Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 39 Luoshui City

Chapter 39 Luoshui City

"Don't be angry, I'm just kidding you." Yang Xuan smiled coyly and asked, "By the way, I don't know the name of my senior sister?"

"Remember, my aunt's name is Shen Yuexin."

"It turned out to be Senior Sister Yuexin, Junior Brother, you are being polite."

"And you, what's your name?" Shen Yuexin raised her head slightly and asked curiously.

Yang Xuan smiled and did not answer, but asked instead: "Dare to ask if Senior Sister ever got married?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"Hey, look, my younger brother is not talented. This year is exactly seventeen, and he is also the age to marry a wife and have children. If the senior sister is not married, we may be able to form a good relationship and create a beautiful life together."

As soon as this statement came out, the dozen or so outer disciples in the distance were all stunned, staring at Yang Xuan dumbfounded. They didn't expect Yang Xuan to be so bold that he dared to moles the senior sister of the inner sect on the spot.

Shen Yuexin was also startled, and then she came back to her senses, gnashing her teeth and said: "Little rascal, you dare to moles your aunt, you are living too long."

With that said, let's do it.

"Senior sister, I'm telling the truth. If you don't have a man, how about I marry you? You see, junior brother, I am also a good-looking talent, and you are also at the age of marriage, and you have a beautiful face. You and I are exactly the same. A couple made in heaven."

Yang Xuan turned around and fled, running fast, shouting while running.

"Damn brat, you are looking for death."

Shen Yuexin was furious, set up the arrow, drew the bow, and released the arrow. A series of movements were done in an instant. With the sound of humming, an arrow pierced through the air and shot towards Yang Xuan's vest.

"Yeah, you want to murder your husband."

Yang Xuan yelled loudly, his body flew into the air suddenly, the arrow just flew past his feet, and hit a boulder not far away, smashing the boulder to pieces.


Seeing that Yang Xuan dodged her deadly arrow as if she had eyes behind her back, Shen Yuexin opened her mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. Although she didn't use the arrow spirit just now, she used the bursting arrow.

Explosive Arrow, a mysterious middle-level martial skill, can compress the vitality on the arrow. After hitting the target, there will be a big explosion, which is very lethal. Especially the explosive arrow is extremely fast, and it is difficult for the enemy to dodge when it is shot.

But what is surprising is that Yang Xuan actually dodged, or turned his back to dodge, which seemed unbelievable to Shen Yuexin!

"Haha, Senior Sister, we will meet again, remember to wash your body clean and wait for me."

Just when Shen Yuexin was surprised, Yang Xuan laughed out loud, leaped a few times, and disappeared into the dense forest in the distance.

"Little ghost, see you next time, my aunt will definitely tear your stinky mouth apart."

Shen Yuexin's face was red and her ears were red, her beautiful eyes were almost bursting with fire. It was the first time she had been molested so unscrupulously since she was a child.

After a long time, she stomped her feet, angrily came to the dozen or so outer disciples, and asked coldly, "Say, what's that kid's name?"

Feeling Shen Yuexin's anger, more than a dozen people were so frightened that their legs limp, and someone boldly said: "Master, Senior Sister, he, his name is Yang Xuan."

"Yang Xuan? So he is Yang Xuan!" Shen Yuexin suddenly said.

"Uh, senior sister knows him?"

"Of course, we are the No. 1 outer door of Qixuanmen, how can my aunt not know it?"

Throwing down a cold sentence, Shen Yuexin left, but she scolded Yang Xuan's eighteenth generation of ancestors as she walked, and decided to kick Yang Xuan's lifeblood when they meet next time.


Jianglin Town, a large town in the west of Tianwu Kingdom, the Lancang River just happened to flow through the town.

It was already noon when Yang Xuan came to Jianglin Town, and he was not in a hurry to leave. He found a restaurant with a fairly well-decorated restaurant to eat and drink, and then he paid the bill and left, heading to the Jianglin Town wharf.

In Jianglin Town, there is a huge black iron mine, which is rich in black iron, which is a good thing for making armor, so the business in the town is prosperous, there are many people coming and going, and the docks are crowded with people.

Looking around, there are large and small ships docked by the river, including cargo ships and passenger ships, a large densely packed area.

"Guests, the terminal Jianglin Town is here, everyone get off the boat."

"Oh, I'm going to Qingshui Town, it seems that I need to change the boat."

"It's okay, my friend. Qingshui Town is not far away. I'm going to Wangyou City. I'll rest in Jianglin Town for a night first."

When Yang Xuan came to the pier, a huge passenger ship just docked, and dozens of people got off the ship. These people included warriors and ordinary people. Some came to Jianglin Town to visit friends, some came to do business, and some After resting, we have to transfer to other passenger ships to go to other places.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. Gold whisker fish nourishes yin and nourishes kidneys. Men eat it to strengthen yang, and women eat it to beautify the face. It costs 20 taels of silver a catty, and the price is absolutely fair."

"Red Lin Shrimp, lively red krill, eat to nourish qi and blood, strengthen your body, ten taels of silver a catty, good quality and low price, come and see it and sell it!"

Yang Xuan walked unhurriedly, and found that there were also many vendors selling aquatic products by the river, and all kinds of yelling came and went, creating a hustle and bustle.

"Compared to five years ago, Jianglin Town is much more lively!"

Yang Xuan whispered, he looked while walking, he was looking for a passenger ship, and was about to go to Luoshui City in Tianfeng Kingdom.

