Chapter 1092

"Let's go to Tongtian Island."

Yang Xuan took the lead and crossed the void with incredible speed.

He practiced the free step, and used this step method to travel, which can be said to be a free step, and the world is free.

This is also because the space of the Great Heaven Realm is too strong, otherwise, relying on the Great Void Technique, they would soon be able to reach Tongtian Island.

Compared with Yang Xuan, Xiao Leng, Xu Yang and others were not slow, and they all wanted to cross the East China Sea immediately.

The East China Sea is vast, tens of thousands of miles long.

This sea area has been a forbidden area since ancient times, and sometimes sea monsters, strange beasts, fierce birds, etc. come out to make trouble.

Ordinary warriors who come here will only end up with a tragic death in the end.


No, not long after they went deep into the East China Sea, the group encountered a powerful sea shark.

The sea shark is huge, full of monster aura, and its strength is comparable to that of a supreme being. As soon as it came out, it attacked Yang Xuan and the others with turbulent waves.

Yang Xuan was unmoved by this, and directly raised his fist, and with absolute strength, he punched the sea shark. The fist that was as violent as a small sun accurately hit the sea shark, and it was crushed hard in one blow. Crushed, it became a sky full of minced meat.

After entering the Tongtian Pagoda, although Yang Xuan's Martial Dao realm has not improved, he is still at the peak of the divine power realm, but his divine power has become stronger. With one punch supplemented by the ancient secret technique, the Body Shattering Fist, even the Supreme Being will die instantly when he comes.

Rao Hai Shark's tyrannical body and surging monster power are not his all-in-one enemy.

In terms of combat power alone, Yang Xuan's current strength is even worse than that of a power who is at the pinnacle of the Heaven Realm.

He killed the sea shark with one punch, and he didn't stop for a long time. In an instant, he was dozens of miles away.

The others saw all this in their eyes, without showing the slightest surprise on their faces.

This is Yang Xuan, a small sea shark that can't stop him at all.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !
Everyone didn't speak, but speeded up to catch up. In such a short half an hour, the group of people had traveled tens of thousands of miles in the East China Sea, and they were very close to Tongtian Island.

"Tongtian Island is a very dangerous place. The island is shrouded in a layer of fog all year round. The fog can invade the minds and minds of living beings. When ordinary warriors go to it, their blood will flow back and they will die suddenly."

As a member of the Great Heaven Realm, Feixue naturally knew Tongtian Island very well, and was somewhat wary of Tongtian Island.

"How does the fog form?"

Yang Xuan slowed down, and asked casually, the mist is nothing more than that, but it is very curious that it can still cause harm to people.

Feixue shook his head and said, "I don't know. Ever since Tongtian Island was discovered, the fog on the island has always been a mystery."

"Well, then we really have to be careful."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he continued on his way, and soon he saw the end of the sea in the distance, and the outline of an island appeared faintly.

I don't know how big the sea area is. Even if you are far away, you can still see thick and persistent fog, covering the entire island, making it difficult to see clearly.

Obviously, the dense fog is the mist, the island is Tongtian Island, and the Tongtian Ladder is located in the depths of Tongtian Island. Just climb the Tongtian Ladder, and it is possible to embark on the legendary road of the king.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

When Yang Xuan was looking at Tongtian Island, a dozen people suddenly flew in front of him, all of them had bloodshot eyes and murderous looks, as if they had been stimulated by something, very manic and bloodthirsty.

Jian Wuming frowned slightly, and said puzzledly, "This is... what's going on?"

"Obviously, they have ingested too much fog on Tongtian Island and have lost their sanity."

Feixue paused, and said: "The mist is extremely terrifying and weird. It can cause people to go mad at the least, and it can even cause people to die miserably. The best way to deal with a mad person is to kill them."

The voice was still there, and a group of more than a dozen young people rushed forward, madly attacking Yang Xuan and the others.


With a soft shout, Yang Xuan shot mercilessly, smashing one person to pieces with one palm.

Xiao Leng, Dong Chao, Mo Li, Feixue, Luoyue, Liusu, Xu Yang, Zi Yihou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy and others did not talk nonsense and killed one after another.

However, in just a few breaths of time, more than a dozen people were all dead. These people had the highest cultivation and were only in the mid-stage of the Divine Power Realm. They were no match for Yang Xuan and the others. Death was also a relief for them.

Even if they are not killed now, they will die sooner or later.

When the mist enters the body, if the mind is not firm enough, it will only become a madman who only knows how to kill. Even if he is not killed by people, he will also become food in the mouths of various sea monsters and beasts.

"The fog on Tongtian Island is really not simple."

After dealing with more than a dozen people who went mad due to the fog, Zi Yihou couldn't help showing a bit of solemnity on his face.

Even before landing on the island, I met so many crazy people. If I really landed on Tongtian Island, God knows how many people are still on the island whose minds have been invaded by the fog.

"This may also be a trial."

Yang Xuansi asked.


"Yes, the purpose of the trial left by Immortal King Zixiao is to weed out a group of people. It can be said that those who do not have a certain level of strength will not be able to reach the threshold of the ladder, let alone the road to the king. "

"Survival of the fittest has always been the case."

Just like what Yang Xuan said, the fog on Tongtian Island is, nine times out of ten, really a kind of trial, very cruel.

Even the killers of the Heavenly Punishment Alliance, such as Xiao Leng, were somewhat afraid in their hearts, but for the sake of the Immortal King's inheritance, they never thought of leaving.

Going back is not in line with their character, even if this trip is extremely dangerous, they have to fight hard.

In martial arts practice, if you don't advance, you will retreat, not to mention this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you miss it, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

"Tongtian Island is in danger every step of the way. Every time you go deeper into the island, the fog will become thicker. It's better not to risk yourself."

Suddenly, there was a voice, and everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a few figures flying from behind. Although they were all young, everyone's cultivation base was not low, and the highest even reached the fifth heaven of the Supreme Realm .

"Huh, it's Brother Xiao from the Heaven's Punishment Alliance."

The group of people was extremely fast, and they came to the front and stood still in an instant. One of them, that is, the young man whose cultivation had reached the fifth level of the Supreme Realm, recognized Xiao Leng at a glance.

"You recognize me?" Xiao Leng asked calmly as his eyes turned.

"Brother Xiao is known as the Shadow Killer. He is famous for his ghostly demeanor. He met him half a year ago from a distance. Although he didn't see it very clearly at the time, he can barely recognize it now."

Having said that, the young man turned his attention to Yang Xuan and the others again, and asked with a faint smile on his face, "Fei Yue Lou Yue Wu Yin, what are your surnames?"

(End of this chapter)

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