Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 1228 Eternal Water

Chapter 1228 Eternal Water

The Misty Sea can also be called the Misty Mountain.

The entire mountain range, undulating and endless, is shrouded in a layer of mist all year round.

These fogs only subsided for a moment when the City of Destiny opened, but quickly gathered again, covering the entire Misty Mountain, which was extremely mysterious.

According to legend, this mountain does not belong to this world, but the master of the immortal world moved from a certain immortal world with great supernatural powers.

It can be said that the Misty Mountain is a fairy mountain, and the secret of eternal life has been hidden in the mountain since ancient times.

"Don't you have a good relationship with the Temple of Destiny, kid? Why don't you ask that person about the situation in the mountain?"

Purgatory boy felt very puzzled along the way, now he and Yang Xuan are like two thieves who are afraid of being discovered, they have come to the depths of Misty Mountain without anyone noticing, completely avoiding all kinds of supervision of the Temple of Destiny.

The Misty Mountain is not only a forbidden area of ​​the world of immortality, but also a forbidden area of ​​the Temple of Destiny. Except for a passage leading directly to the City of Destiny above, the rest of the place is listed as a forbidden area by the Temple of Destiny.

There are many masters in the Temple of Destiny, once discovered, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

"Are you afraid?"

"Who's scared? Grandpa is just curious. Who knows what your kid is going to do inside?"

"Of course it's to compete for good fortune. I have already found out that there is a spring deep in the deepest part of the Misty Mountain."


"Hehe, the name of this spring is the Spring of Eternal Life. What comes out of the spring is not ordinary water, but the water of eternal life like jade liquid and fine nectar."

"Water of Eternal Life? It is said that you can live forever if you drink a drop of it!?"

"Rumors are just rumors after all, and they can't be taken as true. Besides, how easy is it to live forever? One of the functions of this water of eternal life is nothing more than to make people remain youthful and youthful. At the same time, it can improve the understanding of those who consume it."

"I see. No wonder you want to steal water."

"I just went to get water, so how can it be considered stealing?"

"It's not to steal, why should you and I be so sneaky?"

"The Fountain of Eternal Life is left by the Lord of the Immortal Realm. Although the Temple of Destiny is responsible for monitoring this spring, it is not the real owner of the spring. I just don't want to be disturbed by the Temple of Destiny when I fetch water."

"All right, all right, you kid is right."

The purgatory boy rolled his eyes, but he didn't say much on this issue. If we really want to say it, Yang Xuan's character and behavior style are more in line with his appetite.

This person, he should be treacherous and cunning, if Yang Xuanzhen was some kind of upright gentleman, a defender of Taoism, Purgatory Boy would not be willing to follow him.

It's good to be an honest man, a gentleman and a defender of Taoism, but this kind of person is often the most boring.

"It's here."

While speaking, Yang Xuan and Purgatory Boy had arrived in a cave deep in the mountain.


It was also at this time that a scream suddenly came from the depths of the cave ahead.

"Look, someone has already stolen water before you and me."

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes seemed to be able to see what happened in the deepest part through the fog of the cave, and a mocking smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

It was a young man, a young man with a very strong life, this man did not know where he found out the location of the Fountain of Eternal Life, and now he was trying to steal the water.

Unfortunately, the water of eternal life is not so easy to steal.

No, that person accidentally triggered the killing formation of the Immortal Spring, which caused a catastrophe.

"Stealing water?"

The purgatory boy was speechless for a while, if you dare to fetch water yourself, if others go to fetch water, you will become a water thief.

But this water thief is really unlucky, and he is probably dead now.

Without absolute self-confidence and certain strength, one should not steal the water of eternal life. This person's death can only be said to be self-inflicted.

"Come on, follow me to fetch water."

Yang Xuan waved his hand and strode forward.

"Be careful, you kid don't die."

Purgatory Boy came to his senses and quickly followed.

"Don't worry, since I dare to come, I have the confidence to take away the water of eternal life. A small killing array can't do anything to me."

Yang Xuan kept walking, and soon came to the depths of the cave.

This is an underground mountainside, the mountainside is very large, almost hundreds of feet in radius.

Looking around, there is only one dark spring in the entire mountainside, and the spring water is located in a pool in the middle of the mountainside.

At this moment, on the edge of the pool, lay the corpse of a young man. This man's face was ashen, his eyes were wide open, as if he had lost his soul, his whole body was motionless and lifeless.

"What kind of killing array is it that can make people die instantly?"

The purgatory boy looked at the pool and the dark spring in the middle, but didn't find any danger for a while.

"The most powerful killing formation in the world can naturally kill people without anyone noticing."

Yang Xuandao did not start any action. He walked to the side of the pool and walked around the huge pool a few times.

Even so, he didn't notice anything wrong. Obviously, this invisible killing formation needs to be touched by external force before it can really be activated and manifested.

"The unknown is the scariest thing, you better not act rashly."

Purgatory Boy frowned slightly, but he didn't want Yang Xuan to die because of his carelessness.

"I see."

Yang Xuan nodded, then laughed, and said lightly: "Since you're here, why should senior hide and avoid seeing you?"

"Stinky boy, if you want the water of eternal life, you can ask me for it. With the relationship between you and Lao Bai, it's okay for me to give you a drop, but you should never come here secretly."

With a cold snort, the Spirit of the Palace of Eternal Life appeared beside Yang Xuan out of thin air.

"Give me the water of eternal life."

Yang Xuan looked at the Immortal Palace Spirit with a smile and said, he originally wanted to avoid the killing array and successfully take the Eternal Life Water, but now it is healed, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Forget it, I'll simply give you a drop of eternal life water as a reward for waking up Lao Bai."

The spirit of the Palace of Eternal Life sighed, and understood that it would be impossible not to give Yang Xuan the eternal life water. This kid is a standard little devil, and he will never leave if he is not given the eternal life water.

"No, no, one drop is too little, I want three drops."

Yang Xuan shook his head, and stretched out three fingers towards the spirit of the Palace of Eternal Life.

"No, I can only give you one drop."

"Two drops."

"One drop is one drop, there is no room for negotiation."

"Okay, just give me a drop."

On the side, the Purgatory Boy was dumbfounded. He could see the strength of the Immortal Palace Spirit, but he never expected that Yang Xuan would be able to have a conversation that was almost a bargain with such a strong man.

"Here you are, this is the drop of eternal water you want."

The Immortal Palace Spirit grasped it with his big hand, and droplets of liquid flew out of the jet-black spring's eyes.

The droplet is about the size of a fingernail, the whole body is black, and it exudes a strange aroma.

Yang Xuan took a light breath, only feeling that his soul has been sublimated, which is beyond words.

(End of this chapter)

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