Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 274 Misty Rain Lake

Chapter 274 Misty Rain Lake

"Hello, Mr. Chu!"

"Hehe, I haven't seen you in just one month, and Mr. Chu's cultivation level has improved again. It's really gratifying!"

Walking along the way, many people saw Chu Tianpeng smiling and showing their kindness, wanting to make friends with him, which shows that Chu Tianpeng's status in Ziyangzong is very high.

For those who showed goodwill, Chu Tianpeng always returned the salute with his fists clasped, without any airs.

Seeing this, Yang Xuan couldn't help nodding his head. It's no wonder that he is so popular because he is so gentle.

With emotion, he has already followed Chu Tianpeng to the depths of the square, and saw a huge platform a few feet away, five feet high and ten feet long, this platform is obviously the stop of Ziyangzong's cross-domain flying boat .

At this moment, it was empty above, but not long after, the clouds in the distance surged, and there was a whistling sound.

The next moment, a flying boat came through the sky and landed steadily on the platform without making a sound.

The flying boat is colorful and about seven feet long. It doesn't look big, but there is a Sumeru magic circle inside, otherwise it wouldn't be able to carry many people.

This is a cross-domain flying boat. In fact, it is a top-grade spiritual weapon. However, the top-quality spiritual weapon of flying boats is not easy to refine, and the material is also extremely hard. Especially the flying boat with the Sumeru magic circle is absolutely priceless.

As human beings, Yang Xuan could tell at a glance that the boat was made of fine iron from outside the sky, and praised: "That's right, a full blow by a strong person in the Guiyi realm may not be able to cause much damage to this boat."

This is the defense of the flying boat itself. If the defense array is activated, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the strong in the death realm to break through the defense.

"It's not easy to build a cross-domain flying boat. In order to build this flying boat, our Ziyang Sect consumed at least one billion low-grade primordial stones." Chu Tianpeng smiled wryly.

"One billion low-grade primordial stones!" Yang Xuan smacked his lips.

"Oh, there is no way. The most important thing for a cross-domain airship is speed and defense. Without speed, it will be difficult to attract passengers. Without defense, it will encounter danger during the voyage."


"Brother Yang doesn't know something. Flying across domains is a long way, and the journey is not safe. There are often monsters and beasts on the way. In addition, we have to guard against bandits. In our Zhongzhou, there are several groups of bandits. They have cross-domain airships, and from time to time, they will dispatch large-scale interceptions to intercept past cross-domain airships to collect protection fees."

"So rampant?"

"Hehe, Brother Yang, don't worry. Although our Ziyang Sect is not among the top ten super sects, we are still the top sect in Zhongzhou. After so many years, no bandit force has dared to attack our Ziyang Sect."

While speaking, he saw the flying boat on the platform slantingly descending a layer of ladder, and then the crowd began to walk up the ladder one after another and entered the cabin of the flying boat.

There are a few Ziyang Sect disciples selling tickets outside the cabin, and you have to pay the corresponding primordial stones to go there, and no one has dared not to buy a ticket.

Yang Xuan and Chu Tianpeng climbed the ladder along the flow of people, and soon entered the cabin.

As Chu Tianpeng said, no one collected Yuanshi. When the disciples of the Ziyang Sect selling tickets saw Chu Tianpeng, they respectfully called their senior brother, and then he and Yang Xuan entered the cabin.

The space inside the cabin is huge, with rows of seats distributed on both sides. At a glance, there are three to four thousand seats. In the middle of these seats is a spacious aisle covered with red carpet. Chu Tianpeng and Yang Xuan walked forward along the aisle. , and finally came to a magnificent space.

There are carved railings and jade, small bridges and flowing water, and a beautiful environment. Dozens of other courtyards are scattered throughout this space, each of which is dozens of square meters in size.

Seeing Yang Xuan looking around, Chu Tianpeng introduced: "Our Ziyangzong's cross-domain airship is divided into ordinary class, economy class, and deluxe class. Among them, the ordinary class is the cheapest, but it does not provide meals. If you want to eat, you have to pay extra." If you pay Yuanshi, the economy class fare is slightly more expensive, but board and lodging are provided, and there are separate rooms, but the sound insulation is not very good."

"This should be a luxury cabin, right?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Well, this is the deluxe cabin. The fare is five times that of the ordinary cabin. However, there are independent courtyards here, and each courtyard is protected by a magic circle. It is safe and quiet. You don't have to worry about being disturbed. In addition, you have three meals a day. Someone sent it, and there is no need to pay any primordial stones."

Speaking of this, Chu Tianpeng found Yang Xuan to live in another courtyard, and then left.


There is a two-storey attic in the other courtyard. There are bathrooms and practice rooms on the first floor, and two rooms on the second floor, which are extremely luxuriously decorated. There is also a mirror on the wall of the room. Immediately came a very intuitive three-dimensional picture.

I saw mountains, rivers and land, rivers and lakes receding one after another, making people feel as if they were on the scene.

This is naturally the wonderful use of magic circles. Thousands of years have passed, and the various sects in Zhongzhou have used various magic circles to the extreme.

Yang Xuan didn't look at it too much, and took out the divine weapon shuttle boat from the stall from the storage ring, and was about to sacrifice the boat, but who knew that he asked the purgatory boy, and the answer he got was that it could not be sacrificed for the time being. refining.

The reason is very simple, Shuozhou's weapon spirit was injured and was in a deep sleep, and the sacrifice he wanted had to wait for the weapon spirit to wake up first.

