Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 1044 Little Kunlun Lake

Chapter 1044 Little Kunlun Lake
"The world is dangerous, you should be more careful."

"The disciples will."

"Go, don't worry about your own safety, as the teacher will protect you secretly."

"Thank you, Master, this disciple will leave now."

Yang Xuan bowed and saluted, then got up and left Tianji Palace without further delay.


Outside Tianji Palace is a vast mountain with towering ancient trees, all kinds of ferocious birds and beasts are dormant, and will come out to hunt from time to time.

Yang Xuan was on the road alone, with a calm face. Occasionally encountered some monsters on the road, if he could avoid them, he would avoid them, and if he could not avoid them, he would kill them by force.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't encounter such a powerful monster, there will be no danger.


No, just as a monster ape jumped out, before he had time to show off, he was punched to death by him, and died in an instant.


There was no surprise or danger along the way. About half a day later, a huge lake appeared in the distance.

The lake is boundless, green like a mirror, and the mist is steaming, like a fairy lake on earth, full of vitality.

This is Little Kunlun Lake, the largest lake in Little Heaven Realm. It is located in the very center of Little Heaven Realm. You only need to fly over this lake to reach Tongtian Ladder.

The Stairway to Heaven is a series of white jade stairs. The stairs are filled with a powerful aura, and the higher you go, the harder it is to walk.

For a long time, Tongtian Ladder has been a forbidden area, controlled by the Holy Court.

Ordinary people who want to climb the Tongtian Ladder must first go to the Holy Court to register.

In a word, outsiders can enter the upper realm only with the consent of the Holy Court.

Of course, if you want to go to the upper realm, you need to climb the Tongtian Ladder and find the legendary World Stone. This is not a small task, and few people can succeed.

"Let's go to Little Kunlun Mountain first."

"What are you going to do in Little Kunlun Mountain?"

"Naturally report to the Holy Court, it's so easy for you to go as a ladder to the sky!"

"Can't we just take a detour?"

"No, there are a large number of holy court warriors guarding the Tongtian Ladder all year round. If we don't have the pass order from the holy court, we will be killed by those holy court warriors on the spot."

"Hmph, Holy Court is really domineering."

"No way, the Holy Court is powerful, and there is an ancient Heavenly Court above, we can't afford to offend."

On this day, a group of people gathered in an open space on the shore of the lake.

A group of dozens of people, dressed in different clothes, with cultivation levels ranging from the third level of the divine power realm to the peak of the divine power realm, seemed to be preparing to go to the upper world through the small Kunlun Hu and the World Stone on the Tongtian Ladder.

Just as the people were talking, Yang Xuan strode over and said with a smile: "Meeting is fate, can you add me?"

"You are……"

A young man with a long sword on his back, an extraordinary bearing, and a cultivation base that had reached the peak of the divine power realm looked Yang Xuan up and down.

"I'm Yang Kang, who came from the outside world and is not familiar with the place of life. I hope to be able to make friends with you."

Yang Xuangong cupped his hands and casually gave a false name.

"Brother Yang really came from the outside world!?" The young man was taken aback, apparently he did not expect to meet an outside warrior here.

"Is there anything strange?"

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked quietly.

"Brother Yang really doesn't know, or is he born bold. Haven't you heard that the Holy Court is arresting you outsiders?"

"Is there still this?"

"Let's go, once you are discovered by the people of the Holy Court, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

As soon as the young man said this, someone nearby spoke one after another, with bad tones.

"Can't let him go."

"Yes, yes, if you take him down and send him to the Holy Court, you may even get a generous reward."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "I want to leave, but no one can keep me."

After all, turn around and leave.

But someone was determined to keep him, so he stepped in front of him.

This is also a young man at the peak of the divine power realm. Although he could see that Yang Xuan's cultivation was not low, he didn't take it seriously.

"Do you really think I'm losing my temper?"

Murderous intent shot out in Yang Xuan's eyes, and he grabbed the person in front of him casually. Hearing a crisp click, the other person's neck was crushed abruptly, and he died on the spot.

"Thug, how dare you kill someone!"

"Let's go together and avenge Zhou Yu."

Killing one person with bare hands also angered the others. Except for the young man who didn't do anything, the rest of them were all furious, and all rushed towards Yang Xuan.

"too slow."

Yang Xuan shook his head, and didn't continue to kill. He moved his feet and rushed into the small Kunlun Hu like a ghost, and disappeared on the distant lake in an instant, with an incredible speed.

"Where is this child, what a speed!"

"Sigh, Zhou Yu's death was not unjust, and a person with such extreme speed is definitely not something we can provoke."

"It's just a dying person. Sooner or later, he will be killed by the holy court. We don't have to worry about him."


While Yang Xuan was going deep into the Small Kunlun Lake alone, outsiders outside the lake came here from time to time.

Among these people, Fairy Yuechan, Zi Yihou, Jian Wuming, Liao Junjie, Wei Lihui, Tan Fei, Ba Wudao, You Fen and others are impressively listed.

After everyone came to the Small Heaven Realm, they had already secretly inquired about everything, and they all knew that if they wanted to go to the Upper Realm, they had to climb the Tongtian Ladder first.

"The ladder to heaven is difficult to climb, not to mention there is a holy court, we need to be careful."

A group of people came here alone or in groups, and they all knew that this trip would never be peaceful. After all, the Holy Court is currently arresting these outside warriors everywhere.

However, even though they knew that going to Tongtian Tower would cause conflict, no one chose to retreat.


"Who are you, report your name quickly."

Flying all the way, just when Yang Xuan thought he could reach the Tongtian Ladder smoothly, a group of more than a dozen people in uniform stopped him.

"The people of the Holy Court..."

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, and at a glance he saw that the group of people in front of him came from the Holy Court.

"I'm asking you, are you deaf or are you deliberately pretending not to hear?"

The leading holy court warrior was a tall young man with slender eyes. When he saw that Yang Xuan was silent, his expression turned cold and he opened his mouth to let out a loud shout.


Yang Xuan didn't say anything, and killed like killing a god, killing all the holy court warriors with three punches and two kicks, no one was spared.

Facing a group of people from the Holy Court, Yang Xuan was not polite. The group of people, including the young man with the highest cultivation level, did not understand why Yang Xuan was so cruel until his death.

"If you want to blame, blame you for coming from the holy court."

With a wave of Yang Xuan's hand, he shot out a burst of real sun fire, burning up the corpses floating on the lake.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would know that there was a murder here.

"What kind of shit Holy Court will destroy you sooner or later."

Yang Xuan let out a cold snort, and quietly left from here, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he also secretly restrained his breath, even if he met a holy court warrior, he still chose to take a detour.

(End of this chapter)

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