One emperor

Chapter 763

Chapter 763
The white shadow was a snow-white bird, more than three meters long, and a middle-aged man was riding on his back. Looking down at Huo Feng, he frowned slightly and said, "Old Huo, what happened? They Who is it?"

At this time, Red Wolf and Ye Dong had already chased after him, but Ye Dong reacted quickly, and hurriedly stepped out of Ling Yun, blocking the Red Wolf first.

The red wolf's face showed anger, but he knew Ye Dong's purpose, he rolled his eyes and did not speak, but stared at Huo Feng and the black panther with bloodthirsty eyes.

Now that it has been proved that this is the lair of the Indian orcs, and the strength of the middle-aged man in the air is not inferior to that of Huo Feng, Ye Dong is worried that the red wolf will violently attack and include the other party in the range of attack within, thus causing unnecessary troubles, so this is the only way to come forward.

Huo Feng and the black panther finally stopped running and let out a sigh of relief. In fact, if it is not a last resort, Huo Feng is really unwilling to lead Ye Dong and the red wolf to the den of the Indian beast tribe.

After all, the patriarch gave an order, and all the Indian orc people should not fight Ye Dong without authorization in the face of the master of misery, but he disobeyed the order of the patriarch, and in the Indian orc clan, the patriarch is the sky, and his order It is supreme, and if you dare to violate it, you will be severely punished.

But he really has no choice, because if he and the Black Panther join forces, it is impossible to be the opponent of Ye Dong and Red Wolf, and Ye Dong's attitude is very clear, he must kill himself, so in order to save his life, he has no choice but to Under the circumstances, he could only escape back here.

Huo Feng just wanted to explain, but suddenly, the white bird uttered a crisp cry, which was obviously much faster than before, and hearing its cry, the bird riding on its back The face of the middle-aged man changed slightly, and his eyes immediately focused on the red wolf.

Seeing the reaction of the white bird and the young man, Ye Dong knew that the white bird had also discovered something about the red wolf, and notified the middle-aged man. That's why they stared at the red wolf in surprise, and were even surprised. There was even a trace of fear and a trace of envy in it.

The senses of most beasts are much more sensitive than humans, let alone mutated spirit beasts, so humans can't feel certain things, but beasts can be the first to discover them.

This also increased Ye Dong's doubts again. What is the significance of the red wolf's change this time, and why did these mutated spirit beasts have such a strong fear one after another?

After staring deeply at the red wolf for a while, the middle-aged man finally shifted his gaze to Huo Feng again, and Huo Feng nodded solemnly and said, "Old Lu, your Bai Ling is right. And they wanted to kill me and Hei Feng, and chased us all the way to here!"

Another burst of noise came, and several people appeared in front of Huo Feng. Without exception, everyone was followed by a beast.

The Lu Clan's eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes, and finally turned to Ye Dong, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Ye Dong!"

After Ye Dong announced his name, the old Lu clan and the Indian orcs who came after them were startled, and then they all remembered. The old Lu clan snorted coldly: "So you are Ye Dong." , you should be here for the appointment, right? Then why did you chase after me, the elder of the Indian orc tribe?"

As he asked these words, he and the white bird exuded a powerful aura at the same time, as if they wanted to give Ye Dong a bad blow.

The faces of several other clansmen showed righteous indignation, because as Huo Feng said to Ye Dong earlier, the status of the clan elders in the Indian beast clan is supreme, and no one has ever dared to chase and kill the clan elders, and it is Go directly to the home of the Indian beast clan!
This clearly shows that the Indian orcs are not taken seriously!
Looking at everyone's faces, Ye Dong didn't care about the oppressiveness of the old Lu clan at all, and said with a slight smile: "I did come to keep the appointment, but I met this old man who claimed to be the elder of the Indian orc clan on the way. People want to steal my things and kill me. I don't want to cause trouble. I specifically talked about the three-year contract, but he said he didn't know. I naturally thought he was a fake, so I could only fight back. gone."

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Ye Dong who was not afraid of his aura at all, and he gave Huo Feng a hard look, then returned to normal and said: "I can prove that he is indeed One of the three elders of the clan, now that you already know that he didn't lie to you, let's let this matter go, someone, go and call Xiaohu, and tell him that Ye Dong, who made an agreement with him four years ago, has arrived !"

Xiaohu is obviously the elder Hu who made an agreement with Ye Dong back then, but Ye Dong didn't care about Xiaohu Dahu at all, the smile on his face froze instantly, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he stared at the elder Lu clan.

Because the first half of Lu Clan's elder's words, he even wrote off the fact that Huo Feng wanted to kill him and snatch the treasure in an understatement!
This is clearly to favor Huo Feng!

Although they belong to the same clan, it is normal for them to favor each other, but it is not necessary to have such an almost shameless attitude. Even if you verbally apologize to yourself and admit your mistake, you may still forgive yourself!
A raccoon dog!
Even Ye Dong could tell that if it wasn't because they were afraid of red wolves, they would have greeted him even more unreasonably.

That being the case, there is no need for me to worry about offending you Indian orcs anymore. Ye Dong said with a cold smile: "Let's just let it go? What you said is really fair and easy. If I rob the nobles and kill the nobles' clansmen , can we just let it go?"

The face of the old man of the Lu clan suddenly sank and said: "Bold, Ye Dong, this is where our Indian beast clan lives, and outsiders are never allowed to enter. You have violated the rules of our Indian beast clan by trespassing here without permission. It stands to reason that we can immediately I killed you on the spot, but I let the past go, I have given you great justice, not only are you ungrateful, but you speak wild words, are you really deceiving me that there is no one in the Indian beast clan?"

"Who dares to deceive me that there is no one in the Indian orc clan!"

A slow old voice suddenly appeared in the sky above the crowd, and immediately after that, an old man was seen walking towards this side from a distance, not fast at all, but with one step, the distance was hundreds of meters. Came directly in front of the crowd.

Seeing this old man, the faces of the Indian orc clan members showed respect, and even Huo Feng and the Lu clan elders bowed slightly to him together: "Old clan elder!"

(End of this chapter)

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