One emperor

Chapter 906 Two Roars

Chapter 906

Ye Dong once named his aura King's Aura, because when his aura enters other people's bodies, he is like a high-ranking king. Any aura will automatically submit to him, shy away from him, and dare not compete with him.

Yao Xiang's dantian is smaller than a normal person's dantian. It may be that he encountered some accident during his birth, which caused the incomplete development of his dantian. Now Ye Dong rushed into it with his king's aura. The powerful force was like an explosion. Forcibly stretching his dantian up.

In fact, for Yao Xiang's situation, practitioners above the dust level [-] can help him restore his dantian, but compared with Ye Donglai, it must take a lot more time for others.

Because they don't have Ye Dong's domineering aura, and the dantian is the most precious place for practitioners, so it is necessary to instill a little bit of aura gradually to restore the dantian. At the same time, Yao Xiang's own efforts are needed, and a rough calculation is required. If so, it will take about two or three years.

If Yao Xiang is really the young master of a big family, or the son of a big sect master, there will definitely be many people willing to help him, but it is not difficult to guess that he should not have any strong background, or come from a humble background, so It is impossible that there will be a master who is above the fifth level of dust, and it will take two or three years to help him restore his dantian!

This is just like what the father and daughter of Tianxinzong's Fang family said to Ye Dong when his dantian was hurt - it can be saved or not!

If Ye Dong hadn't been lucky enough to get the Blood Prison, then he would have become an ordinary person a long time ago, managing a small shop in Qiuye Town, eating food and waiting to die.

When Ye Dong saw Yao Xiang, he couldn't help being like himself back then. With sympathy, and he is also kind-hearted, and repairing his dantian is just a matter of effort for him, so he will take action without hesitation. help.

The dantian was stretched instantly, the pain is definitely not weaker than the soul being torn apart!

After Yao Xiang uttered a loud roar, he closed his mouth tightly, clenched his teeth, trembling his body, forcibly enduring the severe pain.

Regarding Yao Xiang's performance, Ye Dong nodded in satisfaction, which showed that Yao Xiang was not lying. In the past, he was indeed cultivating much harder than others, otherwise it would be impossible to have such amazing perseverance.

"Okay, now that your dantian has been repaired, I will use my spiritual energy to help you support it. Here is a spiritual spar, you should quickly absorb the spiritual energy and let it finalize."

While speaking, Ye Dong had already handed Yao Xiang a second-grade spirit spar, and although Yao Xiang took it in his hand, he was a little afraid to use it, and even a trace of doubt appeared on his distorted face.

Obviously, he couldn't believe why Ye Dong spared no effort to help him, not only repairing his dantian, but also gifting him with precious spirit crystal stones. This is clearly a thankless act!
For him who has been despised and bullied for a long time, this is something he can't and dare not imagine!

Ye Dong saw Yao Xiang's hesitation and said: "Don't be in a daze, quickly absorb the spiritual energy, or if I withdraw the spiritual energy later, your dantian may return to its original state!"

Now Yao Xiang's dantian is like a balloon. Although Ye Dong blows it up and blows it up, as soon as Ye Dong lets go, it will immediately return to its original shape. To make it completely shaped, Yao Xiang himself is needed. Blow air in and tie firmly.

Yao Xiang was shocked by Ye Dong's words, and nodded gratefully, then held the spirit spar and began to absorb spiritual energy.

During this process, Ye Dong's spiritual sense has been closely watching Yao Xiang's situation, and he slowly withdrew his spiritual energy after confirming that his dantian was fully formed.

The pain on Yao Xiang's face has been replaced by intoxication. The complete dantian and the continuous stream of pure spiritual energy have quietly improved his realm.

What's more, he still doesn't know that his dantian is not only repaired, but at least one-third larger than that of normal people, which means that his future strength will be much higher than that of practitioners of the same level, and The higher the realm, the more obvious the strength of this strength.

Although God let Yao Xiang live a life of humiliation for 18 years, but because of Ye Dong's appearance, his future life has undergone a huge change.

Seeing that it would take Yao Xiang some time to fully absorb the aura in the spirit spar, Ye Dong quietly stood aside to protect him, while also thinking about his own affairs.

After an hour passed, Yao Xiang finally opened his eyes, before he had time to check his current situation, he immediately knelt down in front of Ye Dong with a "plop", lowered his head, tears streaming down his face before he could express his gratitude .

Thinking that he could finally wash away the shame of the past, and be able to hold his head upright, he wept with joy. Naturally, he was also full of gratitude to Ye Dong who gave him a second life.

Ye Dong looked at Yao Xiang with a smile, and did not stop him from kneeling this time: "Are you excited and want to roar twice? Then roar!"

Indeed, such great joy made Yao Xiang really want to yell out loud and vent all the grievances of the past 18 years. It was just the inferiority complex he had developed for a long time that made him dare not yell at all, but now with Ye Dong's encouragement, he finally Without any worries, and temporarily letting go of his inferiority complex, he looked up to the sky excitedly and let out a loud roar!


Yao Xiang's roar lasted for half a quarter of an hour, and finally when he finished, he blushed and wanted to kowtow to Ye Dong again, but Ye Dong lifted him up with a light wave of his hand and said : "You have already thanked you for kneeling, let's take a look at your own realm first!"

Yao Xiang stood up, his face was flushed, his hands were rubbing excitedly, he nodded again and again, closed his eyes again, and looked inside himself. This look really made him turn pale with shock.

In just a few hours, his realm has already reached the eighth level of spiritual seal, which has been raised by as much as five levels!

"Previous, senior..."

Ye Dong waved his hand and said: "This really has nothing to do with me, it's the result of your own hard work in the past, although your dantian was small at the beginning and couldn't improve your realm, but your dantian was nourished by your long-term spiritual energy and it was extremely firm Either way, it’s a good thing.”

Other than nodding his head, Yao Xiang didn't know what to say for a while, so Ye Dong smiled and said, "Brother Yao, can you do me a favor?"

"Senior, even if you want this junior's life, this junior is willing!"

"Haha, what do I want your life to do? To be honest, I just came to the Golden Continent. I'm not familiar with the place. I want to live here temporarily. Can you help me find a place?"

After saying this, Yao Xiang raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened and he said: "Senior, senior, you, you came from the sea of ​​no crossing?"

(End of this chapter)

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