One emperor

Chapter 932 Imitation Engraving

Chapter 932 Imitation Engraving
Ye Dong's eyes were like lightning, and the lightning in his eyes flickered, scanning the densely packed patterns of heavenly patterns in the sky. Although he couldn't remember all of them, it can be generally seen that the arrangement of these patterns of heavenly paths is the same as that engraved on the stone platform before. The ones are exactly the same!
Xiao Tao was able to spit out the patterns of the heavenly dao that he had just swallowed completely, and the arrangement is still exactly the same, which is too unbelievable.

Ye Dong's heart suddenly moved, he looked at Xiao Tao, pointed to the stone platform on the ground and said, "Xiao Tao, can you re-engrav these patterns of the Dao of Heaven on it?"

However, Xiao Tao didn't pay attention to Ye Dong at all, his two big eyes were fixed on the spirit spar tightly held in Mo Linglong's hand.

"Linglong, feed it the spirit spar."

Xiao Tao swallowed the spirit spar in one gulp, and Ye Dong stuffed another piece for Mo Linglong, then repeated what he said to Xiao Tao, but added at the end: "As long as you can do it, I will give it to you again." A psionic stone."

Xiao Tao grinned, as if smiling, and blew out at the stone platform again. The white air once again condensed into the pattern of the way of heaven, and it was really deeply engraved on the stone platform. It's like Shitai was born with it!

There are patterns of the way of heaven floating in the air, and patterns of the way of heaven are engraved on the stone platform. The two patterns of the way of heaven are exactly the same, making everyone silent in shock!

Regardless of whether Xiao Tao is a gluttonous dragon or not, besides being greedy, it actually has the ability to copy and engrave the patterns of the Dao of Heaven!


Xiaotao's crying sound woke everyone up, and Mo Linglong stuffed the Lingjing stone into its mouth with satisfaction.

After swallowing it in one gulp, Xiao Tao tilted his head to look at the crowd, opened his mouth suddenly, and sucked in the patterns of the heavenly way in the air.

Just when it was about to absorb the patterns of heaven on the stone platform into its stomach again, Ye Dong had quick eyes and quick hands, and took the stone platform into his body first.

"You wait, I'll go out and test it!"

After leaving this sentence, Ye Dong hurriedly left the world in the painting, found a deserted place, and took out the stone platform again.

Then Ye Dong strode to the blank area in the center of the stone platform, the spiritual energy in his body surged out, the lines of the heavenly way suddenly radiated, and with the emergence of a golden word, the door of space opened again.

Ye Dong hastily withdrew his spiritual energy, his face was full of surprise and joy!

Xiaotao's re-drawing of the pattern of the way of heaven can actually open the door of space, which means that even if he can't comprehend the pattern of the way of heaven, as long as Xiaotao is there, he can completely swallow it and spit it out. Imitate and engrave this formation that can open the door of space.

Even, if you can master the method of making the Void Gate or the Communication Stone, you can also let Xiaotao make it in the same way!

This is equivalent to carrying a living master who can depict the lines of heaven with him from now on!

Ye Dong once tried to imitate the pattern of the Dao of Heaven, but he couldn't do it at all. He knew the difficulty, but Xiao Tao did it effortlessly. It can be seen that even if it is not a dragon's taotie, it must be an extremely powerful alien. beast.

Now, Ye Dong is sincerely grateful to Dragon Snake for sending him such a baby, although it is more edible...

Fortunately, Xiao Tao doesn't want to eat all the time. When Ye Dong returned to the world in the painting, he had already fallen asleep lying on Mo Linglong's body.

Ye Dong told everyone about his discovery, everyone was naturally very happy, and after secretly stuffing a few spirit crystals to Mo Linglong, Ye Dong took Yao Xiang and Jiao Crocodile and left together.

Now Yao Xiang believed Ye Dong's words, but when he saw the current situation of Sanyin City, he still couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect Ye Dong to destroy Sanyin Sect by himself.

Ye Dong smiled and said: "In fact, many forces can destroy the Sanyin Sect, but because they dare not offend the Qin family, they make the Sanyin Sect rampant."

This is true, and only Ye Dong, an outsider who is fearless, has the courage to fight against the Qin family. Of course, the premise is also because the Qin family has a relationship with the heavens.

The crocodile complained a bit: "Ye Dong, you are so mean, why don't you let me take action in this kind of fighting, now you are done fighting, what are you calling me out for?"

"To deal with those little guys, where do you need to take action, people from the Qin family should show up in the next two days, and according to my estimation, they must have masters in the spiritual world, so I call you out and let you help."

The crocodile's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay, okay, when are you coming?"

"It seems to have arrived!"

Ye Dong's spiritual consciousness has covered the entire Sanyin City and the area with a radius of hundreds of miles, so that he can keep track of the Qin family's movements at any time. Now he has sensed that four powerful spiritual energy fluctuations suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Sanyin City. Two of them are particularly tyrannical, and they are definitely masters in the spiritual dust realm.

The crocodile also sensed it immediately, and a bloodthirsty excitement was revealed on its face: "Great, there are two of us, don't fight with anyone!"

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and he disappeared first, while Ye Dong shook his head and said: "Two masters in the spiritual world, the Qin family is indeed a great family!"

In the Four Elephants Realm, there are naturally masters in the spiritual dust realm, but they are rare. Even with the strength of Cihangzong, there is no master in the spiritual dust realm. However, the Qin family sent two spiritual realms just to deal with Ye Dong. For the masters of the dust world, this can tell the difference.

"Brother Yao, are you waiting here, or are you going back to the world in the painting?"

In fact, there was a reason why Ye Dong brought Yao Xiang out.

Since the Qin family's target is on themselves this time, they must not have time to pay attention to other people, so if Yao Xiang can observe the battle between the strong, it will be of great benefit to him.

Ye Dong sincerely hopes that Yao Xiang can become stronger by himself, instead of relying on himself as a backer.

"I'll wait here."

"it is good!"

Ye Dong nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then I'll go there first."

On the outskirts of Sanyin City, all the remaining disciples of the Sanyin Sect gathered here, but there were only a few hundred of them, and the rest either died or fled.

The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, this is another teleportation point between the Sanyin Sect and the Qin Family, it was purposely located in the outskirts.

Seeing the appearance of the gate of space, everyone's heart beat faster with excitement. The people from the Qin family finally arrived, and they could finally stand up again.

Four middle-aged men exuding a powerful aura stepped out of the void, each with a stern look, and one of the young men swept the surrounding people away and snorted coldly: "You are the rest of the Sanyin sect. people?"

"Yes!" A little leader came out tremblingly, knelt in front of the four of them and asked, "Excuse me, senior?"

"Qin Yueming, this is my uncle Qin Xiao, who is also the master of your leader. Now, tell me the details of how your Sanyin Sect was destroyed. Remember, you can't miss a single detail!"

(End of this chapter)

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