Chapter 125
In Yang Xuan's view, pupil-type martial spirits are singular, but there are also strengths and weaknesses. Some do not have any attack power at all, and can only be used to bluff and scare people. It is completely useless.

"Seeing you are so calm, could it be possible that you have seen my silver-eyed martial soul before?" Situ Yan looked at Yang Xuan in surprise.

"I've never seen it before." Yang Xuan shook his head, and asked casually, "Apart from seeing through, does your silver-eyed martial soul have any other functions?"

"This is a secret, but well, there is nothing to hide from you." While speaking, Situ Yan had a thought, and the slightly closed silver pupil suddenly opened, staring at Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan was suddenly in a trance, Qin Lan's vivid figure appeared in front of her eyes.

"Qin Lan!" Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, then recovered, and said calmly, "Very powerful illusion!"

"That's right! It's the illusion!" Situ Yan nodded, secretly surprised in her heart, and said with a wry smile: "My silver-eyed martial soul has always been invincible. Once it is tricked, it will be difficult to wake up in a short time. I didn't expect you to be almost unaffected." Influence."

"It's normal, my mental will is different from ordinary people." Yang Xuan said casually, Situ Yan's silver-eyed martial soul is indeed very powerful, it can make people fall into illusions without anyone noticing, but illusions are illusions after all. As long as the will is strong enough, you can wake up in an instant.

Just like Yang Xuan, he has been a human being in two lifetimes, and his mental will is extremely terrifying. He can even survive the illusion of the inner demons of the Good Fortune Pill, so how could he be confused by Situ Yan's silver-eyed martial soul.

Of course, this is because Situ Yan's cultivation base is too low. If she is a master of divine power, Yang Xuan may not be able to resist it.

"That's right, you are a very ordinary person, it's normal not to be affected by my silver-eyed martial soul."

Having said that, Situ Yan was still quite shocked, because her silver-eyed martial soul couldn't even resist ordinary real-world warriors, and would fall into a short-term trance, but Yang Xuan was hardly affected at all.

"Hey, girl, let me try it too, and see what's so strange about your silver-eyed martial soul." At this moment, Manba said.

"as you wish."

Situ Yan didn't talk nonsense, the silver pupil behind her stared at Man Ba.

In an instant, Man Ba's body trembled, and it took a full second for him to wake up like a dream, shaking his head and saying: "What a weird martial spirit, I actually saw my mother-in-law."

"Uh, eldest brother is already married?" Yang Xuan was slightly stunned.

"Of course, our barbarian men become adults at the age of 14, but I got married late and got a wife. Now my children can go hunting monsters in the wild jungle." Barbarian said carelessly.

Hearing this, Yang Xuan was speechless for a while, he couldn't imagine the scene of a big kid going to hunt monsters in deep mountains and old forests.

"Big man, you are from the barbarians!?" Situ Yan's almond-shaped eyes widened, and she obviously knew something about the barbarians.

"Yes, is it strange?"

"No, no wonder I think your accent is very strange, so you are a barbarian from the wild island."

"Girl, don't look down on our barbarians. Although many people say that our barbarians are a group of barbarians, our barbarians are the most loyal. Also, the women of our barbarians are very beautiful, unlike yours from Star Island. The women are all skinny, with little flesh on their bodies."

Having said that, Man Ba ​​grabbed a roasted chicken leg from the table, and stuffed it in front of Situ Yan: "Come on, eat this, grow some meat, or be careful and you won't be able to marry in the future."

Situ Yan's head was full of black lines: "Who do you think can't get married?"

"Speaking of you, what's the matter, you are a skinny woman, if you were born on my barren island, there would be no man for you." Manba said carelessly.

"Haha." Yang Xuan patted his thigh and laughed endlessly.

"What are you laughing at, you also agree with this reckless man?"

"Uh, I'm just joking, why bother to be angry." Yang Xuan stopped laughing, and said to Man Ba: "Brother Man Ba, this Miss Situ is definitely the most beautiful woman on our Xingchen Island, and, um, she is guaranteed to be able to bear children." ..."

"Really?" Manba looked suspicious.

"Of course." Yang Xuan nodded.

"Shut up, you two bastards." Situ Yan's face became uglier the more she heard it. She slapped the table and got up, glaring at Yang Xuan and Man Ba.

"Okay, okay, why are you so angry, come on, let's have a glass of wine, we will be friends from now on." Yang Xuan laughed and poured a glass of wine for Manba and Situ Yan respectively.

"You consider me a friend so soon?" Situ Yan was surprised.

"Well, you are a smart woman, and I don't seem to suffer any loss from making friends with you." Yang Xuan smiled, and then said: "But you have to be careful, I am too charming, and the beauty There are quite a lot of confidants, you better not fall in love with me."

"Who will fall in love with you? Don't be narcissistic." Situ Yan rolled her eyes, then fell silent.

