Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 1221 People can leave, but treasures must stay!

Chapter 1221 People can leave, but treasures must stay!
The Flower of the Demon God, also known as the Flower of Creation, although it contains a strong spirit of demons, it is useless to ordinary human monks, but for the monks of the demon clan, this flower is an excellent medicine that can't be found.

Once he took this flower, a demon monk with mediocre aptitude could eventually become an immortal emperor.

With such a great use, it's no wonder the Great Sage Bull Demon is so reluctant to give up.

"Fate has a definite number. Are you not afraid of disturbing the secrets of heaven and causing unpredictable disasters?"

The Great Sage Bull Demon gritted his teeth, held back his anger, and casually threw a bright five-color flower to the God of Destiny.

The five-color small flowers are the demon god flowers.

"The Buddha said: Heaven's secrets, will, and destiny are all determined by fate. They cannot be revealed, violated, or changed by external forces. However, what you have done is really violating the mission entrusted to you by the way of heaven."

Saint Buddha Equaling Heaven also spoke at this moment, with a bit of reprimand in his words.

The God of Destiny is only the spokesperson of the destiny. Although it can represent the destiny, it cannot act recklessly with the power of the destiny.

"It's just a demon flower. It's not a big deal. Besides, this universe has long been disrupted by human disaster. I'm just overcorrecting and bringing everything back to the original point."

The God of Destiny glanced at the Holy Buddha Equaling Heaven, and then looked at the Great Sage Bull Demon again, "Remember my words, don't try to get the water of eternal life again, even if you get that thing, you won't be able to find the door of eternal life."

"Why is this?"

The Great Sage Bull Demon squinted his eyes and asked, the Immortal Water is originally the holy water in the Great Immortal Realm. It is said that this water contains great good fortune, and it is also a must for the gate of eternal life.

"It's very simple. The appearance of the gate of eternal life has long been determined."

"When exactly?"

"In the near future, all living beings in the world will have the opportunity to go to the land of eternal life."

"Thank you for telling me."

The Great Sage Bull Demon clasped his fists and left in a hurry. Now that things had happened, he didn't need to stay any longer. Instead of choosing to fight against the destiny and end up in a tragic end, he might as well go back and prepare for the catastrophe.

As long as he can successfully survive the ninth sage robbery, he will be more sure of entering the legendary land of eternal life.

Eternal life is more important than anything else. For eternity, for immortality, the Great Sage Bull Demon is willing to wait a little longer.

"Hey, if we knew this earlier, why would we bother to come here to take a risk?"

"Forget it, this trip is not bad. After all, I got good news. Next, we will see how many people can truly obtain eternal life."

The great saints were also very excited. It seemed that the God of Destiny had no intention of killing the Great Sage Bull Demon when he let go. At the same time, they didn't have to storm the Palace of Eternal Life in an attempt to seize the water of eternal life.

Since there is no water of eternal life, the gate of eternal life will appear soon, so why should they take the huge risk to snatch it?That's totally unnecessary.

"Let's go."

The God of Destiny waved his hand, and immediately added, "Of course, you can go, but you have to leave one thing behind. Don't hide it, and leave the most precious treasure on your body."

"Too deceiving."

Many great sages were furious. This was Chi Guoguo's robbery, but they couldn't refuse, and even tried to resist.

As strong as the Bull Demon Great Sage, they could only give up a demon god flower to save their lives, so how dare they challenge the destiny?

"How to do?"

Buddha Sage Qitian looked at the great sage of Taoism, his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"What else can I do? Hand it over."

The Daoist sage shook his head helplessly, and then threw the Dao sword in his hand to the God of Destiny.

This Taoist sword is a powerful Taoist treasure, and in the seven layers of space in the sword, many magical powers and secret techniques of Taoism are preserved.

These supernatural powers and mysteries are all engraved on the Dao tablet in the sword. Even the great sage of Taoism cannot take away the Dao tablet, let alone erase the various inheritances on it.

He also had no choice. After all, the God of Destiny has insight into people's hearts. If he randomly took out a treasure, it would be difficult to really fool the other party.

"Seven Star Dao Sword is the treasure of Taoism, this old Taoist is crazy..."

Buddha Sage Qi Tian was not calm anymore, he knew what the Seven Star Dao Sword meant to the Great Sage of Taoism and the entire Taoism, and it was precisely because he knew this that he felt that the Great Sage of Taoism was crazy.

"It's your turn, what are you going to leave behind, old monk?"

The God of Destiny took the Seven Star Dao Sword and turned his attention to the Qitian Buddha.


Qi Tian Buddha tensed all over, and subconsciously touched a string of radiant and restrained simple rosary beads on his wrist.

"Hand it over. I've seen this bead before. That person is not only more cultivated than you, but also a Buddhist saint with great wisdom. Unlike you, he messed up his Buddha nature for profit."

The God of Destiny.

"Your Excellency, have you seen the Buddha of the Western Paradise?"

The Buddha of the Western Heaven is the ancestor of the three thousand Buddhist sects in the Western Heaven, and the string of beads in the hands of the Buddha of the Western Heaven was left by the Buddha of the Western Heaven when he was enthroned, and finally fell into the hands of the Buddha of the Qitian by coincidence.

Before getting this string of rosary beads, Buddha Sage Equaling Heaven was just a little monk in a temple, and his cultivation was only in the real fairyland, but it was this string of rosary beads that changed his fate drastically.

From small novice monks, to temple hosts, and then to a Buddhist sage, who is worshiped by countless Buddhists, all rely on the benefits brought by this string of rosary beads.

It can be said that without this string of rosary beads, he would not be who he is today, and the rosary beads have become his most cherished thing.

"Not only have I seen it, but I have also given him favors at the beginning, but it is a pity that he failed to take the last step in the end."

The God of Destiny sighed softly. The Buddha of the Western Heaven is a Buddhist saint with great ambition and great wisdom.

But with the passage of time, the Three Thousand Buddha Gates are no longer the previous Three Thousand Buddha Gates that were only for the salvation of sentient beings.

All of this is due to the fickleness of people's hearts. Driven by interests, it is inevitable that chaos will appear frequently among the three thousand Buddhist schools.

For example, the Qitian Buddha is the representative of the representatives. This person seems to have practiced the Zen technique to save all living beings, but he does not have much Buddha nature in his heart. A sanctimonious false Buddha.

"This bead is my Buddhist sacred object. Can you, for the sake of the Buddha of the Western Heaven, let me exchange it for another thing?"

Qitian Buddha frowned and asked.

"You are not worthy of owning this bead. If you don't hand it in, I will recite the mantra of rebirth, arouse the fire of karma in your body, and completely cleanse all the filth in your heart."

"Impossible, how could you know the rebirth mantra of the Buddha of the Western Paradise!?"

The Rebirth Mantra can save the souls of the dead and clear away all sins. If the Qitian Buddha had a clear conscience, he would not be afraid of this mantra at all, but he had a guilty conscience and dared not try it lightly.

Once the sin arouses the fire of karma, as powerful as him, I am afraid that he will also be buried under the raging fire of karma, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

"I can forget all the past sins. I only hope that you will have a truly kind heart in the future, so as to wash away all the sins on your body."

Hearing this, what else can Buddha Sage Equal to Heaven say?He could only hand over the rosary with great reluctance, or die if he didn't, he had no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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