Chapter 1387
"Eternal life is just a state. The so-called eternal life is an immortal life body that transcends self, time and space, without sorrow or joy, without heart or thought."

The Underworld Demon Emperor looked at Yang Xuan from a distance, with admiration and expectation in his eyes.

"If you have affection and attachment in your heart, and it is unbreakable, you will not be trapped by this loneliness, or even break it. As for whether you can do it, you have to rely on yourself, and being a father can't help you. "

"Isn't Father an Immortal Emperor? How did he get to... the Land of Eternal Life?"

"You can't say it, and you can't say it. You have to find the answer yourself. What Weifu can do now is to help you awaken the power of your blood in one fell swoop, so that your cultivation speed will be faster and your strength will be stronger."

The Underworld Emperor shook his head, a bloody light flew out from between his brows, revealing a majestic and breathtaking aura, piercing the sky in an instant and sinking into Yang Xuan's body.

"This is the last gift my father can give you. Although it can make your bloodline stronger, it is also very dangerous. Fortunately, your foundation is solid, and you have cultivated an incomplete body-refining supernatural power. Your physical body is strong enough. It should be bearable."

"Is the eight doors of life and death cultivated by my son incomplete..."

"The eight gates of life and death, based on the physical body, open up the eight acupoints in the body and stimulate one's own potential. It is indeed extraordinary, but the human body is a small universe, and there are more than eight acupoints in it?"

"Father is well-informed and knowledgeable. What he said is that the child thinks too much. Indeed, although this supernatural power is strong, as the child's cultivation level becomes higher and higher, he also realizes its shortcomings."

"Since there are deficiencies, then you have to find a way to achieve perfection. For the father, I believe you can do it."

"My son will."

Yang Xuan nodded heavily, only to feel that the blood of the Underworld Demon Emperor gradually began to burn, making him sweat profusely, making him extremely uncomfortable, but he resisted not making a sound.

Not long after this, the pores all over his body opened wide, and blood aura shot up into the sky. Behind him, a figure about the same size as him evolved.

"Very good, you come here like this, you are a true member of the underworld demon royal family, and you are worthy of being my son."

The Underworld Demon Emperor nodded with a smile.

"This is……"

Yang Xuan turned his head to look at the figure behind him, his face was full of disbelief.

"This is the most powerful avatar of my underworld demon royal family. This avatar is connected with your thoughts and is one body. If the two are superimposed into one, it will be able to stimulate the underworld demon battle body and increase the combat power by several times. Ten to a hundred times stronger than the Heavenly Demon Wing."

"So strong..."

"Haha, that's of course. As a father, he was able to kill the great sage of the Immortal Dao at the level of the Immortal Emperor back then. He relied on the Underworld Demon Battle Physique. With this combat physique added, he was born invincible. .”

Hearing this, Li Wanshan's face changed first, and then he stared at Yang Xuan, as if he had made some decision, and shot at Yang Xuan almost without hesitation, his body was filled with overwhelming hostility.

Others have little strength, but they can't help the remnant thoughts of Emperor Ming Mo, but they are confident in killing Yang Xuan with a single blow.

Either way, he is dead, so before he dies, he has to drag a son of the emperor to his back.

"court death!"

Emperor Mingmo's eyes turned cold, and he sent out a divine thought with the flick of his fingers, and he crossed thousands of miles of sky in just an instant, which was unimaginably fast.


Li Wanshan let out a scream, and before he had time to resist, he was suppressed by this divine sense and turned into a bloody man, unable to move.

This is still the mercy of Immortal Emperor Ming Mo, if not for this, he would have turned into flying ashes long ago.

"You can't live by committing sin!"

Yang Xuan pouted, and glanced at Li Wanshan disdainfully.

"I will leave this person to you, my son. I know he is useful to you."

The Underworld Demon Emperor said.

"Thank you father for your accomplishment."

Yang Xuan put away the ghost demon avatar, stepped in front of Li Wanshan, pressed his palm directly on his heavenly spirit, and forcibly performed the black luck technique, killing people and seizing luck.

Li Wanshan's cultivation is not ordinary, and his luck is strong, so it is more than useful to him?

If he could plunder his luck this time, it would be much stronger than plundering the luck of ten dark Luos. Maybe one of the nine tripods of luck could be filled.

"The villain knows his mistake, please forgive me..."

Feeling the loss of his own luck and the severe pain from his body and soul, great fear surged in Li Wanshan's heart.

"It's fine if you are disrespectful to me, but you should never have any bad feelings towards my son, so today, you must die."

The Underworld Demon Emperor said mercilessly.

"The ancestors of my Li family followed the Great Emperor all his life, and made great military exploits for the Great Emperor. I didn't expect the Great Emperor to be so ruthless today, without any nostalgia for the past."

Li Wanshan roared to the sky, his heart was full of anger and deep unwillingness.

He was murdered and robbed back then, and his remnant soul slept in the magic sealing stone for endless years.

Who would have thought that just after being revived this time, he was about to die, and he was so aggrieved that he couldn't even struggle.

"The person who killed you is me, and has nothing to do with my father, die!"

Yang Xuan's expression was indifferent, wisps of black energy gushed out from his palm continuously, covering Li Wanshan's whole body, and within a short time Li Wanshan completely turned into nothingness under his palm.

"The ancestor of the Li family was a general beside his father. He died in the battle for his father and shed the last drop of blood. His heart can shine through the sun and the moon. However, his descendants have forgotten the will of their ancestors."

Emperor Mingmo sighed faintly, and said to Yang Xuan: "The art of black luck is the famous stunt of the ancient black emperor, and the nine divine cauldrons in your soul can allow you to cultivate the luck of your own destiny and prove your destiny." Dao, presumably also originated from a great power of immortality who cultivated both Buddhism and Taoism, it is very amazing, so, as a father, you can feel at ease."

As he said that, he couldn't help telling him: "When you go to the Immortal Realm in the future, you need to be careful of the gods. This family is hypocritical and insidious, and it is an old enemy with my family. If you know that you are my son, you will definitely use all means to fight against it." Against you.

In addition, there is a talisman here for my father. This talisman is called the life and death talisman. It was a gift from a friend of my father in the past. It can help you resolve a murder, so you should keep it carefully and use it carefully. "

While speaking, a pitch-black talisman flew over and landed firmly in Yang Xuan's hands.

Needless to say, this is the Life and Death Talisman, which has the supreme power to reverse life and death, and its value is limitless.

"Is the father leaving?"

Yang Xuan was shocked, and subconsciously took the life and death talisman, his eyes filled with gratitude and reluctance.

"Yeah, I'm leaving. This remnant thought was stored in a drop of blood essence for my father, and it wouldn't last long. But now, this drop of blood essence has been integrated into your blood. Can't last forever."

The blood essence of life is extremely precious, and it is this drop of blood that keeps the remnant thoughts of the Underworld Demon Emperor in the statue for a long time.

"You are much better than being a father, live well."

The remnants of Emperor Ming Mo disappeared quickly, leaving only one sentence echoing in Yang Xuan's mind, which lasted for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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