Tianfeng Nation is located in the middle of Xingchen Island, a big country on Xingchen Island, and the Yang family is located in Luoshui City of Tianfeng Nation.

"Hehe, I don't know where the young master is going?" Just as Yang Xuan was looking for the passenger ship, an unremarkable young man wearing a leather cap and coarse linen clothes ran up to Yang Xuan from a short distance, with a face full of tears. asked with a smile.

"Tianfeng Country, Luoshui City." Yang Xuan said.

There are too many passenger ships on the pier, and the places they go to are not the same. It is difficult for unfamiliar people to find passenger ships in a short time. This also makes the pier more special soliciting customers like young people. You only need to give him money, and he will It will take you to find all the passenger ships you take immediately, which is convenient and fast.

The young man thought for a while, and said: "Young master is lucky, there just happens to be a passenger ship passing through Luoshui City in Tianfeng Kingdom."

"Lead the way." Yang Xuan threw an ingot of broken silver to the young man.

"Okay, sir, please follow me." The young man took the money, smiling like a flower, and led Yang Xuan to turn left and right, boarding a large two-foot-wide and ten-foot-long boat. passenger ship.

The surface of the passenger ship exudes a faint metallic luster, and it is made of hard black iron wood, which is strong enough to withstand the impact of strong winds and waves.

As soon as Yang Xuan got on the boat, a middle-aged fat man with a fat head and big ears greeted him politely, and asked politely, "I don't know where you want to go, my lord?"

"Tianfeng Country, Luoshui City."

"Okay, a certain ship is going to pass through Luoshui City, but the journey is far away, and the price is not cheap."

"How much."

"50 taels of silver."

"50 taels of silver?"

Yang Xuan frowned secretly. To be honest, 50 taels of silver was a bit expensive. One must know that he only took 30 taels of silver to Jianglin Town by boat from Luoshui City.

However, considering that this ship was a large passenger ship, and five years had passed, the price of goods could not remain unchanged, so he didn't say much, and took out a 50 tael silver ticket from his pocket and handed it to the middle-aged fat man.

"Young Master is indeed a cheerful person. Come, a certain family will find you a better room in the cabin." The middle-aged fat man put away the bank note with a smile, then took Yang Xuan down to the cabin, and found a room for him.

Sure enough, you get what you pay for, the room is really nice, spacious and bright, Yang Xuan can even look at the magnificent Lancang River through the window.


Luoshui City, one of the three major cities in Tianfeng Kingdom, besides the Yang family’s monopoly, there are many martial arts families and gangs in the city, but their strength is far inferior to the Yang family’s. The entire Yang family owns nearly half of Luoshui City’s industry and power. huge.

Now that the New Year's Eve is approaching, Luoshui City is very lively. Red lanterns are hung under the eaves of various restaurants, inns, shops, and even brothels. Many young people who practice outside also return home one after another to reunite with their relatives.

Moreover, at the end of each year, every martial arts family will hold an annual meeting to see how the younger generation's disciples are practicing.

Take the Yang family for example. Every year at the end of the year, a grand annual meeting will be held, allowing the younger generations to compete with each other and compete in martial arts. Occasionally, Luoshui City will hold a joint martial arts meeting of the major families to test the cultivation achievements of the younger generations of the major families.

Fumanlou, the largest restaurant in Luoshui City, every time the new year is approaching, younger generations of the major martial arts families in the city will gather here to drink and talk.

"Brother Yang Wei, I heard that your younger brother Yang Ping has awakened the Frost Martial Soul, and has broken through to the Yuan Condensation Realm, becoming an inner disciple of the Shenxingzong. I wonder if this is true or not?"

In a luxurious private room on the third floor, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy in luxurious clothes asked Yang Wei.

Yang Wei, seventeen or eighteen years old, was dressed in tight black clothes, tall and straight, and handsome, but there was always a bit of sternness between his brows.

His status is not low, he is the young master of the Yang family. After Yang Xuan's father, Yang Tian, ​​was deposed by the elders of the Yang family more than ten years ago, Yang Wei's father, Yang Dingkun, the former great elder of the Yang family, went smoothly. Became the new head of the Yang family.

At this moment, the seven or eight people at the same table in the private room were all looking at Yang Wei, and they seemed to be a little curious about Yang Ping's affairs.

Seeing that everyone at the same table was looking at him, Yang Wei looked at himself calmly. He picked up the wine glass and drank the Baihua Niang brewed by Fumanlou before he said: "Of course this is true. My brother Yang Ping awakened half a year ago. Frost Martial Soul, and promoted to inner disciple of Shenxingzong."

"Westbrook, your brother is only 15 years old, right?"

"Well, my younger brother's talent is much better than mine, and now he has reached the third level of the Yuan Condensation Realm, which is not much worse than my elder brother."

Hearing this, someone complimented him: "Where is Wei Shao talking, you are a master at the eighth level of Yuan Condensation Realm, and no one can compare to the entire Luoshui City."

"Yes, Westbrook is extremely talented, and he is definitely the well-deserved No.1 among the juniors in Luoshui City."

The others were also flattered. They were all direct descendants of the major martial arts families in Luoshui City, and some of them were even the young masters of their respective families. However, no matter how high their status was, they were far inferior to Yang Wei, because Yang Wei was destined to inherit his father's business in the future. Become the head of the Yang family.

(End of this chapter)

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