Chapter 294

"Hutou, don't talk." Pulling the tiger's head behind him to protect him, the old man looked up at the man in red, with anger and helplessness flashing in his cloudy eyes, and said, "The child's parents have been captured by you!" , What are you still doing here, don’t you even let our grandpa and grandson go?”

"What nonsense is the old man talking about? When did our Xiaoyaozong arrest people?" the man in red said angrily.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Why not, your son and daughter-in-law miss you so much, so I came here to take your family there for a reunion."

"The child is too young to withstand strong winds and waves. Please, sir, can you let the child's parents back. The child cannot live without his parents."

"Let's talk nonsense, you grandpa and grandson have to go today, and you have to go if you don't."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan already understood that the eight people including the man in red are Xiaoyaozong warriors, and they came here to catch the old man and the tiger head.

"Even the old people and children are not spared. I will definitely find an opportunity to destroy this Xiaoyaozong." Murderous intent surged in Yang Xuan's heart. Although he didn't know how strong the Xiaoyaozong was, a martial artist in a remote sea area It's just a sect, no matter how strong it is, how strong can it be?

In Yang Xuan's view, using the original power of the King of War by himself will definitely uproot the entire Xiaoyao Sect.

"Old man, who is this kid?" At this moment, the man in red squinted his eyes and looked at Yang Xuan, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He didn't expect Yang Xuan to be a warrior. Warrior, this is also because Yang Xuan deliberately restrained his breath fluctuations, otherwise he would reveal his true cultivation, and scare the man in red and the others into shit.

"I'm the old man's distant nephew." Yang Xuan said before waiting for the old man to answer.

"Distant nephew?" The man in red was taken aback for a moment, without thinking too much, and said coldly: "You are very wrong, you are not very old, but you have the cultivation base of the seventh heaven of the Condensed Origin Realm."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, you can follow me too."

"Brother, run away quickly, you must not go." The old man said anxiously.

"Shut up." The man in red snorted coldly, and said to Yang Xuan, "Do you want me to do it, or come with me?"

"I'll go with you, but I have one condition."

"Interesting, you dare to raise conditions with me, you can talk about it."

"It's very simple, I'll go with you, don't make things difficult for them."

"Alright, for the sake of your happiness, I won't embarrass the grandpa and grandson today." The man in red sneered and nodded. If the tiger head, the old and the young, were taken away, they might have been tossed to death on the sea before they reached their destination, which would be in vain.

"Brother, they are bad people, don't go with them." Hutou wailed loudly.

"Don't worry, Hutou, brother will come back to see you in a few days." Yang Xuan said with a smile.

Hearing this, the man in red grinned, wondering where this idiot came from.

The remaining Xiaoyaozong warriors looked at each other, and they also showed smiles on their faces, full of sarcasm.

For more than half a year, their Xiaoyao Sect has arrested countless people, including warriors in the Condensed Origin Realm and True Astral Realm, but they haven't met someone like Yang Xuan yet, and they are not afraid to go with them.

Is this kid going to play? It's really stupid and pitiful, but he doesn't know that he will never come back after going, and he is destined to die outside.

"Brother, why are you bothering? You can't go to Xiaoyaozong!" The old man burst into tears.

"You don't need to worry, old man. Also, I will try my best to do what I promised you." Yang Xuan smiled, and resolutely left with the man in red and the others.

"Promise me?" The old man was stunned for a moment, and soon thought of something, he pulled the tiger's head and fell to his knees: "Hutou, my brother has a great kindness to our grandpa and grandson. You have to repay it well, do you understand?"

"Wuuu, Hutou knows." Hutou nodded sadly. Although he had only been together for a few days, he already regarded Yang Xuan as his own brother. Hatred, hatred for Xiaoyaozong.


Walking along the road at a leisurely pace, Yang Xuan originally wanted to find a chance to kill the man in red and others, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up, because he was very curious about why Xiaoyaozong had arrested so many people.

"Boy, hurry up, don't dawdle behind." The man in red turned his head, his gaze serious.

Yang Xuan remained silent and quickened his pace to follow.

On the way, Yang Xuan discovered that there were not many Xiaoyaozong warriors who came to Bikong Island, and many fishermen were arrested on the island.

These fishermen are all young and middle-aged, and there are a few dark-skinned young women among them. They should have escaped catastrophe half a year ago, but now they are found by the people of Xiaoyaozong. It has to be said that it is very unfortunate. They probably didn't expect that Xiaoyaozong would come back with a carbine.

"Bandits, villains, you will not die well, and you will go to hell." Suddenly, a woman struggled and screamed, and grabbed a Xiaoyaozong warrior beside her.

"Ugly woman, you are fucking tired of working." The Xiaoyaozong warrior took the trouble and killed the woman with one stab, very hot and ruthless.

"Damn it, ah, you crazy demons, I will fight with you." A middle-aged man in coarse linen with red eyes and a heart-piercing howl screamed at the woman-killer Xiaoyao. Zong Wuzhe rushed over.

