Eternal Demon Lord

Chapter 393 Star Luo Maze Formation

Chapter 393 Star Luo Maze Formation
"You go around first, I have to study what kind of maze this is." Purgatory Boy pondered.

"You still know formations!?" Yang Xuan was very surprised.

"It's rare to see. This boy has lived for so long. Not only does he know astronomy, but he also knows geography. I know almost everything."

"Okay, hurry up and study, I'll go shopping first."

Said he was just wandering around, but Yang Xuan didn't wander around, and flew forward all the way. The waves on the road were bursting, and he avoided them all.

This is the power of nature. A wave several feet high is enough to injure an ordinary Vientiane Realm martial artist. ruler.

What's more, the cultivation base is suppressed here, no warrior dares to compete with the rough sea waves when he is full.

Yang Xuan didn't fly too high, he was afraid of attracting a vacuum blade, that thing can kill even a Supreme Being in seconds, it is no exaggeration to describe it as killing a pig or a dog, he had to stay away from it, otherwise he would not know how he died.

"Tao Tian, ​​you can't escape, just die."

"Damn it, I've already said that I'm not Tao Tian, ​​is there something wrong with your brain?"

In the distance, two figures flickered.

They were two young men in their twenties.

One is dressed in brocade clothes, looks handsome, and belongs to the cultivation base of the first realm and second heaven.

One was dressed in black, with a cold and stern face, and he belonged to the cultivation base of the third heaven of the first realm.

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and saw that the man in black was chasing and killing the man in brocade, while the man in brocade was running away and yelling that he was not Tao Tian.

Even so, the man in black was unmoved, as if he had identified the other party as Tao Tian, ​​and pursued him all the way.

"Damn, you're too deceitful. Is there nothing I can do with you?" The brocade-clothed man was furious. He swung his sharp sword in his hand, and the sword energy all over the sky intertwined into a sharp sword net, enveloping towards the black-clothed man.

This is a secret technique. Once the man in black falls into the sword net, he will be strangled on the spot.

"Kill!" The man in black did not hide or dodge, with a desperate posture, the human sword merged into one in an instant, turning into a sky-shattering sword light, piercing through the sword net with a puff, and slashing at the man in brocade clothes like a broken bamboo.

"Ah!" The brocade-clothed man screamed, his body shattered under the light of the sword, turning into a large cloud of blood and passing away with the wind.

"Is this also an illusion?" Yang Xuan's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help leaning towards the fighting place.

"It's you, Tao Tian, ​​you're still alive!?" At this moment, the man in black raised his head to the sky and yelled angrily, his blood-red eyes fixed on Yang Xuan, as if he had an unshakable hatred.

"I became Tao Tian!?" Yang Xuan was in shock, not knowing what was going on, why the man in black thought he was Tao Tian when he saw him.

"Boy, don't get entangled with this guy, he has a mirage, and anyone he sees will regard him as an enemy." Purgatory boy said.

"Mirage, what is this thing!?"

Yang Xuan urged the blood wings, and after a few vertical leaps, he went thousands of feet away, leaving the man in black far behind, unable to catch up.

"Mirage is the mist exhaled from the mirage dragon's mouth, which can refract the brilliance to form a mirror image. Sometimes this mirror image looks very close, but in fact the people and things in the mirror image are thousands of miles away, unreachable. This is the so-called It's a mirage."

"Really!?" Yang Xuan was taken aback. He thought that the mirage was a natural phenomenon, but after hearing what the purgatory boy said, he realized that the mirage was caused by the mirage dragon breathing out fog, but what kind of mirage dragon was it, he had never heard of it.

"What are you doing to lie to you?"

Purgatory boy snorted softly, "If I'm not mistaken, there is a mirage dragon dormant under this sea area."

"What the hell is this mirage?"

"The mirage dragon is a kind of phantom beast, extremely rare."

"Then what is its strength?"

"Generally speaking, mirage dragons are huge in size but not very powerful, but don't underestimate it. Once it jumps out of the sea and spits out mirage, remember to avoid it, and don't get infected with it. A star and a half."

"Why is this!?"

"Because the mirage spit out of its mouth can cause people to enter hallucinations, making people regard the people closest to them as enemies."

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang on the sea in the distance.

Immediately, a ferocious monster covered with silver-white scales, like a python or a dragon, rushed out of the sea, setting off waves of water, the scene was appalling.

"Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here. Could this be a mirage dragon!?" Yang Xuan's eyelids twitched. This monster was a hundred feet long. It was such a huge figure that just looking at it made people shudder.

"That's a mirage dragon, and it's still an adult mirage dragon. You should step back quickly, so you don't get mirage." Purgatory boy said.

Yang Xuan didn't dare to stay for a long time, he hurriedly turned around and fled away, running fast.

Soon, there was an earth-shattering dragon chant.

Yang Xuan turned his head to look, and saw a white mist billowing up in the distance, boundless, and he didn't know how big it was.

Unsurprisingly, the vast white mist was a mirage.

