Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 1491 I hit you in the face

Chapter 1491 I hit you in the face

"Haha, you really think this is your Feng family, and you still want to kill me? You are so stupid!"

Duan De is angry and funny, killing people on Piaomiao Star is obviously not giving Piaomiao Xiancheng face, even a smart person would not dare to have such an idea.

"A waste like you dare to call me stupid. If I don't abolish you today, I will write the word Feng Shaobao upside down."

Feng Shaobao yelled, the Feng family and the Duan family had an old feud.

Between him and Duan De, there are many bridges formed. Today, when the enemies meet, they are naturally extremely jealous.

At this moment, he is also determined to take this opportunity to show Duan De some color, otherwise it will be difficult to vent his anger.

"It's really stupid to say that you are stupid. Don't you know how to use your brain before you speak harshly?"

Duan De curled his lips, his face full of mockery.

"This guy's footsteps are vain, and his essence leaks seriously. At first glance, he looks like a womanizer. He only cares about pleasure. He's an idiot with a strong outside, and as an idiot, where's his brain?"

Yang Xuan's mouth was not a vegetarian either, one word made Feng Shaobao furious, and he felt his lungs were about to explode.

He glared at Yang Xuan with fire in his eyes, almost roaring, "You son of a bitch, have the guts to report your name."

It is unforgivable for a monk who has just entered the real fairyland to dare to humiliate him face to face.

"It seems that you are not too stupid. You still know to find out my details before you start. It's okay to tell you. I am Lin Feng, and I am an inner disciple of Yuhua Sect."

Yang Xuan said with a fake smile, he has already obtained a Mingxuan fruit, and although he has not yet returned to the Yuhuamen to complete the handover task, he can still call himself an inner disciple of the Yuhuamen.

At the same time, this level of identity can also avoid many unnecessary troubles. At least few monks in the Real Martial Immortal Domain dare to touch him.

"What Lin Feng, Wang Feng, I have never heard of it."

As soon as Feng Shaobao said this, someone seemed to remember something, and immediately came to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Young Master Feng, you should not underestimate this person. This Lin Feng is not just an inner disciple of the Yuhua Sect. It is said that just a few days ago, this son was appreciated by the ancestor of Yuhua outside the barren mountain and personally bestowed on him a fruit of time. "

The person who spoke was Zhao Ning, who was adopted as an adopted son by a certain steward of the Feng family in his early years, and has always been the personal guard and thug of Feng Shaobao, the young master of the Feng family.

And his cultivation level is also the highest among Feng Shaobao's three guards, reaching the fifth heaven of the real fairyland.

"There is such a thing!"

Feng Shaobao's eyelids twitched slightly, and the gaze he looked at Yang Xuan became different, with a hint of apprehension, and he waved his hands pretendingly casually and said, "Forget it, I don't know you, so I don't have the time to argue with you." , You immediately disappeared from my sight."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Duan De, his voice turned cold in vain, "As for you, you have to leave something behind today."

"If you want to touch my brother, you have to ask me if I agree."

Yang Xuan sneered, no matter whether he is Lin Feng or not, no matter what Duan De thinks of him when he learns the truth in the future, he will regard Duan De as a friend, and no one can touch Yang Xuan's friend in this world.

"Boy, I have already given you enough face. Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. You will really piss me off. I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

Feng Shaobao became angry for a while, turned his head and told Zhao Ning: "Zhao Ning, you go over and help me take these two people down, um, just break their hands and feet."

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. How about Feng Shao, let's just forget about it. After all, this is Piaomiao Star, and it's so close to Piaomiao Fairy City. It's not appropriate to do it here."

Zhao Ning persuaded in a low voice that he was grateful to the Feng family and obeyed Feng Shaobao's words, but in the public, he still dared not kill two Yuhua sect disciples.

"If you want to do it, do it. How can there be so much nonsense? Besides, fighting is not prohibited outside Piaomiao Xiancheng. If you fight here, as long as you don't kill people, Piaomiao Xiancheng will not interfere."

Feng Shaobao paused for a moment, then gave Zhao Ning a booster, and said: "Don't worry, I have a friend in Yuhuamen, and the other party is the vassal of Fang Baiyu, the big brother of Yuhuamen, and I can settle all big things for me." .”

"Well, everything depends on the wind."

Feng Shaobao talked about this, no matter how unwilling Zhao Ning was, he had to bite the bullet and agree.


Duan De yelled, he didn't expect to get into trouble just after he came to Piaomiao Xiancheng.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a few jumping clowns, they can't do anything to us."

Yang Xuan patted Duan De on the shoulder, looked up at Zhao Ning, Feng Shaobao and the others, and said word by word: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. It's too late for you to get out now."

"you wanna die!"

Feng Shaobao was furious, and even Zhao Ning's face suddenly turned cold, saying: "Shut up when you see something good, you can't be too crazy, too often there will be no good end."

"It's useless to talk too much. The three of you go up together. I want you to kneel in front of me and admit your mistakes."

It was rare for Feng Shaobao to talk nonsense. Following his order, Zhao Ning and the other two young monks of the Feng family stepped out together, striding towards Yang Xuan and Duan De.

"It seems that you are not ready to leave."

Yang Xuan shook his head, his figure flickered, he had already staggered away from the three of Zhao Ning, and appeared in front of Feng Shaobao like a ghost, so fast that even Zhao Ning had no time to react.

After becoming Lin Feng, although Yang Xuan didn't want to show his edge too much, no matter how he concealed it, he was still the young emperor of the demon clan, with the blood of the supreme underworld demon emperor flowing in his bones, and he would not lose to anyone in terms of aura.


Feng Shaobao only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he felt short of breath. Yang Xuan grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air, his face flushed red.

"Lin Feng, quickly let go of my young master."

Zhao Ning's complexion changed drastically, but he didn't dare to act rashly. After all, Feng Shaobao only had a cultivation level of the Transcendent Realm, and now he was captured on the spot, and his life and death depended on the other party's thought.

"Trash, do you want to die or live?"

Yang Xuan ignored Zhao Ning, but just looked down at Feng Shaobao in front of him coldly.

"Let go of me, me, my father is the current head of the Feng family, a master of the Immortal Monarch Realm, if you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, my father will never let you go."

Feng Shaobao roared with a distorted face, he didn't believe that Yang Xuan really dared to kill him in front of so many people.

"Madman, calm down, don't make things big, just teach him a lesson."

Duan De stepped forward and said.

"Haha, teach me a lesson, does he dare?"

Feng Shaobao laughed, seeing that Yang Xuan hadn't done anything for a long time, he returned to his domineering nature.


Yang Xuan didn't even think about it, he slapped him up, Feng Shaobao tilted his head, shattered a few front teeth, and groaned: "You, you dare to hit me in the face, I, I..."

His mouth was full of blood, his words leaked, and he was about to cry in anger.

"What about me, my lord slapped you in the face."

Yang Xuan slapped Feng Shaobao again, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, it was as miserable as it could be.

(End of this chapter)

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