One emperor

Chapter 698 Thanksgiving Dade

Chapter 698 Thanksgiving Dade
Because of the short distance, Ye Dong took out the unique flying tool of Cihangzong, the indeterminate flying ball, and brought Lei Zhan and the four of them back to Fenghe Island.

At this moment, the town where old man Ma lives is full of people, very lively, completely opposite to the dead town last night.

Everyone stood at the entrance of the town, led by Ma Laozhang and his son, obviously they were waiting for Ye Dong!

Just like how Lei Zhan and the three souls felt, the souls who passed by Ye Dong when they were in the sea also felt that they saw a young man in their dreams, and when their souls returned to their bodies and woke up, they would be awakened. After telling about his experience, Ma Laozhang immediately realized that that person was Ye Dong!
Therefore, Mr. Ma rushed to the entrance of the town with his son first, waiting eagerly for Ye Dong's return, and other townspeople also rushed over, standing behind the Ma family and his son, waiting for the savior.

Finally, when Ye Dong and Banruo landed in front of everyone with the indeterminate flying ball, Mr. Ma first brought his son to kneel on the ground, and the other townspeople naturally followed closely behind, all facing Ye Dong fell to his knees.

"Brother Ye, thank you, thank you, you are the savior of all of us!"

Old man Ma burst into tears, weeping choked up, he experienced ups and downs in his life, he almost died in a foreign country, all because of Ye Dong, not only sent him back home, but also saved his son and all the neighbors, so he really I don't know how to thank Ye Dong.

Looking at the group of black heads kneeling in front of him, Ye Dong was at a loss for what to do. Although he had saved many people, he had never encountered such a situation before.

"Old man, what are you doing, get up, everyone, get up!"

Like Ye Dong's sleeves, a soft force floated out, and unexpectedly lifted up all the kneeling people in front of him.

Just because of the hand he showed, the reverence and admiration for him in the hearts of the people is even more overwhelming.

Old man Ma stretched out his sleeve and wiped the tears on his face vigorously, while Ye Dong walked over to his son and said, "Brother Ma, take old man back!"


Although these townspeople were very weak physically and mentally exhausted, none of them went back to rest in order to thank Ye Dong for saving his life. Ye Dong could only persuade them one by one. Lei Zhan and the other three joined the persuasion team, and finally persuaded everyone to go home one by one.

Ye Dong heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to Mr. Ma's house, stopping Mr. Ma from boiling water and making tea, saying, "Master, I have something else to do, and I'm leaving soon, so you don't need to be busy."

Old man Ma was stunned and then suddenly realized: "Ah, brother, you want to go? By the way, you still have to go to Qinglong Continent. Do you know how to leave, brother?"

Ye Dong didn't know, but Lei Zhan and the three of them had a detailed map on their bodies.

"Old man, although I have left, I will come back. Moreover, my four friends are weak and cannot leave for the time being. They want to stay with you for a while."

"That's great!" Old Master Ma nodded his head hurriedly and said, "Live, let alone a period of time, it's fine to live for a lifetime. Although my family is poor, the house is big enough. My little brothers, you will live here Treat it as your own home, don't be polite."

The word "little brother" made Lei Zhan and Hei Xiang dumbfounded. Their real age is more than enough to be the grandfather of Ma Laozhang, but the aging speed of practitioners is slow, so their appearance still looks like middle-aged people.

Naturally, Lei Zhan and the others wouldn't bother with Mr. Ma over such a trivial matter, and from this, it can be seen that Mr. Ma is indeed a kind person.

Ye Dong suddenly asked Jiang Mengke to close the door. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Ye Dong waved his hand, and a pile of gold and spirit crystals immediately appeared on the open space in the hall!
After Ye Dong wiped out the three major forces in the northern cold land, he seized all the things they looted, and Pan Chaoyang personally selected the best of them and put them in Ye Dong's space dust device.

Therefore, whether ordinary people need gold and silver treasures, or practitioners need spirit crystal stone dust tool skills, Ye Dong can definitely be regarded as the four words of rich and powerful!
Looking at the pile of gold in front of them, the eyes of Mr. Ma and his son were straightened. They had never seen so much money in their entire life.

"Old man, take the money and collect it. Except for keeping enough for yourself, the rest will be distributed to those townspeople."

"No, no, no!" Father Ma and his son waved their hands again and again and said, "How can this be done, brother, put it away quickly, our father and son have hands and feet, and if we can work, we will not starve to death. How can we ask for your money?" .”

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "Old man, do you think I still need these things?"

One sentence left Mr. Ma and his son speechless. In their minds, Ye Dong was like a god. Do gods still need money?
"Then, then you can give it to other friends, relatives or something!"

Lei Zhan at the side laughed and said: "Old man, among his friends and himself, there is no one poorer than him, so you can accept it with confidence!"

In the end, old man Ma accepted the gold with great gratitude, but he didn't take all of it for himself, but divided all the gold into many shares, apparently to distribute to other townspeople.

As for those Lingjing stones, Ye Dong unceremoniously gave them to Lei Zhan and the other three, and even Jiang Mengke got a lot of them.

"Use these spirit crystals to quickly recover your spiritual energy!"

Naturally, Lei Zhan and the others would not be polite to Ye Dong, only Jiang Mengke was holding the Lingjing stone, neither accepting it nor letting it go, standing there completely at a loss.

Ye Dong smiled and shook his head, ignored him, stood up and was about to say goodbye, but at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, making him come to Jiang Mengke in an instant, staring at him firmly, Word by word: "Fate Soul is sealed, do you have a way to untie it?"

Jiang Mengke was taken aback, the Lingjing stone in his hand almost fell to the ground, and he was so stunned that he didn't dare to speak at all.

Hearing Ye Dong's question, the three of Lei Zhan and Banruo knew it well, and all eyes focused on Jiang Mengke at the same time.

Ye Dong's father, Ye Yunfei, had his soul sealed, causing the two souls of heaven and earth to be unable to sense it, and thus fell asleep forever!
It's just that his situation is different from that of Lei Zhan and the others. Their souls were forcibly taken out of their bodies. That's why Ye Dong asked this question.

Jiang Mengke finally said expectantly to Ai Ai: "I, I, give it a try, it should work!"

(End of this chapter)

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