Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 1887 Named Hunyuan

Chapter 1887 Named Hunyuan
"What kind of place is the Eternal Chaos Realm?"

Yang Xuan thought about it, but still couldn't help asking.

It is true that his predecessor may have come from the Eternal Chaos Realm, but he does not have any memory of that place in his mind now.

"The Eternal Chaos Realm is divided into nine heavens, each of which is larger than the last, and the higher the level, the more taboos are likely to be born. In addition, there were rumors in a certain period of time that the Eternal Chaos Realm was a world evolved from an artifact of chaos. "

Pangu Ax Spirit said in a deep voice.

"Creative Chaos Artifact, can you tell me more about it?"

While Yang Xuan was shocked, he couldn't help becoming interested. In his heart, he had many guesses about the Eternal Chaos Realm.

But among these guesses, it never occurred to them that the Eternal Chaos Realm was born in an artifact.

What kind of artifact can evolve a chaotic world, and whether this artifact was refined by someone, all of this makes people very curious.

"Which artifact is called the Chaos Tower, as for the origin of the Chaos Tower, I don't know, and I can't even confirm whether the existence of the Chaos Tower is true."

Pangu Ax Spirit Dao, the Eternal Chaos Realm has existed since ancient times, and it has a long history. Not to mention him, even those taboos in the Eternal Chaos Realm that have been obtained longer than it may not know how the Eternal Chaos Realm was formed.

The only thing that is certain is that the Eternal Chaos Realm is the origin of all life. Whether it is the Immortal Realm or the Immortal Realm, they were all once part of the Eternal Chaos Realm.

"Okay, then tell me about the taboos in the Eternal Chaos Realm?" Yang Xuan didn't ask too much about this question, and instead asked about the so-called taboos in the Eternal Chaos Realm.

"All taboos are mostly born from the tree of good fortune, and possess various extraordinary powers. For example, some taboos can manipulate all spirits through singing, and some taboos can create clones of each other through parasitism. puppet."

Pangu Ax Lingdao.

"Having these abilities is considered a taboo?!" Yang Xuan was surprised. As far as these abilities are concerned, he can do the same now, and there is nothing to be particularly concerned about.

"Of course not. The reason why taboos are called taboos is because they are things that will die if you touch them. Don't underestimate these abilities. With your current cultivation base, if you really want to meet that kind of existence, can you resist them all?" I don't even know if I can survive!"

Pangu paused for a moment, and continued: "Once any power reaches its peak, it will form specific rules, and as long as there are rules, it is difficult for anyone to be able to compete."

"Hearing what you said, I am really looking forward to those taboos in the Eternal Chaos Realm." Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hehe, you kid is a taboo. I still can't see through your origin. Maybe this time you entered the Eternal Chaos Realm with the Immortal Realm, and you may be able to awaken the forbidden power hidden in your body in advance."

Hearing Pan Gu Ax Spirit's words, Yang Xuan's heart throbbed suddenly for some reason.

That feeling is like a seed buried somewhere in the body, which is about to germinate and bear fruit.

"What, I can't catch it unexpectedly. Could it be that I was really a taboo in the past? If not, why is there such a feeling in my body?"

Yang Xuan frowned, not at all happy about it, the unknown power is the most terrifying, he was worried that the current self would not be able to bear this taboo power, and once he could not bear it, he would awaken this taboo power , the consequences would undoubtedly be unimaginable.

"There is a great terror in your body, you must also feel it?"

Pangu Ax Spirit was silent for a while before speaking, and the horror in his voice could not be concealed. Yang Xuan's body seemed to hide a huge volcano. Once the volcano erupted, its might would destroy the world, making it feel palpitations.

"It doesn't matter, I am me, even if I was a taboo in the past, this will not change at all." Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, and then listened to the voice transmission of the spirit of heaven in the fairy world: "The fairy world is about to reach the chaotic world, when the time comes I have to borrow your Pan Gu ax."

"Borrow my Pangu ax..."

Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment, then said to Pangu Fuling: "Senior means..."

"No problem, if you want to blast the Chaos Boundary, you must first have a Chaos Artifact." Pan Gu Axe did not refuse, so said.

"In that case, thank you senior."

"You don't need to thank me. After all, I am also looking forward to returning to the Eternal Chaos Realm. I just don't know if the Eternal Chaos Realm is still the one I used to know after so many years."


After Pangu Ax Spirit agreed, its body soared into the sky, and under the envoy of the spirit of heaven in the fairy world, it split the chaotic fog in front of it with an axe.

With a loud noise, as the fog of chaos was split open, a gap about several meters in size appeared on the pitch-black boundary wall in the distance. Obviously, that pitch-black boundary wall was undoubtedly the chaos boundary wall.

And almost at the same time that the boundary wall was blasted open the gap, the fairy world also turned into a stream of light, lightning flew into the gap, and disappeared into the boundless chaotic mist.


On a vast and boundless land, a bright light, like a meteor from the sky, suddenly fell from the sky, landed on a vast ocean on the land, and turned into an incomparably magnificent giant city.

"The fairyland turned into an ancient city?!"

Yang Xuan stood on a piece of void in the city, raised his eyes and looked at the entire giant city, and found that almost all monks in the city, and to be precise, they should all be monks from the fairy world.

"A long time ago, the Immortal Realm was an ancient city in the Eternal Chaos Realm. This city was also built by our lord Hongjun, and it was called Hunyuan City."

The spirit of the fairy world turned into a boy, appeared beside Yang Xuan out of thin air and said.

"Senior's master is Hongjun Da Neng?!" Yang Xuan was startled, he had heard of Hongjun's name a long time ago, but he didn't know much about this person.

"This is not surprising, and only my lord, Hongjun, was able to bring the entire Hunyuan City away from the world of eternal chaos when the eternal chaos was in a catastrophe."

The spirit of the fairy world.

"What does the elder mean by the catastrophe in the Eternal Chaos Realm?" Yang Xuan asked.

"On the ninth layer of the eternal chaos world, there is a sea of ​​chaos. I don't know what happened back then, but there was a riot in the entire chaotic sea.

"Chaos Sea?"

"The Chaos Sea is the biggest forbidden place in the Eternal Chaos Realm, and even those taboo creatures in the Eternal Chaos Realm dare not rush into it."

"Okay, then senior, tell me about this Hunyuan City, how powerful is your master Hongjun?"

"My lord is sleeping in the city, and won't wake up for a while. As for this Hunyuan City, you can regard it as a refuge. As long as people are in the city, there is absolutely no taboo to dare to step into it. city."

"Your master is so powerful, can he still deter those taboos in the chaotic world?"

"Haha, although my lord is not a taboo, in the past years, in the Eternal Chaos Realm, he slaughtered many taboos with his own strength, making all taboos fearful and afraid to provoke..."

(End of this chapter)

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