One emperor

Chapter 921

Chapter 921
The black light in the hands of the man in black is a black sword, like a poisonous snake, it suddenly jumped into the black poisonous gas.

The sharp sword tip stopped suddenly less than an inch away from Ye Dong's throat. It wasn't that the man in black wanted to stop, but that there seemed to be an invisible iron plate blocking his sword.

The man in black also reacted very quickly. When the tip of the sword was blocked, he realized that something was wrong. He tried to pull out the sword immediately, but the sword didn't move at all, as if it was stuck in a quagmire.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

The man in black snorted coldly, opened his mouth, spit out several black needles as thin as a cow's hair, and shot at Ye Dong densely.

All the black needles rushed into the mist without a sound, still like a mud cow entering the sea, without even stirring up the slightest ripple.

The expression of the man in black suddenly changed. Obviously, he did not expect that the layer of black energy surrounding Ye Dong's body would have such an astonishing defensive power, making it impossible for him to break through.

If you can't kill the other party while the other party is retreating and meditating, then you are really too useless!
A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the man in black, and then his eyes slowly turned silver, and two silver lights shot out, shooting at Ye Dong again.

At this moment, the man in black suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and a tall figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, and the two silver lights he shot were held in the palm of the other party.


The man in black turned pale with fright, and at the same time he yelled out in alarm, he retreated abruptly. At the same time, he raised one hand and shot out a ball of black fire. The tall man smiled slightly, opened his mouth, and swallowed the fireball in one gulp. After going down, he smacked his mouth twice, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips and said: "It tastes good, is there any more!"

This time the man in black was really terrified, his fire of ashes was actually swallowed by the other party as food, which showed that the other party's strength surpassed his own too much, and he could not be his opponent at all.

While cursing Yao Tian in his heart, the man in black raised his hand and shot out countless balls of black flames, which turned into a wall of fire, and then turned around and ran away.

With a sound of "bang", the man in black felt as if he had slammed into an iron plate. Venus popped up in front of his eyes. He raised his head while covering his dizzy head, and suddenly found that he had bumped into that tall man. on the chest.

The tall man grinned and said, "Why are you here in such a hurry to leave? It just so happens that I haven't fought with anyone for a long time. You can have fun with me!"


Ye Dong didn't know what was going on outside at all, he still held the fire of the dragon fire, and rushed towards the inside of the main banner time and time again, and the drop of phoenix blood was like a tenacious fighter, guarding the flag with all his might. Without giving up an inch of their own territory, the two sides unexpectedly fell into a stalemate, unable to advance or retreat.

In the end, Ye Dong really became ruthless. In the soul of life, his water attribute dust avatar suddenly flew out, expanded into a spherical shape, wrapped the dragon fire, and rushed towards the main flag again.

A surging wave rushed into the interior of the main banner, filling the entire space in an instant, and the phoenix blood that had always stood firm under the impact of this wave finally dimmed its light and slowly retreated to the corner.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Dong hurriedly pushed the dragon fire and tinder into the gap, and rushed in in one go!
Phoenix blood belongs to fire, and Ye Dong used his own water-type dust body to exude water-type power, using water to overcome fire, and finally broke through the phoenix blood's persistence.

In fact, it is because he is the owner of the Fire Banner that his water element power can surge into the Phoenix blood. If it is replaced by someone else's water element power, even if the water defeats the fire, it will be burned mercilessly by the Phoenix blood. into steam!

After the dragon fire and fire seed entered, Fengxue was ready to move again, obviously still unwilling to let the fire seed coexist with him, but Ye Dong continued to stimulate the dust body, the torrential water flow, continuous, impacting and squeezing, helping the fire seed to stabilize its territory.

In the end, when Ye Dong's whole body of aura had turned into the power of the water system, he had completely won the chance for the fire to coexist with the phoenix blood!
At this moment, in the main flag of the Phoenix Blood Fire Banner, the red light of the Phoenix Blood is shining, surrounded by dragons and fire dragons, each occupying half of the space, clearly separated, coexisting and coexisting!
Although the process was extremely difficult, he finally achieved the result he wanted, and Ye Dong let out a sigh of relief. After resting for a while, he immediately took out the small piece of five-colored strange stone that was cut out, and put it in ten Among the eight fire flags, he wanted to try to see the temperature of the flames!

Eighteen fire flags formed a circle, and two completely different flames, purple and red, surged out at the same time, surrounding the strange rock.

At the beginning, the strange rock did not change at all, as if it was not afraid of the burning of the two kinds of flames, but after a short while, the two originally distinct flames began to slowly merge!
It's as if Phoenix Blood and Dragon Fire have both seen that the strange stone cannot be burned by their own flame temperature alone, so the two parties reached an agreement to abandon their prejudices and work together to deal with the strange stone!

There was a loud "boom", and in the raging fire, a phoenix covered in flames and a purple-red fire dragon appeared at the same time.

Accompanied by the sound of the phoenix's cry and the dragon's chant, one dragon and one phoenix circled and danced, forming a complete circle.

Immediately, the flames soared into the sky, and the scorching fire waves made even Ye Dong, the master, feel a bit of scorching heat.

The hardness of the five-colored strange rocks was not melted by the Ziyan dragon fire for several years, but under the dragon and phoenix flames, it turned into a wisp of green smoke in an instant, curling up!

Seeing this scene, Ye Dong was stunned!
Even when he was killed, he never imagined that after merging dragon fire and phoenix blood together, the power of the flame could reach such a level.

It stands to reason that whether it is a phoenix fire or a dragon fire, according to the standard of flame classification, the heavenly spirit and the earth are all spiritual flames, but when they are combined to form a flame, Ye Dong believes that it should be comparable to the heavenly fire. The super flames competed!
Can the sky-level flame fight against the sky weapon?
Ye Dong really wants to try a piece of heavenly weapon now, but of course he is reluctant.

"Now that the temperature of the flame is sufficient, I can refine the Blood Spine! Heaven-level flames, combined with the colorful strange stones that also come from the Nine Heavens, maybe I can also refine a heavenly weapon!"

Ye Dong's eyes were full of light, and he was just about to summon the colorful strange stones from the blood prison, but suddenly he had an idea: "I have already been able to enter the first prison, so why don't I follow the example of Lord Brahma and use the prison-suppressing stone directly?" What about refining Blood Spine?"

(End of this chapter)

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