Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 1277 Named Yang Hu

Chapter 1277 Named Yang Hu
"Come here as soon as I let you come, don't worry, meeting is fate, I will not kill you, not only will I not kill you, but will send you a fortune, I just ask you, do you want to turn into a human being in the future, flying into the sky to escape?" Earth, become the great demon of heaven and earth that no one dares to bully?"

The Tiger Demon had both new and old wounds, and most of these wounds were left by human monks.

Yang Xuan didn't need to think about it to know that this monster has been able to cultivate until now, and it has also suffered a lot during the period.

"Humans and monsters have different paths, let alone an uncivilized monster. You must not get close to it."

Jiang Xin'er said loudly, she was trying to persuade her with nice words, but she didn't expect Yang Xuan to ignore it at all, instead, she walked towards the tiger demon and walked over slowly.

"You seem to hate humans extremely, can you tell me why?"

Yang Xuan asked as he walked, and clearly sensed the deep hatred for humans from the tiger demon's eyes.


The tiger demon yelled several times, but Yang Xuan understood it, and said casually: "It turns out that someone snatched your child away, no wonder you are so anxious to become stronger."

Demons have demonic words, and it is difficult for them to turn into a human form before reaching the seventh level, but who is Yang Xuan?
His divine sense is strong, and he can easily understand what the tiger demon is expressing, and he can also tell whether the other party is lying or not, so he immediately asked, "Do you want to take your child back?"

The tiger demon roared and nodded repeatedly.

Ever since the only child around him was snatched away, his heart has been cold ever since, and he has ignored life and death since then. He rampaged all the way in the mountains, killing and killing, and then forcibly swallowed a semi-magical medicine, and the demon power in his body immediately increased.

Yang Xuan didn't know this, but he also sympathized with the tiger demon, saying: "Since the other party can snatch your child from under your nose, it is by no means easy to deal with it, you are still too weak now, go If you die, you will die in vain."


The tiger demon roared loudly, Lianshan was full of determination, no matter how strong or how powerful the opponent was, it would go to take back its own child, even if it cost its life for it.

"It's still a stubborn temper, no matter what, I will accompany you to the other party's territory once the matter here is over."

Yang Xuan laughed.

The tiger demon roared several times, and kept expressing its thanks to Yang Xuan. Although Yang Xuan was also a human being, for some reason, it was willing to trust him deep down in its heart.

"I have a seventh-level demon pill here. The owner of this pill was a tiger like you before his death, but the other party is a big monster with demonic blood flowing in his body. Once you swallow this pill, there is a great possibility to complete the transformation and become a monster. A mighty tiger."

Speaking of this, Yang Xuan changed the subject in vain, "Of course, there is also danger in this. If you can't bear the pain of blood fusion, you might explode and die if you are there."

He originally planned to scare the tiger demon, but the tiger demon nodded suddenly without thinking.

"Okay, it's tough enough, since that's the case, you should take this pill now."

Yang Xuan laughed and nodded, and casually crushed a demon-filled demon pill in his hand.

"God, how did he do it!? How could he carry a seventh-order demon pill with him!?"

Jiang Xiner opened her red mouth wide in surprise, Jia Ping and the others were also full of disbelief, and they all looked at Yang Xuan in a daze, unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

"Haha, with me here, you will never die."

Yang Xuan laughed as if no one was around, and then smashed the demon pill in his hand into the mouth of the opposite tiger demon.

The tiger demon opened its mouth wide and let Yang Xuan do what it wanted, not worried that Yang Xuan would hurt him at all.

Yang Xuan is too powerful, if you really want to kill it, why bother?There is absolutely no need for that.


As if experiencing some severe pain, the tiger demon soon let out a cry of pain, shaking uncontrollably all over.

However, pain returns to pain, but it always holds its head high and never bows its head.

"Monsters have their own ways. If you can endure this pain, you will surely become a great demon in the future, and you are also qualified to stay by my side."

Yang Xuan nodded slightly, walked all the way to the tiger demon, and put one hand on its head.

For a moment, the tiger demon only felt a clear stream penetrate into his brain, making it no longer feel the slightest pain. After such a stick of incense, the tiger demon completed the advanced stage in one fell swoop.

This is an advanced bloodline. Although the level is still at the sixth level, the ordinary demonic blood in its body has turned into hot demonic blood. It seems to have inexhaustible power, and its demonic power has more than doubled directly.

"My name is Yang Xuan, and you, take my surname. From now on, you will be called Yang Hu."

Yang Xuan was also in a good mood looking at the tiger demon who jumped up and roared with its head raised.

He is a demon, he can do whatever he wants, when he saw this poor tiger demon, he couldn't help but want to help it.

"Hoo ho ho."

The tiger demon was obviously very satisfied with the name Yang Hu, and the tiger demon quickly crouched on the ground again, and kowtowed several times towards Yang Xuan in front of him.

"Get up, I don't want to take you as a servant, and I don't need you to kneel and kowtow to me. You can regard me as your relatives, um, just like a big brother."

Yang Xuan waved his hands.

"Okay, big, big brother..."

The tiger demon Yang Hu opened his mouth, and spit out words like never before. Although his words were a bit slurred, Jia Ping, Jiang Xin'er and the others could hear them clearly, and all of them stared wide-eyed in astonishment for a moment.

Before reaching the seventh level, before turning into a human being, he can speak human words. This tiger demon swallowed that seventh-level demon pill, it seems that he really got a great fortune!
The more people thought about it, the more they found it incredible, and each of them looked at Yang Xuan with awe.

This is not a young man, he is clearly an expert, and his cultivation is definitely not just a mere Yuan Condensation Boundary, they have misjudged him.

"Senior, you, just who are you?"

Jiang Xiner's almond-shaped eyes widened, and she asked blankly, Yang Xuan's various performances simply shocked her into heaven, and she will never forget it in her life.

"Hehe, I'm just a traveler. I love traveling in the mountains and rivers. I just want to be free and unrestrained. I can't be regarded as an expert."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Besides, don't call me senior. In terms of age, I am not much older than you."


"Do you think I look like some old monster?"

"Not like. But your hair..."

"Young Bai, this is not a strange thing, it can only be said that you and I have different circumstances."

"That's right, young master, you can see that he is someone who has experienced great storms."

After all, Jiang Xiner is a young girl, so she quickly regained her girlish nature, and said with envy, "In my dreams, I also want to travel around the world like a young master, but this world is too dangerous. Danger."

"Indeed, you look quite fresh and pretty, and if you walk around outside, you will be targeted by bad guys if you do anything wrong."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiner blushed, lowered her head and said, "How can I do that, my lord is just joking."

(End of this chapter)

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