One emperor

Chapter 696 Tianlong

Chapter 696 Tianlong
Banruo's suggestion made the three of Lei Zhan look helpless, because what Banruo said was the truth, even though they are alive and kicking now, their bodies are actually extremely weak, let alone fight with others , I can't even fly, if I really go to the Wuji Sect with Ye Dong, it will become a burden instead.

Suddenly, the black elephant rushed in front of the dementors who were curled up in a corner, and roared, "I'm going to kill you!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and wanted to grab one of them, but when he grasped the collar of the other party, he paused for a moment and then let it go, because he couldn't even lift the other party up. Get up, let alone kill.

With a murderous look on Banruo's face, he turned around and strode towards those soul masters. If it wasn't for saving their lives to recall those souls, these people would have died in his hands long ago. up.

Now that all the people have been rescued and all the detained souls have been sent back, it is useless to keep them. It is time for me to save them, clean up the family, and eradicate the scum.

Seeing Banruo's back, Ye Dong suddenly shouted: "Hanruo, wait, don't kill them yet!"

Banruo stopped, turned around and looked at Ye Dongdao puzzledly: "Are you going to let them go?"


Ye Dong strode up to Banruo's side, and said with a slight smile, "Hanruo, of course the villains will be killed, but they are not necessarily all villains. Some of them may be forced to do these things, not because they are Their original intention, for such a person, we naturally have to be merciful."

Banruo frowned slightly, obviously not recovering from these words, and at this moment, those dementors had already shouted loudly one by one: "Senior, I was forced, I am not a villain !"

"I was also forced. In fact, I don't want to harm anyone at all!"

"To shut up!"

Ye Dong shouted violently, making all the dementors shut their mouths, and said with a stern expression: "Whether you are good or evil, I will naturally have a clear judgment, and you don't need to say it yourself. Now, everyone Stand in front of me one by one."

The dementors were obviously puzzled by Ye Dong's request, but no one dared to disobey, so they lined up in a row led by the senior dementor who had left the world, and stood tremblingly beside Ye Dong. before.

Ye Dong closed his eyes, a golden light suddenly flashed between his brows, and his soul consciousness slowly enveloped the senior soul master in front of him.

Seeing the golden light between Ye Dong's brows, Banruo couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then he was dumbfounded, showing a look of shock.

At first, Ye Dong saw darkness in front of his eyes, like a chaotic and unopened world, with nothing, but gradually, a hazy light lit up.

This is a ball of blue light, but the light is obscure, and there are obviously some colorful things mixed in the blue light, black, red, gray, these things are either sticky or dirty, gathered together, like a color palette Like a board, it looked mottled and messy, which made Ye Dong feel sick in his heart.

Now, Ye Dong finally understands why Bishui said that ugly souls are delicious when eaten. Obviously, the things piled up in this soul he saw are all kinds of things that the soul owner has. I feel disgusted by the evil deeds, but from Bishui's point of view, they have different flavors, and they are delicious when mixed together.

"You stand to the left!"

The senior soul master walked to the left with a blank expression, not understanding what this meant.

Then, the other eleven soul masters walked in front of Ye Dong one by one, and only one of them had a pure blue soul, as if transparent, and could even see the darkness behind him through the soul. As for the souls of other people, they are filled with various colors.

Opening his eyes, Ye Dong looked coldly at the eleven people on the left and the one on the right, shook his head, turned around and sent a voice transmission to Banruo: "Hanruo, the ones on the left are all the objects of your salvation, Let the man on the right survive!"

A gleam of light flashed in Banruo's eyes, and his figure shot out like an arrow from the string!
"Puff puff!"

Amidst the muffled voice, blood flowers bloomed one after another, and around the crowd, there were ten more corpses in the blink of an eye, and the only one who survived was the senior soul master.

With a "plop", the dementor with a pure soul was so frightened by the tragic scene in front of him that he sat down on the ground. While his body was trembling, a stench emanated from his body, and he was so scared that he peed !
The expression on the senior dementor's face finally turned ferocious after being dazed and shocked, and he glared at Banruo and Ye Dong fiercely and said, "If you dare to do anything to me, I will explode your dusty body, all of you , don’t even try to escape, you have to die with me!”

Facing Ye Dong and Banruo, he knew that he could never be an opponent, so he had an idea and remembered the scene where the skinny monk blew himself up, so he used this to threaten Banruo so that he could survive Chance.

Banruo, who had just killed ten people, faced the threat of the other party, looked at the other party calmly and said: "If you really have the courage, then I might consider letting your life go, but unfortunately, you don't!"

"Who said I didn't!"

The top of the senior soul master's head suddenly appeared his dusty body, three very ordinary axes, but under his deliberate actions, the three axes gleamed, as if they were really ready to explode at any time.

"See, if you dare to take another step, I will explode my dusty body!"

Although he shouted at the top of his voice, no matter whether it was Banruo, Ye Dong, or even Lei Zhan, they all looked at him expressionlessly, without any sign of fear at all.

"Don't come, don't come!"

While talking, the senior soul master continued to back away, and everyone followed his footsteps and walked out little by little until they left the ground and came to the island.

The dementor gritted his teeth, and his figure suddenly rose from the ground, rushed into the air, and fled quickly towards the end of the sky.

Ye Dong didn't chase after him, but what was strange was that he didn't even chase Banruo. Ye Dong turned to look at Banruo and said, "Aren't you going after him?"

"Here, I can kill him too!"

As Prajna's voice fell, he suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar!

A golden light shot out from his mouth and rushed to the sky, and in the air, this heavenly dragon turned into a giant golden python. With a slight swing of the huge python body, it came to the back of the dementor in an instant. Da Zhang bit down hard.


There was a scream, and the senior soul master, who had fled at least a thousand meters away, exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Ye Dong was dumbfounded and asked, "What kind of combat skill is this?"

Prajna replied with a solemn expression: "This is not a combat technique, this is the Mahuraka of the Eight Heavenly Dragons!"

(End of this chapter)

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