One emperor

Chapter 984: Realm of Shadow

Chapter 984: Realm of Shadow

This time, Qin Ying was beaten upside down again and flew out!
After stabilizing her figure, Qin Ying said coldly: "Your physical body is really powerful and rare. Although my physical strength can still be enhanced, that's meaningless, Realm of Shadows!"

After Qin Ying finished speaking the last three words, the sun finally restrained its last ray of light, darkness enveloped the earth, and the shadows around Qin Ying also exploded at the same time, turning into countless scattered shadows, As fast as lightning, he rushed out to the surroundings!

Every piece of shadow rushed into the shadows cast by various things around, and began to expand and expand, connecting together instantly.

Ye Dong suddenly felt black in front of his eyes, as if he had come to the void again and was completely enveloped by the overwhelming darkness.

The expressions of the red wolf and the crocodile, who were watching the battle from a distance, changed drastically. They could only see countless shadows flying back and forth in the air, and finally turned into a huge shadow, covering an area of ​​nearly [-] meters.

In the Realm of Shadows, those black shadows have the ability to swallow light, so that no matter whether they are outside the realm or inside the realm, they cannot see anything clearly.

Ye Dong's body was extremely quiet, and the black shadow even had the effect of swallowing sound. Now the only thing he can hear is his own heartbeat!
And this is not the most frightening place, the most frightening thing is that the darkness is like a swamp, with a great binding force, which has a certain influence on Ye Dong's actions.

The crocodile said in a deep voice: "The Realm of Shadow is almost equivalent to rebuilding an independent shadow space that does not belong to any world at all. Such a terrifying ability, can Ye Dong bear it?"

The red wolf said solemnly: "It should be able to bear it. Don't forget that there is a very powerful existence in Ye Dong's body."

Since the soul consciousness of the two of them entered Ye Dong's soul mansion, they knew that there was an extremely powerful existence in Ye Dong's body, even in his soul. Consciousness was sent flying out.

However, after they left, they never asked Ye Dong what that existence was. Now, they could only pin their hopes on that existence.

In the Shadow Realm, about three meters away from Ye Dong, there are countless hair-thin shadows wriggling and merging rapidly, condensing into a huge wheel-like weapon, surrounded by sharp blades, And the sharp blade was like a living thing, hesitating and swaying, and suddenly started to spin, but without making the slightest sound, it slashed towards Ye Dong silently.

This is Qin Ying's real weapon - ghost shadow wheel!

The ghost shadow wheel is made by combining his own dusty body with a material called finger-wound soft steel. It can be hard or soft, and it is hidden in the shadows. They all died under the ghost shadow wheel, and they didn't even know what killed them until the end of their lives.

Although Ye Dong couldn't see anything, Qin Ying was not restricted by anything in the Shadow Realm and could see clearly.

The ghost shadow wheel brought out a scorching black light, which directly penetrated through the middle of Ye Dong's body, cutting him in half, but Ye Dong's body dissipated gently like ripples.

This surprised Qin Ying: "Could it be that he can also create virtual images?"


Qin Ying suddenly remembered the last time he fought Ye Dong. After being dragged out of the void by Ye Dong, he somehow lost Ye Dong's trace, and was instead trapped by him in a certain realm of harmony and shadow. in a similar space.

Ye Dong should have used the same trick this time!
Thinking of this, Qin Ying's spiritual energy twitched, and he suddenly pulled the ghost shadow wheel that was advancing, and at the same time, he also hurriedly retreated.

Sure enough, when he backed away five meters away, he immediately saw Ye Dong appearing in front of him again.

Ye Dong also sighed in his heart. Being in the Shadow Realm, he couldn't find any good way to fight back, so he indeed successfully created an illusion with the Inverse Scale Mirror. Originally, he wanted to repeat the old trick and deceive Qin Ying Entering the illusion, it's a pity that Qin Ying was alert, and retreated the moment he was about to rush into the illusion.

Since he couldn't be fooled, he could only fight. Ye Dong's body suddenly shone brightly, like a sun rising from this dark world, dispelling the darkness.

The power of light!
"Although light can restrain darkness, but in turn, darkness can also swallow light!"

Qin Ying's gloomy voice suddenly sounded in Ye Dong's ears, and at the same time, the Ghost Shadow Wheel was already chopping down from top to bottom with a streak of black light.

With a sound of "Keng", the ghost shadow wheel hit the Tiger Soul Axe, and the two sharp weapons collided, splashing countless sparks, and Ye Dong said coldly: "I didn't want to use light to restrain you, I just It's just trying to lure you out!"


Eighteen phoenix blood dragon fire flags emerged, although the speed was much slower than before, but because Ye Dong temporarily delayed Qin Ying with the tiger soul axe, the flag still surrounded Qin Ying before he was about to escape up.

"Without the Void Pagoda, let me see if you can still resist my flame!"


Eighteen strands of flame gushed out from the flag, swallowing Qin Ying in an instant, but Ye Dong suddenly felt a chill down his back, and without thinking, he sacrificed the Void Pagoda in a hurry.

There was another crisp sound of "Keng", the Void Buddha blocked some kind of sharp weapon, and Ye Dong hurriedly turned around, and there was another Qin Ying in front of him.


The flag traps only Qin Ying's avatar. Of course, the Qin Ying in front of him is likely to be an avatar too. With Qin Ying's spirit dust five-transformation realm, it is enough to separate five avatars.

Ye Dong suddenly felt that his head was as big as a fight. He had no advantage at first, but now there are four Qin Ying in this endless darkness, how can he fight!
Qin Ying missed a hit, and immediately pulled back, quickly blending into the darkness, without the slightest trace, and Ye Dong had nothing to do for a while, so he could only continue to ignite the flames of the Phoenix Blood Dragon Fire Banner, no matter what , it is also good to burn a clone to death first!

A sound like rolling waves suddenly sounded, and in the darkness, countless shadow swords quickly took shape, shooting towards Ye Dong like locusts all over the sky.

Just when Ye Dong was about to fight back, he suddenly felt that his hands and feet could not move. He looked down and saw countless shadows forming vines, completely entangled himself.

Countless shadow swords shot from all directions. Even though Ye Dong's defense was amazing, after the rain of swords passed, countless transparent holes would inevitably appear on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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