One emperor

Chapter 964 The Second Formation Base

Chapter 964 The Second Base
After realizing that he had come to the base of the Five Elements Realm, Ye Dong also understood everything.

Since the Qin family is the descendant of Huo Xiaotian, they must know the existence of this great formation. It is very likely that their fundamental purpose of coming to the Five Elements Realm to take root is to destroy this great formation. Therefore, they will build a road leading to this great formation. The formation near the formation was only formed by senior brother Xuanyuan Tianjiao when he considered that someone might come here to destroy it, so he set up a restriction more than [-] years ago and gathered the strange beasts in the impassable sea here to protect it.

Therefore, no matter how strong the people of the Qin family are, even if they are the peak-level powerhouses of the Nine Changes of Lingchen, it is impossible for them to be opponents of so many strange beasts.

Over time, the Qin family's large formation was basically in a state of disuse, and the Qin family naturally knew that the large formation led here, and no one would want to come here to seek death, so the guards were so lax, causing them to almost It broke in without much effort.

As for the strange beasts chasing Ye Dong, the reason for their sudden disappearance must be because I inadvertently broke into the range of the big formation in the process of trying to escape just now. The strange beasts have lived here for thousands of years. Naturally, they knew that this place was also a forbidden area for them, so they didn't dare to break into it at all.

Ye Dong has seen the large formation that Ziyou's people arranged according to the teachings of Zixiao Tianren, which can lead to the Zixiao Heaven Realm, and the formation stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

And since this large formation is based on the entire Five Elements Realm, the coverage area must be far wider than that large formation, so that it is impossible to imagine the distance stretching, probably at least thousands of kilometers, so I walked continuously for more than half an hour After that, he finally reached the place where the bloody sword stood.

After all doubts were reasonably explained, Ye Dong finally let out a sigh of relief, because he knew that he was finally safe.

Being in the big formation jointly set up by his master and senior brother, and with the blood prison in his body, even if there is a huge murderous intention here, it is impossible to hurt him.

And he originally planned to come here to take a look, but because he was concerned about the monsters here, he was ready to wait until he had a chance to talk about it, but he didn't expect that when he broke into the Qin's house and bumped into it by mistake, he let himself go ahead of schedule. This purpose was achieved.

Now that he's here, Ye Dong naturally wants to ponder over the magnificent writings of his master and elder brother.

So he began to circle the blood-colored giant sword a few times, then lowered his head, and found that the ground was indeed engraved with red blood sky patterns, like a sky net, covering the ground, stretching all the way, like an infinite Like endless, extending into the distance.

Although Ye Dong is currently familiar with the formation method, but the area of ​​the formation method is too large, he doesn't know where he is in the formation method, and he can't figure out what the formation method is. How to evolve the arrangement.

However, the blood sky pattern on the ground is equivalent to a road map, as long as you walk along the blood sky pattern, you should be able to walk through the entire formation.

Ye Dong lowered his head and began to walk slowly following the blood pattern.

At the very beginning, he wanted to study these blood sky patterns carefully to see if he could gain something, but after only half an hour, he gave up this idea because there were too many blood sky patterns. It's so complicated, I'm afraid it will take a day or two for Xiao Tao to swallow it all.

But the more this happened, the more Ye Dong admired his master and senior brother. To be able to carve such an astonishing number of Blood Sky Patterns in the depths of the Impassable Sea, this level of strength is already unimaginable.

After walking like this for nearly half an hour, Ye Dong stopped suddenly, frowned slightly, and said to himself: "No, the blood sky pattern covers a very wide area, at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers. There is no end in sight, if I keep walking along these skylines, I am afraid I may not be able to complete the journey in a few months, there must be other ways to get to the key point of the formation."

A large formation, no matter how far it covers, but the most critical must be only two points, one is the base of the formation, and the other is the eye of the formation!

According to Xuanyuan Tianjiao's words, Ye Dong made his own speculation, that is, although the master laid the foundation of the formation back then, it did not make the formation finally take shape. In the end, Xuanyuan Tianjiao engraved the blood sky pattern, which made the formation really start to operate. .

The blood-colored giant sword that passed by just now is naturally the foundation of the formation, but such a large formation cannot have only one formation foundation. Ye Dong's purpose is to see the formation foundation that constitutes the entire formation, and finally enter the eye of the formation. .

In other words, the blood sky patterns that Ye Dong sees are inscribed by his master, and the blood sky patterns carved by Xuanyuan Tianjiao must be at the eye of the formation.

The blood sky pattern covers a very wide range, it is impossible to follow it completely, and because it is a formation, but any formation must have the power of confusion, it is impossible for people to find a way out casually, but there must be A line leads directly to other formation bases and formation eyes, and only if Ye Dong finds this line will he not go wrong.

After pondering for a while, Ye Dong used his own blood aura to pour out from the Yongquan point under his feet and poured into the blood sky pattern.

A blood-colored light slowly lit up in this dark underwater world, and the light flickered, spreading all the way in one direction, like a guiding light, pointing out the direction for Ye Dong.

Ye Dong knew in his heart that this must be the correct route that Master left for him and all the disciples of the Blood Prison. If anyone else came, without the aura of blood, it would be impossible to find this route.

Following this blood-shining route, Ye Dong strode forward, paying attention to his surroundings and the glowing blood-sky patterns on the ground.

"Master is really too powerful. These blood sky patterns have existed for at least more than [-] years, but they have not weakened in the slightest."

Ye Dong is really proud that he can have such a powerful master.

After walking for hundreds of miles, another dazzling blood appeared in front of Ye Dong. He knew that this was the second base.

A blood-colored towering giant tree stands majestically, just like the giant sword before, it is also as high as [-] meters. The most amazing thing is that this giant tree is thriving with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Ye Dong was dumbfounded: "What kind of tree is this, it can survive at the bottom of this impenetrable sea that never sees the sun, and instead of being corroded by the erosion, it has survived until now!"

When he got closer, Ye Dong stretched out his hand to touch it lightly, and couldn't help but smile. This is not a living tree, but just a huge piece of wood, which has been carved into the shape of a big tree with ingenious techniques.

However, the size of this giant tree is also extremely impressive, estimated to be at least ten meters thick.

Touching this fake tree, Ye Dong clearly sensed the power of the wood element gushing out of it, and this also caused a sudden flash of light in his mind, and he suddenly understood what kind of formation it was.

(End of this chapter)

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