One emperor

Chapter 720 Abnormal Ability

Chapter 720 Abnormal Ability
The fat monk can be sure that he is the only one in the world who can unleash the huge vine tree that is raging rampantly in the Ye family now, but now Zhou Longcheng has also unleashed it, and combined with his previous aura to smash those vines The doubts that arose from time to time made him finally realize that Zhou Longcheng had been imitating his combat skills all along!

That's exactly what happened!

Although Zhou Longcheng has worshiped Ye Dong as his teacher, Ye Dong has never taught him any martial arts and combat skills, and although he has condensed into a dusty body now, he does not know any combat skills at all.

However, he has an ability that may surprise and envy all practitioners in the world, that is, he can imitate other people's combat skills!

As long as he sees other people displaying their combat skills, he can imitate them like a cat or a tiger, which is why he is always in a passive state, always provoking the fat monk, and then he will imitate himself after he has performed his combat skills. So attack!
It's a pity that although he can imitate other people's combat skills exactly, but due to the influence of his real realm and strength, he can't let the imitated combat skills exert great power, especially in the face of fat monks. When he was a master in the world of dust, this kind of imitation combat skills would not cause any substantial damage to the fat monk at all.

But even so, with his strength in the mortal state, he was able to step up and challenge the notorious master of the mortal state, the fat monk. Once this matter spreads, his reputation will not be weaker than that of his master Ye Dong up.

It has to be said that Zhou Longcheng's talent and ability are extremely perverted. If Ye Dong can have his imitation ability, then Ye Dong would not need to find any combat skills, even the heavenly combat skills can be used without training. He can control the strength of seven attributes at the same time and he has more aura reserves than practitioners of the same level. The power generated by imitating any combat technique is probably much greater than others!

At this moment when the fat monk revealed his secret, Zhou Longcheng did not show any surprise, but said contemptuously: "I told you just now, what you saw is not a strange appearance, but mine. Dust body!"

"Dust body!"

The fat monk looked intently at the blue sky above Zhou Longcheng's head again, and suddenly realized: "Your dust body is a mirror!"

"You got it right!"

Zhou Longcheng's dusty body turned out to be a mirror. In fact, he possessed the ability to imitate other people's combat skills through the reflection of the mirror. Moreover, the mirror reflected the blue sky, and what appeared was naturally the blue sky. That's why everyone mistakenly thought that his dusty body was a piece of blue sky.

The doubts in the fat monk's heart were finally answered, with a murderous look on his face, he said: "You have such strength at such a young age, if you grow up, it will be a big problem. Even if others can escape today, you will never escape. Already!"

"I'm not going to run away at all!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Longcheng suddenly waved his hands, and suddenly a thick flame burst out from his palm, igniting the vines around the fat monk's body.

Naturally, what he imitated this time was the combat technique that Ye Yuanjun had just displayed.

Following the flames, Zhou Longcheng had already rushed towards Ye Yuanjun, pushed Ye Yuanjun away several meters away with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Grandfather, let's go!"

Ye Yuanjun's face became distorted. He knew that it was Zhou Longcheng who had embraced death to entangle the fat monk so that he could escape, but how could he just helplessly watch this promising child die in front of him? .

But if you don't leave, you will really fail the child's heart!
To go, or not to go?

Ye Yuanjun suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, a burst of flames suddenly appeared above his head. Unexpectedly, in this situation, he only wanted to love, and he unexpectedly broke through to the realm of the second layer of mortal body, and this also made him go all out. Even if it is death, Zhou Longcheng cannot be left alone.

"Long Cheng, today we two will fight this fat monk!"

Zhou Longcheng also understood that it was impossible for Ye Yuanjun to leave him and run away, and he could only nod helplessly and said, "Okay, let's fight him!"

One old and one young rushed towards the fat monk at the same time.

At the same time, the situation in the Ye family was also dire. Although all the masters of the dusty state had dispersed and surrounded the huge vine tree, they were like a group of ants, unable to fight against the vine tree at all.

Regardless of whether it was a dust weapon or a chaotic attack of dust bodies of various attributes, hitting the vine tree would not cause any damage to it at all, but instead seemed to be conscious, attacking everyone more fiercely.

And even if you want to escape, you can't do it. The countless vines can extend infinitely. Even if you escape from the Ye family, it can catch you back, and of course it will kill you directly.

At this moment, the Ye family really turned into a battleground for Shura, with rivers of blood flowing and corpses strewn all over the field, it was a hundred times more tragic than the last attack by Elder Tiger of the Indian Orc Clan.

After all, there were not many Ye family members at that time, unlike now there are nearly a thousand people, and this time the attacker is a master who has left the world.

Ye Yuntian and his wife are holding Ye Feng, the youngest child of the Ye family, while Ye Yunteng and Ye Ming are holding brothers Ye Long and Ye Hu respectively. Under the protection of the old man who is drinking and smoking and the brothers of the Li family, the group is desperately going out. go.

After finally rushing to the door, a huge vine rolled over, directly entangled Li Mingyong, and threw him out fiercely.

Li Mingzhi yelled, and rushed towards his brother without hesitation, and everyone stopped. Ye Yuntian gently handed Ye Feng, whose face was pale with fright, to Ye Long and said: "Xiaolong Xiaohu, take your younger sister and escape to find your second brother!"

"No, uncle, we're not leaving!"

Ye Long's blood-stained face was full of determination. He was also rubbed by a vine just now, but luckily he escaped in time.

Ye Yunteng kicked his ass: "Get lost!"

Ye Long looked at his father stubbornly, and for the first time did not listen to his father's words: "Father, let my younger brother take my younger sister away, I want to go with you."

Ye Ming suddenly stretched out his hand and patted Ye Long's face, and said with a smile: "Xiaolong, do you remember that your second brother once said that there is only the defeated Ye family, not the Ye family who surrendered? We are indeed defeated now, but We can't admit defeat, so you must take Xiaofeng and escape, so that you have a chance to fight again! Do you know?"

"Brother!" After Ye Long shouted these two words, his eyes were already moist. Although his teeth were clenched tightly, tears still couldn't stop falling down.

Ye Yunteng raised his foot and wanted to kick him again, but in the end he reached out and touched Ye Long's head and said: "Xiaolong, daddy knows you are not afraid of death, but I need you to take care of your younger siblings and protect them !"



A sudden mournful wolf howl interrupted Ye Long's words, and everyone's spirits were shocked immediately, and the tears on Ye Long's face were replaced by excitement in an instant: "Second brother is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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