Chapter 606

"Qiu Qianchi, I advise you to be obedient and let him go, or you will become the dead soul of my sword today."

Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng spoke one after another.

"Don't dream, I will not surrender even if I die."

Qiu Qianchi said angrily.

"Castle Master, what are we waiting for, let's kill."

"That's right, there is only one elder left in Wolong Villa, and he is still injured. With our cultivation, we can easily kill him."

Two old men in the third level of divine power came to Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.

Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng looked at each other, they rushed towards Qiu Qianchi without giving Qiu Qianchi too much time to breathe.

"Do it, kill all the people in Wolong Villa, and leave no one behind."

The two old men followed closely behind, leading a group of hundreds of people to kill them.

"Kill it, fight with the gang of Feiyingbao and Qingfengzhai."

The warriors of Wolong Mountain Villa also moved, and the melee broke out in an all-round way, swords and swords could be seen everywhere, and the brilliance of various secret skills bloomed, and the sound shook the sky.

Among them, Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng made killer moves as soon as they made a move, causing Qiu Qianchi to retreat every step of the way, with more injuries.

But seeing the critical situation, Qiu Qianchi didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates, so he broke through the encirclement and escaped fiercely.

"Want to go?"

Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng soared into the sky, chasing after them.

Both of them knew Qiu Qianchi's temper, but they didn't dare to let him escape, otherwise they would definitely suffer bloody revenge from Feiyingbao and Qingfengzhai in the future.

However, what changed the color of the two of them was that even though Qiu Qianchi was seriously injured, his speed was not slow at all.

After they chased for a while, Qiu Qianchi disappeared in a huge forest in front of him, no matter how they searched, it was useless, and even their spiritual sense could not perceive the slightest clue.

"Damn it, this guy must have practiced some kind of secret breathing technique."

"What should we do now?"

"What can we do? Let's do our best to raze this forest to the ground, leaving him nowhere to hide."

"it is good!"

While talking, Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng shot one after another, and one after another divine splendor blasted down, destroying the forests and peaks all over the mountains and plains.

For a long time, the forest disappeared, but there was no trace of Qiu Qianchi. Qiu Qianchi seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, with no breath left.

"Too bad, Qiu Qianchi must have escaped."

"It doesn't matter, let's go and loot the Crouching Dragon Villa first."


After a stick of incense, a figure crawled out from under a pile of chaotic rocks, if it wasn't Qiu Qianchi, who else?

But at this moment, he no longer has the majesty of the lord of a villa, his clothes are torn and torn, his body has countless wounds, and his breath is like silk.

"Jiang Feiying, Li Qingfeng, this old man Qiu has made a note. When I recover from my wounds, I will definitely tear you two to pieces."

Qiu Qianchi's eyes were about to split open, and a hateful growl came out of his mouth.

"It's good luck, I haven't died yet."

At this moment, a lazy voice came, making Qiu Qianchi feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he shouted coldly: "Who is it, get out here."

"Hehe, it hurts you to be angry, don't get angry!"

A young man in white appeared out of nowhere, only a few meters away from Qiu Qianchi.

"You, you are..."

Seeing the young man in white, Qiu Qianchi's face was so frightened that no trace of blood was left on his face. At a glance, he recognized the boy in front of him as the guy who stole him last night.

"That's right, it's me, the one who messed with you last night."

The young man in white was Yang Xuan. He grinned, revealing a mouthful of bright white teeth. His smile was as bright as it could be.

"Boy, what did you do to me!?"

Qiu Qianchi's eyes spewed fire, and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just a curse on you."


Qiu Qianchi's eyes froze, no matter how he heard these two words, he panicked a little.

"Let's put it this way, it just makes you unlucky, and all the bad things come to you."

"This is impossible, how can there be such a weird secret technique in the world!?"

Qiu Qianchi was quite surprised.

Since his debut, he has seen evil secret arts, but he has never heard of secret arts that can make people suffer from bad luck.

But thinking of all the things that happened today, he still felt hairy all over.

"Don't believe it."

Yang Xuan shrugged.

"Let's not talk about this first, do we have any grudges? Why did you curse me!?"

Qiu Qianchi was filled with resentment.

"People are drifting in the rivers and lakes. How can anyone not be stabbed? If you want to blame, you have to blame you for doing all the bad things these years. There is a saying, the law of heaven is clear, and the retribution is not good."


"Why, do you still have the strength to kill me now?"

"Who are you?"

"It's just a dying person, so you don't need to know who I am."

After leaving a word, Yang Xuan turned around and left, his figure was like a ghost, and disappeared into the distance after a few vertical leaps.

Qiu Qianchi was stunned, with surprise and doubt on his face.

Now that he was seriously injured, he could barely move his fingers. He thought that Yang Xuan would take the opportunity to kill him, but this kid actually left immediately, and he had no intention of killing him at all.

"It really is here."

"Kill, we can't let him escape alive this time."

Suddenly, two figures roared over, they were Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.


Qiu Qianchi turned pale with shock, he finally understood why Yang Xuan wanted to leave, because that kid probably already knew that Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng were going to fight back.