Hearing this news, Yang Xuan almost vomited blood, and forced himself to ask: "Boy, when will Shuo Zhou's weapon spirit wake up?"

"It's up to you. If you can find enough good fortune, it will wake up soon. If you can't find it, it may take a hundred years or a thousand years to wake up." The purgatory boy said lightly.

"Okay, count me unlucky."

"Unlucky? Don't you get it cheap and act like a good boy. This is a middle-grade artifact, and no one else can get it if they want it."

"Oh, you are right, it seems that I have to find a way to find the Qi of Creation."

After chatting with Purgatory Boy, Yang Xuan fell asleep on the bed.

Now, the purgatory boy no longer sleeps from time to time, and he will be notified in advance if there is any danger. Besides, there is a magic circle in other courtyards to protect him, so outsiders have to break through the circle if they want to come in.


The speed of the cross-domain flying boat is very fast, but the trip to the city of chaos is hundreds of thousands of miles away. According to Chu Tianpeng, it will take four days for the cross-domain flying boat to reach its destination.

Yang Xuan was not in a hurry, he went to Chaos City to see the world, and to inquire about his father and Uncle Fu secretly.

The city of chaos is chaos, but it is also the place with the best news. If he is lucky, he may find out the news of his father and Forbe.

Flying all the way, the cross-domain airship is stable and stable, and there is no danger on the road. Every two or three hours, the airship will stop at some squares and cities for half an hour. At this time, passengers on the airship can also go shopping or shop for treasures. , or purchase what is needed for cultivation.

In the other courtyard, Yang Xuan stayed in the practice room all day long without going out of the second gate, and did not go wandering in various markets. It was not until the noon of the third day, when Chu Tianpeng came to look for him, that he got off the flying boat excitedly. .

Because, the cross-domain flying boat actually came to Fangshi of the Hehuan Sect.

The Hehuan Sect is located in the central region, and there are nine square cities under its jurisdiction. The city where the flying boat stops is the most lively city of the Hehuan Sect.

This square city is called Yanyu Lake. It is located on a huge lake with a large number of floating population. It is more like a floating city than a square city. Countless palaces and buildings are scattered in the vast lake. The dream is like an illusion, just like a fairyland on earth.

The entire Fang City is thousands of acres in size, with a total of seven flying boat stops.

At this time, the Ziyang Sect's cross-domain flying boat slowly landed and stopped on a huge lake platform. A Ziyang Sect escort warrior who was at the peak of the cultivation base of the Ziyang Sect said: "Everyone, the Yanyu Hufang City of the Hehuan Sect has arrived. My Ziyang Sect's cross-domain flying boat will stop here for two hours, during this time you can go down for a stroll."

After finishing speaking, he reminded: "Acacia Sect is a great sect of demons, both good and evil, and powerful. Please remember not to conflict with others in Fangshi, or you will bear the consequences."

The sound came out through the magic circle, and all passengers could hear it clearly.

"Don't worry, who would dare to mess around in Misty Rain Lake unless you have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard?"

"Okay, let's get off the boat. I heard that there are so many beautiful women in Yanyu Lake. I have long wanted to come and see them."

"Haha, then you will definitely be able to feast your eyes today, but the girls in Misty Rain Lake are all kinds of charms, and you will not pay for your life. You must hold on, or you will be squeezed dry."

Many people chatted with each other and got off the boat, ready to visit the famous Yanyu Lake.

There are countless cross-domain flying boats docked on the platform in the lake, and there are many boats soliciting passengers around, just tell the boatman where to go.

Of course, you can also fly in the air, but the premise is that you don't fight with others, otherwise you will attract the inspecting disciples of the Hehuan Sect, and you will be expelled from Misty Rain Lake, or you will be killed on the spot.

"Brother Yang, come with me, and I will take you to see the world." Chu Tianpeng smiled slightly, stepped off the flying boat with Yang Xuan, and stepped onto a small boat.

"Are the two young masters just for fun?" The boatman was a short, unremarkable middle-aged man with a cultivation level at the peak of the Vientiane Realm. When he saw Chu Tianpeng and Yang Xuan boarding the boat, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Go to Yanyu Tower." Chu Tianpeng blurted out, he was obviously very familiar with Yanyu Lake, unlike Yang Xuan who looked around and was unfamiliar with everything.

"Okay, the two gentlemen are seated firmly." The boatman didn't delay, rowed the oars, and rushed to the Yanyu Building.

All the way forward, boats come and go, above the sky, figures shuttle.

Looking around, on the mirror-like lake, the palaces and palaces are connected together, resplendent and resplendent. On the open ground on many buildings and boats, countless warriors set up street stalls, doing small businesses, and shouting endlessly.

Yang Xuan looked around and saw the prosperity of Yanyu Lake, but he was even more curious about the Yanyu Tower that Chu Tianpeng said: "Brother Chu, what is this Yanyu Tower?"

"Young Master, this is the first time you have come to Yanyu Lake, right? This is a paradise on earth. Let alone the Yanyu Tower, like Feihua Pavilion, Chasing Moon Pavilion, Qunfang Tower, etc., are famous in Yanyu Lake and even the whole of Zhongzhou. They are the men of the world. The selling gold nest."

The boatman was very talkative, before Chu Tianpeng could open his mouth, he introduced it to Yang Xuan eloquently: "Let's talk about Feihua Pavilion, the girls there talk softly, and their body is as fragrant as orchids, as long as you have Yuanshi, she I fell in love with you again, and I will spend the spring night with you, making you happy, and the girls in the Chasing Moon Pavilion are petite, all of them are extremely enchanting, "

(End of this chapter)

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