but what if If the bad guys let go, they may cause trouble for themselves at that time, so if they can have this ability to judge the quality of the other party, it will be much more convenient.

The good guys are merciful, and the bad guys are killed directly!
"Senior Avoiding Water, how do you judge whether someone else's soul is delicious or not?"

When Ye Dong asked this question, he felt a little awkward, but Bishui obviously felt that it was very normal, and instead said in a smug tone: "It's very simple, use soul consciousness!"

"Soul consciousness?"

"Yes, the soul consciousness is actually similar to the spiritual consciousness. They are both derived from the soul, but they have different functions. The spiritual consciousness sees people and things, while the soul consciousness only sees the soul! In addition, if the spiritual vision and soul consciousness can be combined If it is one, then it will become divine consciousness, hehe, as far as I know, the gods use divine consciousness!"


Ye Dong suddenly remembered that when he opened the Shenting acupoint, Lord Brahma, the devil emperor, mentioned this word, and what he heard was only the words left by his consciousness, and he also specifically mentioned a sentence, I should only gather spiritual consciousness now, not divine consciousness.

Now after Bishui's explanation, I can finally be sure that the divine consciousness is indeed a higher level existence than the spiritual consciousness, and it was born after combining the spiritual consciousness and the soul consciousness.

"Senior Bishui, what if I let myself generate soul consciousness?"

"This requires you to use your soul power. As long as your soul power is strong enough, you can develop soul consciousness. In fact, logically speaking, your current soul strength is enough to give birth to soul consciousness, but it seems that you don't know anything about soul. You know, why not let me help you open your soul consciousness!"

Ye Dong couldn't help being surprised and surprised that there is such a good thing!

"That's really thanks to Senior Bishui."

"You don't need to thank me, I've said it all, you are enough to give birth to soul consciousness, but you don't know how to do it, so I'll help you take it out, but I have to say first, now your soul consciousness will not Too strong, and if you want to become stronger, you need to continuously improve your soul power."

"I see, what should I do?"

"You stand closer to the gate, then sit cross-legged, and focus all your attention on your soul, the rest is up to me, but the process may be a bit painful, you have to hold on! "

"it is good!"

So Ye Dong walked in front of the gate of Tianfu according to his words, sat down cross-legged, concentrated his mind, and the golden baby in his mind gradually became clear.

Suddenly, the baby moved, and then a strong suction came from the outside world, so that the baby seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and began to wave the limbs that were not fully condensed, even giving people It feels like I can vaguely hear the baby's cry!
At the same time, Ye Dong only felt a pain coming from the center of his eyebrows, and something rose and fell, as if it was going to rush out from the center of his eyebrows!
This feeling is exactly the same as when his soul was about to be sucked out just now, which also made Ye Dong's heart tremble suddenly. Could he deliberately deceive himself by avoiding water, saying that he was helping him to open up his soul consciousness, but in fact he took the opportunity to devour it? Lose your own soul?

A tearing pain suddenly came from the baby, so that Ye Dong couldn't help but yelled: "Ah!"


The place between the eyebrows suddenly loosened, and something finally broke through the restraint between the eyebrows and rushed out!
(End of this chapter)

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