"Why are you so surprised, do you think we really left?"

"Haha, Qiu Qianchi, you shouldn't come out in a hurry."

"I will die with you."

"Beat the stone with an egg."


There is no doubt that Qiu Qianchi was dead, beaten to death by Jiang Feiying and Li Qingfeng.

On the top of a mountain, Yang Xuan stood tall, his eyes were like torches, seeing all this in his eyes, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

During this series of incidents, he was on the sidelines and did not intervene.

Even so, Qiu Qianchi died in the end after being hit by the Great Curse, from which we can see the horror of the Great Curse.

However, the Great Curse also has its drawbacks.

If there is not much difference in luck between the caster and the recipient, the effect of the curse will be greatly weakened.

Obviously, Qiu Qianchi's qi calculation was not very strong, and he was able to occupy the mountain as king all the time because he was cautious in handling things. Unfortunately, the time was not good, and he met Yang Xuan who was going to find someone to try the effect of the big curse.


Yang Xuan clapped his hands, changed his appearance and left the mountain, all the way to Heishui Lake.

Heishui Lake, as the name suggests, is a piece of black water.

No one knows how deep the water is, because no one has ever been able to go down.

According to legend, a powerful black dragon once died at the bottom of the lake, and it was the blood of the black dragon that blackened the water of Heishui Lake.

Of course, this is a legend, whether it is true or not, no one can say clearly.

But one thing is certain, the Blackwater Lake has a strong restriction, and warriors who exceed the level of divine power will be swallowed by the lake water when they enter the waters, so no supreme being dares to set foot in the Blackwater Lake.

However, warriors below the supreme level can only fly for a short time in the Blackwater Lake, and they must take a boat if they want to cross the lake to the Blackwater Cliff.

The so-called boat is not a spirit boat, but a wooden boat made of ordinary wood.

Only wooden boats can sail in the Blackwater Lake, and boats made of other materials will sink in no time.

After learning about this, Yang Xuan was also full of curiosity about this strange Black Water Lake. Of course, the purpose of his trip was to go to the Black Water Cliff Sword Wall.

According to what the big man of the leopard tribe said, the sword character on the sword wall of Heishui Cliff is extremely mysterious. According to the strength of comprehension, everyone's comprehension of sword skills is different.

As a human being, Yang Xuan has strong confidence in his own understanding, so he wants to see what kind of sword skills he can get from the words of the sword.

On the way, he didn't use the flying boat either.

At his speed, he can reach the Blackwater Lake in a few days.

On the contrary, Xiao Yun'er in the flying boat did not wake up for a long time, which made him somewhat worried.

Fortunately, Purgatory Boy bluntly said that Xiao Yun'er would be fine, so he felt relieved and drove fast without stopping.

Time flies, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

At noon that day, Yang Xuan descended from the sky and entered a deep mountain surrounded by peaks and lush trees.

He decided to rest, eat something, and then continue on his way.

Not long after, the smell of meat filled a forest glade.

Yang Xuan sat on the ground, gnawed on a beast leg, and his mouth was full of oil.

With his current cultivation base, it's okay to not eat or drink for a long time, but he just likes this one. While eating the delicious roasted animal legs, he took out a pot of ice and fire and drank it, which was indescribably enjoyable.


While Yang Xuan was feasting and drinking heavily, the news that he beheaded Ji Hu and Pang Tianming in Wuling City spread like wildfire, spreading rapidly in the Central Region, causing a sensation without accident.

Not to mention Pang Tianming, as the owner of the Panlong Valley, a powerhouse at the peak of the divine power realm, he is extremely famous in the entire central region.

Although Ji Hu's cultivation level is not high, he is still a servant of the young master of the Ji family, and many people in the central region know that there is such a number one person.

But just three days ago, Ji Hu was killed by Yang Xuan's sword through his throat.

It was reported that Ji Hu went to Wuling City to take away a little girl who was in distress under the order of the young master of the Ji family, but Ji Hu didn't take her away, let alone died in Wuling City.

In particular, the body of calamity that the young master of the Ji family was bound to obtain was taken away by Yang Xuan.

Such actions are undoubtedly slapping the young master of the Ji family in the face.

As one of the arrogance of the Central Territory, Ji Changtian, the young master of the Ji family, has reached the seventh level of divine power at the age of only 23, and has also comprehended the artistic conception of the tenth level of ice, which shows how terrifying his talent is.

Although Yang Xuan has comprehended the profound meaning of fire, the gap in cultivation between the two is too great, to the extent that it cannot be made up.

If Yang Xuan hadn't been armed with a magical weapon, no one thought he would be Ji Changtian's opponent.

Furthermore, Ji Changtiangui was the young master of the Ji family, so how could he not have a divine weapon on him, so many people were looking forward to the collision between the two.

In addition, it is said that the Black Eagle Guards of the Ji family have already come out in full force and are searching around the southern border of the Central Territory. Once they find Yang Xuan's trace, they will definitely attack in groups.

With the strength of the Black Eagle Guard, it would be good if Yang Xuan was not found, if he was found, there would be no chance of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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