One emperor

Chapter 786 Opening Tianfu

Chapter 786 Opening Tianfu

In game!
Although this thought made Ye Dong shudder, but now he can't help himself, even if all this is true, then he can only continue to follow the arrangement of this game, but he firmly believes that as long as he is strong enough , then there is always a way to get out of this situation, and even find the layout behind the scenes.

Shaking his head, Ye Dong tried his best to throw this idea out, took a deep breath and said loudly: "Senior Bishui, now I will use the Heavenly Battle Skill to see if I can break through the restriction of Ziwei Tianfu!"

"Come on, I'm ready!"

Ye Dong stopped talking, and his whole body swayed like a willow in the wind. The speed was extremely fast. If someone was watching from the side, they would definitely feel dazzled and dizzy, and couldn't see Ye Dong's movements clearly. There is a surge of power in it.

In this dark underwater world of thousands of meters, a golden light suddenly lit up, and the golden light turned into a huge hand, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters, sinking and floating on top of Ye Dong's head.

The big hand is covered with various complicated lines, revealing a powerful and long-lasting ancient atmosphere, slowly pushing towards the closed gate of Ziwei Tianfu.

Although there is only one type of Heavenly Battle Technique, there are thousands of changes hidden in it, and as Ye Dong's understanding of it deepens, he can naturally comprehend different techniques of change.

Although the only way to break through the Ziwei Tianfu is to attack with complete heavenly combat skills, Ye Dong's heart is full of respect for the Ziwei Heavenly Man, so he didn't want to use any weapons to break through the gate, so he condensed a The big golden hand pushed open the dusty door.

The golden light of the big hand is shining, and it is getting closer and closer to the gate. Under the golden light, not only the corpses of those celestial beings floating around the talent have stopped moving, but also the gate of Ziwei Tianfu, and even the entire Tianfu can be seen. On the walls of the city, one after another huge and strange lines appeared in vain, connected together, like some kind of charm.

These symbols are not engraved on the real place, but emerge out of thin air.

At this moment, Bishui's excited voice rang out: "This is the pattern of the way of heaven, the pattern of the way of heaven, boy, you can actually make the forbidden pattern set by Ziwei Celestial Man appear, this time it must be no problem!"

The pattern of heaven!

These celestial lines are obviously the powerful restrictions left by the Ziwei Heavenly Man, and looking at these celestial lines, Ye Dong suddenly had a flash of inspiration for no reason.

If I can master these lines of the heavenly way, wouldn't it be possible to set up a powerful defensive restriction? In that case, as long as I draw these lines of the heavenly way around the Ye family, even people from the nine heavens will not be able to break through!
So Ye Dong's eyes moved quickly, and he began to try hard to remember these lines of heaven.

Although the pattern of the Dao of Heaven covers the entire outside of Ziwei Tianfu, it seems to be densely packed, but firstly, its area is huge, and each pattern is half a meter in size. Secondly, after careful identification, it can be seen that most of the patterns are in fact They are all the same, and there are only twenty or thirty different lines that are really different.

For Ye Dong, who almost has the ability of photographic memory, it is not difficult to remember twenty or thirty strange patterns, but it is much more difficult to remember the order of their arrangement.

When the big golden hand finally touched the door, although the movement seemed extremely gentle and slow, it still burst out with astonishing aura.


Amidst the loud noise, the door vibrated loudly, opening a small gap, and thousands of purple lights burst out from the inside, like waves, continuously spreading towards the surroundings, and the corpses of those celestial beings, as soon as they touched the purple light, immediately disappeared. It will vanish into nothingness.

The surrounding sea water was like a boiling pot, with countless huge bubbles boiling up, stirring up roaring torrents, rushing endlessly.

The purple light in this sea area soared to the sky, and the endless momentum and dazzling brilliance surged violently, so that Xue Qingge and others in the air, as well as the nearby Fenghe Island and the islanders who stayed on the island could feel it.

For these islanders, they thought it was the Dragon Lord who was angry, and they were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground one by one and kowtowed in prayer.

Xue Qingge and the others knew that Ye Dong must have made the noise, but they didn't know what he was doing.

"Brother Wolf, isn't Brother Ye in danger?" Xue Qingge asked with concern.

Red Wolf shook his head: "No, I guess he is releasing that weird combat technique again, but he probably didn't try his best, so there is definitely no danger."

The red wolf's guess is not bad at all. Ye Dong didn't dare to release the Heavenly Battle Skill with all his strength, because the power of the Heavenly Battle Skill is too amazing. It can flatten a mountain and a forest. Although he knows that Ziwei Tianfu should not be so fragile, But it's okay to be careful.

Under the seabed, Ye Dong stood there with a calm expression, regardless of the turbulent water flow or the boiling water bubbles, they all consciously bypassed him, as if the area he was in was a forbidden area, let him Unaffected at all, he focused his attention on the gradually opening door of Ziwei Tianfu.

Finally, the door was completely opened, and the first thing Ye Dong saw was a strange beast the size of a calf.

The big head is a bit like a dragon's head, but more like a lion, with two horns on the top of the head, and fine dragon scales on the body, four legs and tail.

Obviously, this is Longzi avoiding water!

"Hahaha, great, great, I'm finally free!"

Bishui roared excitedly, and rushed towards Ye Dong from the gate with four hooves.

Although the gate of Ziwei Tianfu is open at the moment, and it is at a depth of [-] meters, the seawater cannot flow into the gate at all, and when the water escapes from the gate, the seawater outside also automatically avoids to the sides , wherever there is shelter from water, there is no drop of water within a radius of three or four meters.

This is the origin of the name Longzi Bishui!

Compared with its big brother, Baxia, the same Longzi's Shushui is a thousand miles away in size, but Ye Dong knows that these descendants of holy beasts can freely change the size of their bodies, so naturally Don't even dare to underestimate it.

Bishui ran to Ye Dong's side in one breath, gently touched Ye Dong's body with his two horns and said, "Ye Dong, thank you!"

Ye Dong also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Senior Bishui, you are too polite, this is what I should do."

"Don't call me senior. In fact, if you calculate according to your human age, I'm younger than you, so you can just call me by my name." Bishui shook his head, hooking Ye Dong's lapel with his horns. : "From now on, you are the owner of this Ziwei Tianfu, and I will show you around!"

(End of this chapter)

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