One emperor

Chapter 702 The thunder is heavy and the rain is small

Chapter 702 The thunder is heavy and the rain is small
Mo Linglong was finally brought out by a group of people, and when the fat monk saw Mo Linglong, his face almost burst into laughter.

In a flash, she landed directly in front of Mo Linglong from the air, stretched out her hand to touch Mo Linglong's face, and at the same time said with a smile: "The little girl is really beautiful, Ye Dong has good eyesight, hehe! "

Mo Linglong tilted her head back, trying to dodge, but unfortunately the difference in strength was too great, she hadn't even condensed her body yet, so how could she dodge it!
As the fat monk's fat fingers touched her face, Mo Linglong suddenly felt a few sharp pains on her face, as if being cut open with a knife, she wanted to cry out in pain, but He gritted his teeth and held on.

Strangely, the severe pain disappeared in an instant, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch her cheek, which was still smooth without any wound at all.

At this time, the voice of the fat monk sounded again, but at this moment his face was full of ferocity instead of a smile, and he said viciously: "Do you know that Ye Dong killed my junior brother and let my brother die?" The younger brother was dissapeared and disappeared. During the whole journey, I was thinking about how to take revenge on Ye Dong. It would be too cheap to kill him or you. I want him to live in regret and pain forever among!"

Although Mo Linglong has been oppressed by the almost terrifying aura emanating from the fat monk, her body trembles like a willow in the wind, but she still stubbornly straightens her body, looking at the fat monk without fear .

After hearing what the fat monk said, Mo Linglong's face was expressionless, but she secretly made up her mind that if the other party really dared to do anything wrong to her, she would commit suicide!

Although Mo Linglong loved Ye Dong deeply, her character was extremely strong, so even if she died, she would not want anyone to use her to blackmail Ye Dong.

It's a pity that although she thought well, she also knew that she couldn't even ask for death now.

Since she was caught by the faceless mad knife, she has actually tried to commit suicide countless times, but the aura in her body and the tendons of her hands and feet have been sealed, and she doesn't even have the strength to kill herself by biting her tongue.

After the fat monk stared fixedly at Mo Linglong for a long time, he suddenly turned around, walked towards the outside of the Wuji Sect, and laughed loudly and said, "Ye Dong, Ye Dong, just wait to accept me Give you a big gift!"

Amidst the loud laughter, the fat monk's figure had already left Wujizong, and jumped directly into the air, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a short while.

He just left?Will you come back?

At this moment, everyone's faces showed confusion, and the fat monk left like this?
From the appearance of the fat monk to the present, in only half an hour, forty or fifty disciples of the Wuji Sect and two masters of the world have been killed or injured in his hands. Now that Ye Dong's woman appeared, he just stretched out his hand Touched it, then said a few words and left?

The thunder is loud, but the raindrops are too small, right?
In other words, touching Ye Dong's woman is considered his revenge on Ye Dong?

Fake Dongfang Bai laughed and said: "This fat monk is really completely crazy."

Faceless Crazy Knife didn't speak, his eyes just fixed on Mo Linglong's face.


At the same time, Ye Dong and Ban Ruo are only a few thousand miles away from Qinglong Continent. They have been driving for more than three months, and they are about to reach their destination. Now neither of them has the heart to practice. Instead, after looking at each other, they speeded up and flew towards the Azure Dragon Continent.

However, Ye Dong suddenly felt his heart beating heavily, and then a sharp pain came from his heart, which made him involuntarily reach out and press his chest.

Prajna at the side saw it, and quickly asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Ye Dong frowned tightly, even his facial features were slightly deformed, he gritted his teeth and said, "My heart hurts!"

The feeling of heartache is no stranger to Ye Dong, because the reason why he fully accepted Mo Linglong's love is because of the three heartache feelings.

It's just that the distress at this moment is more than a hundred times stronger than those three times!
This also gave Ye Dong an ominous premonition that something might have happened to Mo Linglong!

For all of this, Banruo is completely ignorant, so he didn't think about other aspects at all, but said with concern: "Is it because the body is a bit overwhelmed by the continuous driving during this period? Why don't we find a place to stop and rest for a while, anyway The Promise Sect is right around the corner, and it's not too late."

"No!" The worry on Ye Dong's face could no longer be concealed, but he didn't express his own feelings. He shook his head vigorously and said, "I'm fine, Banjna, let's hurry up!"

After the words fell, Ye Dong's speed, which had already reached the limit, accelerated a little again, piercing the sky like a shooting star.

Behind him, Banruo looked at Ye Dong who had already thrown him hundreds of meters away, smiled wryly and shook his head, "Your potential is truly limitless!"

The two brought out two waves of air in the air one after the other, and finally set foot on the Azure Dragon Continent. After finding someone to inquire about the specific location of the Wuji Sect, they continued to rush towards the Wuji Sect.


In the Wuji Sect, although the fat monk left, everyone didn't dare to really let go, worried that the fat monk would leave and return, so they simply let Mo Linglong stay outside, surrounded by nearly a hundred disciples , surrounded her.

In this way, let alone escape, Mo Linglong would not be able to do it even if she committed suicide, so she could only sit silently on the ground with a calm expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

And Faceless Crazy Sword and others also couldn't escape, because the Wuji Sect stepped up patrols and defenses, and several of them who were not from the sect became the objects of strict surveillance, and there were constant patrols outside the door.

The day passed peacefully, and in the middle of the night, one of the group of disciples sitting around Mo Linglong inadvertently raised his head and glanced at Mo Linglong.

However, just this one glance made him tremble as if struck by lightning.

The people around noticed his strangeness, and they were startled and said, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The disciple didn't speak, but stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed at Mo Linglong who was surrounded by them.

Everyone was startled, Qi Qi turned his gaze and followed his fingers.

With a "wow", dozens of people jumped up immediately, and although the others were still sitting on the ground, they all began to tremble.

Therefore, at this moment, several mung bean-sized wounds were opened on Mo Linglong's face, and green vines were slowly growing out of the wounds!

(End of this chapter)

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