One emperor

Chapter 870

Chapter 870

Although the water flow in the Hunyuan water bucket was cut off due to the appearance of the Ziyan dragon fire, but when the Ziyan dragon fire receded, the Hunyuan water bucket continued to release a strong water flow.

Ye Dong suddenly became interested in this Hunyuan water bucket. Just at this time, the nine palace masters retreated to avoid the Ziyan dragon fire, so he took this opportunity to rush towards the torrent coming out of the bucket's mouth , went upstream against the current, advanced instead of retreating, raised his hand, and slapped it fiercely on the Hunyuan water bucket.


A crisp sound resounded. This Hunyuan Water Bucket is made of unknown material. It looks like wood, but it is actually some kind of metal.

Ye Dong's punch can kill a master like three demons and four monsters at the same time, it is conceivable that it is so powerful, it hit the Hunyuan water bucket, and it was dented immediately.

However, just as Ye Dong withdrew his fist, the sunken part miraculously bulged up again.

Such a strange phenomenon made Ye Dong's heart tremble, and he raised his hand again, and the palm danced like a wind wheel, palm after palm hitting the Hunyuan water bucket fiercely.


The ear-piercing impact was deafening, and the water overflowed in the Hunyuan water bucket hit by the violent force, like an overturned Milky Way.

Ye Dong didn't know how many palms he had slapped in a row at this moment. To outsiders, he seemed to have become a thousand hands and arms, but the Hunyuan water bucket made by each palm made a sound, and his body was like a beehive. Similarly, countless deep palm prints were printed, and even the lines on the palm looked very clear.

While Ye Dong was beating, he was secretly amazed that he was beating so violently that even a master in the spiritual world would probably vomit blood from his beating, but the Hunyuan water bucket was still intact.

What's even more strange is that the nine palace masters and the chief palace master didn't seem to have seen Ye Dong's crazy attack on Hunyuan Shuidou, and they didn't stop them at all. They seemed to have a strong attachment to Hunyuan Shuidou Confidence, Ye Dong will never break it.

After hitting countless palms in one breath, Ye Dong finally stopped, and the indentations made by himself on the Hunyuan Water Bucket in front of him slowly recovered again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Ye Dong knew that he didn't use all his strength, he also knew in his heart that even if he really used all his strength, he would still be unable to do anything to this Hunyuan Shuidou.

In desperation, Ye Dong could only give up attacking Hunyuan Shuidou. After all, there are still ten masters watching him covetously, so he can't waste his strength.

However, although Ye Dong stopped fighting, Lord Yan Luo quickly formed handprints one by one with both hands, and then slammed on the Hunyuan water bucket, and the other eight palace masters immediately followed and followed suit. Then, a ray of light was shot into the Hunyuan water bucket.

Nine rays of light merged into the Hunyuan water bucket again, and a water dragon nearly [-] meters long rushed out of the Hunyuan water bucket!

Although this water dragon is made of water, compared with the previous Ziyan Dragon Fire, not only the body and claws of the dragon are lifelike, but even the facial features on the head are clear. The only shortcoming is that the two The huge longan is closed.

As soon as the water dragon came out, it was like a dragon diving into the sea, and countless turbulent waterfalls appeared around it, rolling up into the sky.

This place has completely turned into a world of water. Water is everywhere in the sky and on the ground, as if in a boundless ocean, that huge water dragon suddenly dived into the water.

Ye Dong's body was once again filled with purple flame dragon flames, and within ten meters of his body, the vast ocean vaporized, but his spiritual consciousness firmly covered the surrounding waters. He knew that the water dragon must come from somewhere. Come out and sneak attack yourself.

But at the same time, his eyes were locked on the Hunyuan water bucket that was still spraying out water continuously. All the attacks were sent by the water bucket, and obviously the nine palace masters also relied on this water bucket so much that they would The strength of the nine of them gathered in the water bucket to deal with themselves, so if you want to defeat them, you must first destroy the water bucket.

But I have tried it just now, the water bucket is extremely strong, it is too difficult to destroy, besides, it is a pity to destroy such a powerful dust weapon, its value may not be lower than that of the tiger soul axe.

Thinking of the Tiger Soul Axe, Ye Dong's mind suddenly lit up, could this water bucket be a holy weapon of water?

So if I use the tiger soul ax and cooperate with the sky combat skills, can I destroy this water bucket?

It's just that if according to the attributes, gold produces water, that is to say, the power of the gold system can not restrain the power of the water system, but can strengthen the power of the water system. However, when there is no other way, Ye Dong feels that it is necessary to try, because otherwise, this If you continue to entangle, you will be exhausted sooner or later, and by then, it will all be over.


The water surface in front of Ye Dong suddenly soared thousands of layers, the huge water dragon finally gushed out from the bottom, opened its mouth, and bit down on Ye Dong fiercely.

With a sneer, Ye Dong had already pulled out the Tiger Soul Ax with his backhand.

A mere water dragon, although it looked scary, but Ye Dong was not ready to use his heavenly combat skills, he just held up the tiger soul ax and slashed at the water dragon fiercely.


The waves of the water were surging, and the mouth of the water dragon let out a mournful cry, and its tall body fell backwards, crashing into the water.

Although the water dragon fell down, it was condensed from water and would not die at all. It would reappear after a while, so if you want to deal with Hunyuan water bucket, now is your chance.

Ye Dong naturally wouldn't let it go, he let go of his hands suddenly, the tiger soul ax was suspended in the air, and his hands also began to swing quickly, ready to perform the heavenly combat skills.

However, at this moment, the Chief Palace Master, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly snorted coldly, stood up, took a step forward, and came to Ye Dong in an instant.

"Ye Dong, die!"

The chief palace master let out a cold snort, and a purple mist rose from his body. In the mist, his head split open from the middle, one was divided into two, two were divided into four, four were divided into eight, and finally turned into nine tall heads. Raise the head of the snake!
Ye Dong was preparing his battle skills with all his strength, and he never thought that the chief palace master who had been watching the battle would suddenly appear, and he would even transform. This also made him suddenly understand the identity of the opponent, and couldn't help blurting out: "You It's a demon!"

On the nine snake heads of the main hall master, there was a sinister and triumphant smile, and the nine pairs of snake eyes revealed a cruel light, while shaking up and down, the nine snake mouths also opened at the same time, and nine thick and dull voices said: "That's right, I'm a demon——Xiang Liu!"

Nine voices gathered into nine sound waves, rushing to Ye Dong's ears from all directions, and his nine mouths opened again, spewing out nine purple smoke with a strong smell of rotting blood.

(End of this chapter)

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