One emperor

Chapter 901 Survival in the Void

Chapter 901 Survival in the Void
Mr. Maple Leaf stared blankly at the huge black hole that appeared above Huoling Island, releasing infinite suction, unceremoniously devouring everything around him, no matter it was a towering tree, stone tiles, or even sea water. All of them were sucked in, and the scene was terrifying like the end of the world.

This situation lasted for nearly half an hour before the black hole was gradually squeezed by the surrounding space and began to shrink until it disappeared completely.

With the disappearance of the black hole, the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, the sun reappeared, the sky was as clear as blue, cloudless, and the previous doomsday scene was like a dream.

As if waking up from a dream, Mr. Feng Ye stood up from the ground, and with a few steps in the air, he had already traveled hundreds of kilometers and arrived at Huoling Island.

The current Huoling Island had already been turned into ruins, except for the ruined walls and fallen trees, there was no sign of life at all.

"It's all been sucked away, oh my god, it's all been sucked away by the void!" Mr. Fengye murmured to himself as if in a dream: "It turns out that the ray of life in the double kill situation refers to the void, but this void is not Ye Dong opened it himself, but it was produced by the collision of external forces, can he come out alive after entering it?"

"Ye Dong, Ye Dong, where are you now, dead or alive?"

Mr. Fengye stood in the sky above Huoling Island, let out a leisurely sigh of emotion, finally shook his head helplessly, turned and left.


Ye Dong was involuntarily sucked into the dark void. There was nothing around him, only eternal darkness and boundless silence.

Outside the black hole, eighteen flags were sucked in one after another, followed by Shu Yun, and even Jiao Tianao couldn't escape the terrifying suction.

"Bang bang bang!"

No one knew where the terrifying impact came from, it was deafening, and it hit Ye Dong's heart heavily, making his heart tremble endlessly.

But now he doesn't care about these, but looks solemnly at the cracks that keep appearing in the void!

Because this is not the void opened by the normal pattern of the heavenly way, it is not stable here. Coupled with the impact of various things that are constantly being sucked in, the void begins to crack, and strangely colored rays of light emerge from the gaps. Projected in, unexpectedly added a lot of power to the dark void.

Ye Dong clearly remembered Man Gu's advice, the consequences of the shattering of the void, everything will be wiped out, and he is naturally not immune, so he must leave before the void completely collapses!

But it is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to actually do it.

All kinds of energies in the void have become chaotic, not to mention leaving, even if you want to stabilize your figure, it is difficult to do it. Ye Dong is like a rootless duckweed, constantly in the air. Under the push of various forces, it was spinning.

At this moment, a large blood-red flag happened to be pushed to Ye Dong's side. Ye Dong was quick-sighted, grabbed the flagpole, and finally managed to stabilize his body.

However, the situation did not improve, but became more dangerous, and the void began to vibrate violently, which indicated that this place was about to collapse completely, and if it did not leave, it would really disappear into nothingness.

Not only Ye Dong, Shu Yun and Jiao Tianao who were also involved were all pale, especially Jiao Tianao, with a frightened expression, and his mouth kept opening, obviously calling for help from his master, but because The chaotic energy in the void made it impossible for him to make the slightest sound.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from Shu Yun's side. The void he was in collapsed first, countless fragments exploded, and a destructive force came. As a descendant of heaven and man, Shu Yun could not even make a sound. If it cannot be sent out, it has disappeared along with those void fragments.

Ye Dong's heart trembled, he looked up and saw the Hunyuan water bucket, and suddenly had an idea, he hid in the Hunyuan water bucket before and escaped the flames of Shu Yun's eighteen flags, then if he hides again Can the bucket of water escape the collapse of the void?
Although he knew that this possibility was not great, at this moment, Ye Dong had no other options at all, so he could only take a risk.

So Ye Dong stretched out his hand, and the powerful spiritual energy abruptly dispersed the chaotic energy around him temporarily, and sent it into the Hunyuan water bucket, and a suction force came out of the bucket immediately.

Just when Ye Dong was about to rush towards the water bucket with the suction, he turned his head and saw the seventeen flags floating in the void. He gritted his teeth, and the spiritual energy gushed out again, and the suction of the water bucket instantly increased. All seven flags were absorbed into the bucket of water.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and finally, the force that this piece of void endured reached its limit, and it was completely shattered.

The void was shattered, and the power produced was destructive. Those big tree debris immediately turned into dust and annihilated one after another.

Jiao Tianao's face was pale, and suddenly he kicked his feet hard, like a frog, his body jumped a few meters away, and there was a gap that only one person could pass through, and a strong white light radiated from the gap, and he jumped in like this. into this gap.

Ye Dong didn't dare to neglect any more, he gritted his teeth, exerted all his strength, held the last big flag, and rushed into the Hunyuan water bucket.

Now, he can only hope that the Hunyuan Water Bucket, which is a heavenly weapon, can help him escape this catastrophe!
The shattering of the void finally came to the vicinity of the Hunyuan water bucket, but at this moment, a strange red and blue light suddenly appeared above the Hunyuan water bucket, propped up a light curtain, and froze abruptly A party space!

Ye Dong, who was in the Hunyuan Water Bucket, looked at the eighteen flags emitting a strong red light and the endless boiling water around him, and could feel a powerful force hitting him fiercely. Hunyuan water bucket, and this force is too overbearing, so that I have no power to parry at all, and my body keeps bumping back and forth in the water bucket.

Under such an impact, after only a moment, Ye Dong's consciousness began to blur, and his bones seemed to be falling apart, but he still clenched his teeth, not daring to let himself really pass out, because at this time coma, and it is very likely that he will never wake up again.


Finally, a huge force came, and the Hunyuan water bucket could no longer hold the space, and was finally knocked out with the complete shattering of the void!

That terrifying force also spread to Ye Dong's body through the Hunyuan Water Dou. Accompanied by a tearing pain, Ye Dong let out a roar and bit his tongue fiercely.

The bitter blood flowed into Ye Dong's body, finally allowing him to retain the last sliver of sanity, and he didn't know how long it had been before he suddenly realized that the world seemed to have returned to calm!

(End of this chapter)

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