One emperor

Chapter 839 Uncontrollable Lightning

Chapter 839 Uncontrollable Lightning

After temporarily solving the matter in front of them, everyone naturally dispersed for the time being, and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Ye Dong and Mo Linglong went back to their bridal chamber together, closed the door, and the two sat there, looking at each other and smiling. Although they only officially became husband and wife today, the relationship between the two has long been in perfect harmony, especially After going through so many trials and hardships, the two finally came together, and naturally cherish each other even more.

At this time, Mo Linglong finally thought of the two black lightning bolts above the wedding banquet, looked at Ye Dong with concern and said, "Brother Ye, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired!" Ye Dong's face was indeed exhausted.

"Then you should rest for a while!"

"Okay, but I'm a little hungry!" Ye Dong suddenly said with a smile: "Sister Linglong, I've never tried your handicrafts before, can I trouble you to make me something to eat?"

"Hungry?" Mo Linglong couldn't help stretching out her finger and gently tapped Ye Dong's forehead and said, "Are you still hungry? I think you want to test my cooking skills. Hmph, what do you want to eat?" , tell me!"

"Whatever, I want to eat anything you cook!"

"Why didn't I realize you were so good at talking before?" Mo Linglong stood up with a smile and said, "Then lie down and I'll make you something to eat."

"Thank you, lady!"

Mo Linglong's face turned red again at the sound of "lady", she turned around and walked out of the room without daring to speak.

And after Mo Linglong left, Ye Dong suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his tired face turned extremely pale in an instant, and what was even more frightening was that streaks of tiny lightning bolts appeared on his body , like small fishes, swimming back and forth outside his body surface, stirring up clusters of electric sparks!

It turned out that although Ye Dong forcibly smashed the Heavenly Tribulation with the help of a few natural materials and earth treasures, when the first lightning bolt hit him, the countless tiny lightning bolts that penetrated into his body were just a little It didn't dissipate, and kept running back and forth in his body.

Every movement will cause a wound inside his body!
In order to avoid everyone's worries, Ye Dong gritted his teeth and forcibly suppressed the lightning with the few remaining auras. Man Gu couldn't detect it.

This is also the reason why when dealing with Feng Qingyuan and He Guqi, Ye Dong didn't take action himself, but let Red Wolf and Bishui take action instead!
He has no power to fight anymore!
Now, his body was on the verge of collapse, and he was still afraid of scaring Mo Linglong, so he sent Mo Linglong away on the grounds that he was hungry.

Ye Dong didn't even have the strength to sit cross-legged, so he just kept his current posture and closed his eyes. His spiritual consciousness instantly entered his body, and he began to think of ways to deal with these stray lightning bolts.

Although his body is already full of scars, Ye Dong is not worried, but full of expectations, because thunder and lightning are also one of the attributes of heaven and earth, and he may be able to get a blessing in disguise this time, letting his dantian absorb these lightnings, so that Add one more attribute that you can control!
Just like the last time he dealt with the light attribute that absorbed the Holy Child of Destiny, Ye Dong began to try to suppress and drive away these lightnings with the power of various attributes.

Don't look at the tiny lightning bolts that seem insignificant, but their bodies that are not much thicker than a hair have a shockingly powerful power!
When Ye Dong tried hard to absorb the lightning, time passed unknowingly. After half an hour, not only did he not make any progress, but the situation in his body was already extremely worrying!
Ye Dong has tried all the attribute powers he can control one by one, but none of them can suppress lightning!

Those lightning bolts are still full of vitality, flashing electric sparks, swimming happily in Ye Dong's body. Once any kind of attribute power approaches them, it will be mercilessly crushed, and there is no resistance at all. force!

As the injury got worse, Ye Dong's expression became more and more painful. At this moment, Mo Linglong finished the meal, opened the door and walked in!
Seeing the flickering electric sparks and Ye Dong's painful expression, the food in Mo Linglong's hand fell to the ground with a "snap" and shattered into pieces!

Covering her mouth forcefully, Mo Linglong turned around and ran out of the room. Although she didn't know what happened to Ye Dong, she knew that the only person who could help Ye Dong was Man Gu!

When Mo Linglong found Man Gu, there was no need for her to speak, just seeing her panicked expression, she knew something was wrong: "Sister and sister, did something happen to the third brother?"

Tears rolled out of Mo Linglong's eyes, she nodded her head desperately, a gust of wind passed by, Man Gu's figure had disappeared, only his voice floated over: "I'll go and see him, you don't have to worry!"

When Mangu saw Ye Dong's situation, he was also stunned there, but he quickly understood what happened, and he knew better that Ye Dong was trying to absorb these lightning attributes. With a golden light on, he sent his voice into Ye Dong's ear with his soul consciousness and said, "Third brother, listen carefully, these lightning bolts are not from other practitioners, but from the heavens." , from the Heavenly Tribulation, is the real power of the heavenly source! So it is impossible for you to absorb them, the only thing you can do now is to suppress them!"

"By the way, thunder and lightning belong to wood. With the power of the metal system, you should be able to suppress it with the power of the gold system when you fought against the Holy Child of Destiny last time!"

Ye Dong heard Man Gu's voice, although he was a little puzzled, because in his mind, the lightning attribute should belong to the metal attribute among the five elements, but Man Gu said it was a wood attribute, but now he dare not have any other After thinking about it, he closed his eyes and stretched his backhand to his back, and took out the tiger soul axe.

"Tiger Soul, I need your help!"

A golden light suddenly shot out from the tiger soul axe, which turned into a giant golden tiger, covering Ye Dong, and then turned into thousands of rays of light, which penetrated into Ye Dong's body along the pores of his body.

Man Gu watched Ye Dong nervously. He couldn't help at all. Now it all depends on whether Ye Dong can use the gold power of Tiger Soul Axe to suppress those lightning bolts. If he can, Ye Dong will be fine for a while. , if it doesn't work, then Ye Dong will probably die!

(End of this chapter)

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