Chapter 1038
"Little bastard, this old man is at odds with you."

The ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley danced wildly with white hair, his eyes were tearing apart, and he roared hysterically.

"There are many people who hate me, and you are the only one missing."

Yang Xuan was calm and calm, and kept attacking the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley without any intention of giving up.

For him, since he has formed a death feud, he must get rid of it as soon as possible, and must not leave any trouble for himself.

"Die, die for me."

The ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley threw out both fists, only attacking but not defending, with a desperate posture, and a master who fell into madness, his combat power also skyrocketed exponentially.


The world boiled, and countless huge mountain-like fist shadows appeared in the void, hitting Yang Xuan together, like hundreds of thousands of dragons dancing in circles.

This is the ultimate move of the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley. Every punch has the power to destroy the world. The terrifying shadow of the fist is like a mountain torrent or a vast sea hitting the sky. Wherever the shadow of the fist passes by, the space is huge. collapse of the area.

"The old guy has some skills."

Yang Xuan's expression was serious, and he fought with all his strength. The strong sun power gushed out from his body, forming a powerful and solid shield to resist the incoming fist shadow.

The power of the sun can be attacked and defended, both in attack and defense.

What's more, Yang Xuan is still comprehending the profound meaning of space, which can greatly weaken the external energy, so the shield is always unbreakable.

"The old man depends on how long you can resist?"

The ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley's killing intent soared, and the more he fought, the more fierce he was, like a mad lion, he continuously launched strong attacks on Yang Xuan.

"Do you still think you can eat me?"

Yang Xuan sneered, and swung the Purgatory Sword continuously, sending out a series of sword spirits to kill the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley.


At this moment, the two sides were full of light, and a terrifying aura erupted, rushing in all directions.

Yang Xuan and the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley are more than one realm apart. Fortunately, he holds a divine sword, possesses unique knowledge, and has comprehended many martial arts mysteries, otherwise it would be impossible to resist such a terrifying attack.

However, being unable to fight for a long time will consume him a lot. Of course, the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley is also the same. It depends on who can't hold on first.

"Big brother!"

Far away, Yang Xinyi's heart was raised in her throat, deeply afraid that something might happen to Yang Xuan.

"Don't worry, master will be fine."

Butterfly Emperor was very indifferent, full of belief in Yang Xuan's victory, especially after seeing Yang Xuan's display of strength, Diehuang became more and more in awe of Yang Xuan.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and both sides in the war flew upside down.

Yang Xuan's figure flew back, his whole body was surging with qi and blood, and his injuries were not considered serious, but the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley couldn't bear it, and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

As a superpower in the Seizing Heaven Realm, his physical body is not weak, not only not weak but also very strong, but he still received a lot of shock, and his internal organs felt a burst of burning pain.

"Who the hell are you? You are so powerful!"

The face of the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley was horrified, and there was even a hint of fear in his eyes. The young man on the opposite side was too evil, and whoever thought he was an ordinary warrior at the peak of the divine power realm would probably not know how he died.

"I am the one who killed you."

This was Yang Xuan's answer, and his voice was full of killing intent.

He fully activated the Great Killing Technique, and his whole body seemed to be transformed into a killing god. Just the killing intent from his body made the face of the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley change again and again.


The word "kill" was spit out, and the killing intent soared, making the world tremble. Under Yang Xuan's slash, the Purgatory Sword burst out with sword energy all over the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

One after another sword energy traversed the sky, like a vast sea of ​​swords, and the fiery and terrifying storm swept away, enough to destroy everything.

This kind of offensive can be defeated even in the face of thousands of troops!
Not to mention that they were all hitting the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley alone at this time. Seeing the surging sword energy, the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley couldn't help feeling a sense of despair in his heart.

"No, I can't die, absolutely not here."

After a brief absence, the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley burned himself, ignoring the loss of life energy, and finally unleashed all his combat power.

Unfortunately, still useless.

No matter how strong he was, he would still be spit out blood from the blast of sword energy all over the sky, causing more injuries.

"Send you on your way!"

When Yang Xuan gained power, he unleashed his reincarnation martial spirit, and while the disc of reincarnation was suppressing the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley, he swung the sword of purgatory forcefully, slashing down with the force of Mount Tai.

Shocked by a sword strike, the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley struggled desperately, but couldn't resist after all, and was split in two on the spot.


With a flick of the divine whip, Yang Xuan also shattered his soul, completely killing Qian Jing, the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley died, and he lost even the chance of being reborn.


Yang Xinyi let out a sigh of relief, and then she felt relieved.

"The master is so mighty that he will rule the world sooner or later."

Die Huang had a sweet mouth and shouted happily, sincerely admiring Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, and casually picked up a storage ring, which was left by the ancestor of Plum Blossom Valley after his death, but now it has become Yang Xuan's trophy.

Yang Xuan didn't look carefully, turned his head to Yang Xinyi and Die Huang and said, "Go, follow me into the valley, I want to see what kind of divine liquid is hidden in the canyon, so that the whole Plum Blossom Valley pays so much attention to it."

Hearing this, the Butterfly Emperor rolled up Yang Xinyi, and lightning flew over.

"set off!"

With a big wave of Yang Xuan's hand, the three of them strode into the canyon. The canyon is very big, and it took a whole stick of incense to reach the end.

Ahead, a tall rock wall blocks the way. The whole body of the rock wall is dark blue, and it is full of potholes. In some rock crevices, a faint silver liquid can be seen overflowing from time to time, exuding a strange fragrance, which makes people's soul seem to be sublimated .

"what is that!?"

Butterfly Emperor was shocked.

"Divine liquid, a very precious divine liquid."

Yang Xuan whispered, walked over quickly, and drank a little silver liquid from the cliff.


Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, and he noticed that the silver liquid was extraordinary before he even took it.

This liquid is full of violent energy, most people will die if they touch it, no wonder people in Plum Blossom Valley dare not swallow it at will.

"I'll try some."

The Butterfly Emperor was greedy, and as soon as he was approached by a ghost, he opened his mouth and sucked a lot of silver liquid into his mouth.

"How does it feel?"

Die Huang is not an ordinary person, in fact she is not human at all, so Yang Xuan is not worried that a little silver liquid will threaten Die Huang.

"Master, I, I want to sleep again..."

Butterfly Emperor's pretty face was as red as fire, as if she was drunk, as soon as she finished speaking, she turned into a streamer, submerged into Yang Xuan's body, and turned back into a magic butterfly tattoo, without a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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