One emperor

Chapter 836

Chapter 836
Void duster!

Ye Dong only knows dust devices, space dust devices, and sky devices, and has never heard of void dust devices, but he can understand the meaning of opening the door of space!

My mother originally came from another world called the Blood Realm, and based on the information his father told him, Ye Dong could guess that the strength of practitioners in the Blood Realm must be much higher than that of the Four Elephant Realm, just like Mangu's hometown. It's the same as the heavens outside the sky, otherwise, it would be impossible to travel through space at will.

Now the bracelet that mother left to father is not an ordinary bracelet, but a vacuum duster that can open the door of space. Doesn't this mean that mother actually left father with a hope of father's reunion.

Hearing Man Gu's evaluation of the bracelet left by his mother, Ye Dong stood up immediately, with an unconcealable excitement on his face, "Second Brother, are you sure?"

After looking at it for a while, Mangu nodded and handed the bracelet to Ye Dongdao: "It can be confirmed that this is a void dust device, because to open the door of space independently requires extremely strong strength and comprehension of the pattern of heaven. Many people couldn't do it, so someone made this void duster."

"The dust device itself is engraved with the pattern of heaven that opens the door of space. The user can pass through the void as long as he puts in enough aura. Most of the dust devices of the void are a set of several pieces. There is only one piece like this. Yes, it is very rare, and it is also extremely precious, even in our outer world, the value of such a void dust weapon is incalculable!"

After what Mangu said, Ye Dong suddenly remembered that in the underground world, two monks, three demons and four monsters, when they moved Longzi Baxia and the entire Ziyou City away, everyone took out The same dust device, the door of space that was opened only under joint efforts, is obviously the void dust device.

While Ye Dong was thinking, Man Gu suddenly gave Ye Dong an interesting look and said, "Just now I heard your father say that this was left by your mother. Third brother, who is your mother?"

About his mother Dongfang Dai, Ye Dong never told anyone, even Mo Linglong didn't know about it, but now facing Mangu's question, Ye Dong smiled bitterly and said: "Second brother, I will tell you later , now I want to know, with my current strength, can I open the door of space through this bracelet?"

"If it was your real strength when you fought against the catastrophe just now, then you can open the door of space, but if not, then you are not qualified enough, at least your strength must reach the spiritual dust realm!"

Hearing Man Gu mention the Heavenly Tribulation just now, Ye Dong couldn't help but jump heavily in his heart, because something happened just now, something that only he himself knew, but no one else knew about it, and this incident The impact it brought him was so great that he couldn't accept it at all, and even deliberately wanted to forget it.

What Man Gu said was correct. It was not Ye Dong's own strength that was fighting against the catastrophe just now, but the combined power of the five-colored strange stone, purple flame dragon fire, reverse scale mirror and tiger soul axe.

However, the strength of the spiritual dust realm is not too far away for Ye Dong. Now his realm is the second level of the dust, but his real strength is enough to compete with the eighth level of the dust. As long as he takes two big steps, he can Reaching the spiritual dust realm, so this also gave him a glimmer of hope.

Through this bracelet, maybe you can find your mother!

Regarding this issue, Ye Dong didn't continue to talk about it, because today was his big day, and he wanted to temporarily put aside all his troubles and enjoy the temporary good time.

It just so happened that many people took turns to toast him and Mo Linglong, and he never refused to come, drinking until the wine was dry. In this way, the wedding banquet drank from day to night, and there were nearly [-] people in the empty wine jars. There are as many as ten thousand altars.

Finally, when most of the people were drunk and passed out, the happy event came to an end, but it was not over, because Ye Yuanjun said that the wedding banquet would last for three consecutive days.

Naturally, someone carried the drunk guests back to the room to rest, and the number of people in the valley became less and less, until even Ye Yuanjun and others were lying on the table drunk, leaving only the suzerains of the various sects And the people of Cihangzong.

After finishing a glass of wine with his head raised, Man Gu stood up and said, "Third brother, you and your siblings should be in the bridal chamber, haha!"

Ye Dong also drank a lot of wine, but he was not drunk, his face turned red when he heard what Man Gu said: "Second brother, I still have something to do!"

Man Gu waved his hand and said: "I said earlier, your task today is to get married, and the other things will be handled by the second brother. The second brother Tian Jie couldn't help, and he is already very ashamed. Those two people Just leave it to the second brother, tomorrow morning, I promise to let them tell you everything you want to know obediently!"

Although he knew that this was Mangu's good intentions, Ye Dong really cared about the safety of Grandpa Liu and the others. After all, he was able to have everything today. Except for the blood prison, other credits can be said to be entirely given by Grandpa Liu, and he owes the Liu family There are too many of them.


Ye Dong looked at Mo Linglong with some embarrassment in his eyes, but the latter smiled and said, "Brother Ye, I seem to remember that you said that He Guqi was the one who took Xiang'er's sister away, and It has been four years since Miss Xiang'er disappeared, and I am also very worried about her safety, so I think it's better to ask about Miss Xiang'er's whereabouts first."

It has to be said that Mo Linglong is really considerate and considerate, and she always thinks about Ye Dong. If it were an ordinary woman, on her wedding day and wedding night in her bridal chamber, her husband-in-law would be thinking about other things. A woman's whereabouts, even if she doesn't make a big fuss, must be a result of a grievance.

But instead of complaining at all, she fully supported Ye Dong!
Ye Dong was so moved that he was almost speechless, he stood up suddenly, and gave Mo Linglong a deep bow: "Thank you, lady!"

The word "lady" immediately made Mo Linglong bow her head in shame, but her heart was as sweet as an overturned honey jar.

I have become Ye Dong's wife, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?
Besides, Ye Dong also said just now that the happiness of the two of them has just begun, and there will be plenty of time in the future, so why rush it!
With Mo Linglong's performance, even Man Gu gave her a thumbs up: "Sister and sister, third brother has you as his wife, I am really happy for him!"

Mo Linglong hurriedly got up and returned the salute: "Second brother, I'm over the prize!"

"Okay, then let's go and ask now, what is the purpose of these two guys!"

As soon as the words fell, Pan Chaoyang, Mei Shanmin and other suzerain elders of all sects also surrounded them, followed Ye Dong, and walked out of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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