After a while, she finally said, "Yang Xuan, you are very talented, I hope you can help my Situ family in the future."

After finishing speaking, she added, "Of course, my Situ family will not let you help in vain. From now on, my Situ family will give you [-] low-grade spirit stones and [-] yuan-gathering pills every year. , My Situ family is good at finding out information, if you want to know something, you can also find me."

This is a lure for profit, but Yang Xuan was unmoved, he gnawed on the chicken leg and asked vaguely: "Well, can I refuse such a generous treatment?"

"Of course I can't refuse."

"Sorry, I refuse."


"It's very simple. Cannibals have soft mouths but short hands. Your Situ family gave me so many things. I'm afraid I have to pay a lot."

"You, really don't think about it, my Situ family doesn't need you to pay anything, I just hope that when you are capable, you can help my Situ family become the number one martial arts family on Xingchen Island."

"Beauty, you are wrong. If a family wants to grow and develop, it can only rely on itself. Others can help it for a while, but they can't help it for a lifetime."

"Well, if that's the case, forget it."

"Hey, it's actually not impossible. If you are willing to commit yourself to me, I might consider it. Well, just think about it. Everything depends on your performance."


Situ Yan became angry from embarrassment, what is committed to me, it all depends on your performance, what is going on in this guy's mind.

"Don't be angry, you can think about it slowly."

"Don't think about it, don't even think about it."

"Haha, just kidding, I don't even want a woman like you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Woman, you are too smart and ambitious. It's okay to be ordinary friends with you. If you really want to be a woman, you don't know when you will sell it."

Yang Xuan curled his lips. He had seen countless women in his previous life, so he couldn't tell that Situ Yan was a woman with strong desires. If he got involved with this kind of woman, there would often be no good results.

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you don't want this woman." Manba nodded, and said to Yang Xuan: "Brother, brother will introduce you to a girl from our wild island some other day, and I'm sure I can give you a bunch of babies."

"Ahem, forget it, my little brother is devoted to martial arts and has no plans to get married yet." Yang Xuan shook his head hastily. There are indeed beautiful women among the barbarian women, but because of their blood, both men and women of the barbarians are tall and thick.

"Hypocrisy." Situ Yan snorted softly.

"Uh, why am I being hypocritical?"

"You know what's in your heart." After leaving the words, Situ Yan drifted away. She originally wanted to win over Yang Xuan, but who knew that Yang Xuan was not good at anything, so she also gave up on this thought.

"This woman is really strange." Man Ba ​​murmured, and without thinking about it, he drank a glass with Yang Xuan, and I have to say that the concentration of the flame wine is extremely high. A little drunk.

Of course, it's because he didn't use his vitality to dispel the alcohol, otherwise he wouldn't be drunk no matter how much he drank.


While Yang Xuan and Man Ba ​​were drinking heavily in the private room, the news of Zhou Yi's death also spread back to the Zhou family. After learning that Zhou Yi was trampled to death by Yang Xuan, the Patriarch of the Zhou family was furious and led a large group of people. They rushed to Luoshui City Wharf in a mighty manner.

However, it was too late.

The Xingchen had already set sail and disappeared on the vast river. The Patriarch of the Zhou family could only stand at the pier of Luoshui City and mourn, vowing to find Yang Xuan and avenge his son.

Yang Xuan didn't know anything about this, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

This is also normal, he started a killing spree in Fengyun Gorge, killed many Jiuyou Cult warriors, and he didn't care about taking another life on his body.

"A thousand cups of wine is too small for a bosom friend, come on, big brother, let's do it."

"Haha, brother is happy."

In the luxuriously decorated private room, Yang Xuan and Man Ba ​​chatted happily and drank several pots of flame wine before returning to their respective guest rooms.

However, as soon as Yang Xuan opened the door, his eyes widened, and he saw a beautiful young maid in light gauze lying on the bed, looking as if she was at her mercy.

"My lord, you are finally back, and this servant has been waiting for you for a while."

At this moment, the maid also found Yang Xuan, smiled sweetly, got off the bed slowly, and walked towards Yang Xuan with her bare feet.

A vaguely scented wind rushed towards his face, Yang Xuan couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch his nose, and asked in a deep voice, "Miss, is this?"

"The servant girl was sent by Commander Lei Ming to serve the young master." The maid knew the way of flattery, her voice was coquettish and coquettish.

"So it was sent by Lei Ming." Yang Xuan suddenly understood that Lei Ming should want to befriend him.

"My lord, the hot water is ready in the bathroom. May I wait for you to take a bath first?" The maid exhaled like blue, and the delicate voice made Yang Xuan feel a little restless.

However, he didn't mess around, waved his hand and said, "No need, you can go, I don't need your service."

"Wuwu, how, how did this happen?" The maid sobbed softly when she heard the words. It's no wonder she was the bargaining chip sent by Lei Ming to win over Yang Xuan. I don't know what kind of punishment will be suffered.

(End of this chapter)

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