"If you want to die, I will give you a ride." With a cold shout, the light of the knife flashed, and the middle-aged man's head was in a different place, and blood flowed all over the ground. This also shocked the other fishermen, and all of them turned pale with fright. , shivering.

"These beasts."

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, if he didn't want to investigate Xiaoyaozong, he would have killed all these Xiaoyaozong warriors on the spot.

"Okay, let's start the boat right away, escort all these people on board." Someone shouted from afar.

"Hurry up, if anyone delays the trip, I will kill him with a knife." While speaking, Yang Xuan and many fishermen were driven by several Xiaoyao Sect disciples to the beach and boarded a big boat.

The big ship soon set sail, cutting through the wind and waves all the way, and sailed to the distance at an extremely fast speed.

In total, there were more than 30 fishermen who were caught on board the boat. The vast majority were young adults in their [-]s and [-]s, and there were also a few women among them. Except for Yang Xuan, all of them were terrified and curled up on the deck. on the corner.

Yang Xuan found a place to sit down, his cultivation was not high, and none of the Xiaoyao Sect disciples on the boat took him seriously.

Time flies, the boat has been sailing for two hours, and it is almost hundreds of miles away from Bikong Island.

Although this big ship is not a spiritual weapon, it has a power circle. It only needs to consume a few primordial stones to generate powerful power. It is not surprising that it has such a speed.

Yang Xuan observed silently, and found that the boat was heading southeast, as to whether it was going to Xiaoyaozong or not, it is not known.

Just as he was thinking secretly, a fisherman who was caught on the boat turned over and jumped off the boat when no one was prepared.

There was a splash, and the water splashed everywhere. Seeing that someone escaped so easily, many fishermen were ready to jump out of the boat and escape.

However, before they jumped off the boat, a hysterical scream came from the sea, which made people shudder and shudder.

Many fishermen came to the edge of the boat and looked down. They saw the fisherman who jumped off the boat before floating on the sea surface covered in blood. Around his body, many hideous monster fishes the size of palms were swimming around, jumping back and forth, gnawing eat his flesh.

That is, in just a few breaths, there is only a bloody skeleton left on the sea.

"Then, what are those fish!?" A group of fishermen were terrified, and they all froze in place, never having the courage to jump off the boat.

"Hey, those are piranhas. Although they are not monsters, they have sharp teeth and mouths that can crush even fine iron, and they like to eat human flesh. If you think your body is hard enough, you can jump down and try." The martial artist said with a sinister smile.

Hearing this, a group of fishermen were terrified, and several women were so frightened that they fell to the ground and wept.

"Be quiet!" With a cold shout, a figure came out of the cabin.

This is a tall, gray-haired old man in Tsing Yi, with a cultivation level of the third level of Heaven and Human Realm. He should be the highest cultivation level among the Xiaoyao Sect warriors on this trip. The dozens of Xiaoyao Sect disciples on the boat all saluted him respectfully when they saw him , respectfully called Elder Hong.

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't speak, his eyes were like lightning, he swept past many fishermen including Yang Xuan, and said coldly: "There are many piranhas living in this sea area, if you don't want to die, just stay on the boat obediently, half a day later , you will arrive at your destination, and you can settle down there from now on.”

"Senior, where are we going?" Yang Xuan asked.

"It's a good place. You can leave after working for half a year. In addition, you can get ten taels of gold at once. From now on, you can enjoy endless glory and wealth." Said the old man in Tsing Yi.

Many fishermen were silent, obviously not believing what he said.

This is also normal. Many fishermen on their Blue Sky Island have not seen a single person back since they were captured half a year ago. Anyone who believes his words is a fool.

"Boy, throw over the storage ring on your hand." At this moment, the old man in Tsing Yi said suddenly, staring at the ring on Yang Xuan's right index finger, he recognized it as a storage ring at a glance.

"Senior, this is my storage ring."

"Damn it, if you tell me to hand it over, just hand it over. How can there be so much nonsense." The man in red who brought Yang Xuan onto the boat shouted angrily.

"Okay, I'll pay."

Gritting his teeth, Yang Xuan took off the storage ring and threw it to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"That's right, you are very knowledgeable about current affairs." The old man in Tsing Yi nodded slightly, and concentrated on checking the contents of the storage ring. He was immediately overjoyed. He didn't expect that there were tens of thousands of low-grade primordial stones in the storage ring, and there was also a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Not to mention Yuanshi, spiritual weapons are scarce in their Dongming sea area, absolute treasures, priceless.

Yang Xuan sneered in his heart, he stored a lot of rings, he changed one before boarding the boat, and there were not many valuable things in it, but he had to do all the acting, his face still showed a look of pain.

"This kid is very good, Wen Chang, take him to the cabin to eat something good, and find him a place to live." The old man in green said to the man in red.

(End of this chapter)

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