Under this sea area shrouded in mirage, any warrior has to be recruited and kill each other.

As the mirage dissipated, Yang Xuan was confirmed by flying forward, and many people regarded him as an enemy, killing him one after another.

Yang Xuan didn't go on a killing spree, relying on absolute speed to dodge, but as he continued to move forward, he unexpectedly encountered a third-level divine power expert. He regarded his father as an enemy.

It was also because of Yang Xuan's luck that he had the shadow cloak beside him, so he immediately hid himself and avoided this catastrophe.

"It's such a terrifying mirage, even those in the divine power realm cannot be spared!"

Yang Xuan flew away quickly, sweating all over his body, if he didn't have the Shadow Cloak, he would be in danger.

"Hey, I finally know what this maze is." Suddenly, the Purgatory Boy laughed.

"Oh, what maze?"

Yang Xuan was overjoyed, he swooped down and landed firmly on a small island.

After driving for such a long time, he was also forced to use the Shadow Cloak by a strong man in the divine power state on the way, and he also felt a little tired.

"This is the Star Luo Maze."

"Star Luo Maze?"

"There are thousands of formations in the world, and there are countless mazes among them. However, although there are many mazes, the main purpose is to confuse people."

"Forget it, I don't understand formations either, tell me how to get out."

"Fly straight ahead and don't detour when you see the island. If you continue like this, you should be able to see a giant island."

"So simple!?"

"Yeah, it's that simple, but if you were someone else, you might have to walk a long way to get to the giant island."

"Then the giant island should be the eye of the Star Luo Maze Formation?"

"Your boy is very smart, but you are a bit wrong. The size of the giant island is not small. After you land on the island, you have to find the formation eye and destroy it, so that you can leave this space."

"Can I destroy the eye with my strength?"

"I'm afraid it won't work, but there are many people and strength. I think there are already many warriors gathered on the giant island."

"Leaving that aside, can you find the eyes of the array?"

"It's easy."

"Then it's easy to handle. When I find the formation, I just need to disclose the news, and someone will be a free thug."


Adjusting his breath on the small island, Yang Xuan jumped up and flew forward all the way. When he saw the island on the road, he didn't give way, and passed directly across the sky. Relying on the shadow cloak, he didn't encounter any danger.

About half an hour later, a huge island appeared on the distant sea.

Just by looking at the outline, one can tell that it is hundreds of miles wide, and it should undoubtedly be the largest island in this sea area.

Yang Xuan didn't think too much, took off the shadow cloak, and rushed towards the giant island.

But before he landed on the island, a loud shout came from behind him.

"Fairy Yan, I told you I'm not Yang Xuan, can you wake up?"

"Fairy Yan?"

Yang Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then thought of Yan Ruyue, and only Yan Ruyue's beauty and temperament would be called Fairy Yan.

"what happened!?"

"Let's go and have a look."

Amidst the commotion, many people on the giant island jumped up and came from the sky, and soon they saw a place hundreds of feet away, where the brilliance was shining, the water was churning, and a man and a woman were fighting on the sea.

"It really is Yan Ruyue from the Demon God Temple!"

"This woman is so beautiful!"

"The saintess of the majestic demon temple, with the blood of the ancient phoenix flowing in her body, her natural beauty is peerless and extraordinary."

"Strange, why did she fight Yuan Shaozong?"

"In my opinion, she must have suffered a mirage and regarded Yuan Shaozong as an enemy."

Yang Xuan's body was surrounded by emptiness, many people paused and talked about it, some people seemed to be familiar with the mirage, and explained the mystery in one word.

"It turned out to be contaminated with mirage..." A young man who had just entered Guiyi took a breath, showing fear on his face, thinking that he had been chased and killed by a person contaminated with mirage, and now he still has lingering fears.

"Yang Xuan, take your life."

Suddenly, there was a cold rebuke, and murderous intentions pierced through.

I saw Yan Ruyue's head full of blue hair flying around, hugging a jade qin, playing with the strings with both hands, one after another sound-killing blades jumped out from the strings, carrying dazzling brilliance, swishing through the void , Shooting at Yuan Shaozong like a gust of wind and rain, endlessly.

Yang Xuan was speechless for a while, he didn't expect that Yan Ruyue was struck by the mirage, and she actually regarded Yuan Shaozong as herself, especially now that she was using the sound killing technique to kill Yuan Shaozong.

It has to be said that Yuan Shaozong was a bit tragic, he should have admiration for Yan Ruyue, so basically he was dodging, even if Yan Ruyue was killing her now, he was dodging with his body, and the crowd around Yang Xuan was terrified.

Most of these people's cultivation is not too high, and the highest is in the third heaven of the first realm. The reason why they came to check is because they are on the edge of the giant island, and they can clearly hear Yuan Shaozong's loud shouts.

Yang Xuan looked at Yan Ruyue in the distance with narrowed eyes as if no one was around, and thought: "Does this girl hate herself so much? The first thing she thinks of when she gets caught in the mirage is to kill herself."

(End of this chapter)

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