my age of magic

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318 122. Return
Flying above the forest area in the southern area of ​​the Green Valley dense forest, you can see that the spider warriors all over the mountains are gathering in the same direction. Among these spider army, there are a lot of giant spiders, they shuttle in the dense jungle , so that I can't distinguish from the air in the jungle below, where is the team of spider warriors, and where are just some giant spiders.

Perhaps the scene in front of me is the effect Kalancuo most hopes to achieve. She and more than a hundred orc warriors have mixed up with the spider army in the spider camp in the green valley jungle, and even a large group of spider warriors can be seen The army came back from the central area of ​​the Green Valley jungle.

Just to be able to form a siege with the army of spider warriors in the southern part of the green valley jungle, and wipe out all the orc knights in the spider-occupied area.

A large number of giant ancient trees have been cut down in the southern part of the Green Valley Forest, and the spider warriors have clearly recognized the existence of the dryads.

Whether it was the war with the Hierro natives in the center of the Green Valley Forest, or the encirclement and suppression of these hundreds of orc knights in the southern part of the Green Valley Forest, the figures of dryads appeared in this forest. The presence of the elves made the battle of the Nibru spidermen extremely difficult.

The spider people found that these dryads were the most powerful enemies they had ever met in Hierro. As long as they did not die completely, the dryads possessed inexhaustible power. They were not afraid of pain, they were not afraid of death, they had the ultimate With a firm belief, they are like a group of the most powerful shepherds in the forest, and they can activate the trees around their bodies.

The Nibru spiders started to destroy the giant trees in the southern area of ​​the Green Valley jungle. With their superior numbers, they started to set up countless small spider camps in the jungle. The biggest feature of these spider camps was a dead tree spirit In the center, a spider's nest woven with white cobwebs was created within a hundred meters around.

In this way, when Morayal and I returned to the plane of Yeluo, we rode the magic scorpion and looked at the green sea of ​​the entire green valley and dense forest in the air. Blossoming white flowers are dotted everywhere.

If the previous spider camps were compared to white pearl necklaces in the green sea, then these numerous small spider camps are like white pearls scattered in the green sea.

Seeing a large number of spider warriors surrounding Kalantso, I began to worry about the safety of Kalantso, and the Nibru spiders destroyed seven out of ten of the spiritual webs established by the dryads in the southern part of the Green Valley Forest. Eight, there is no way to know the latest situation of Kalancuo and the orc warriors through the spiritual net of the dryad.

I started to become a little impatient, and the flying speed of the magic scorpion once increased to the highest level, leaving Morayal far behind.

The spider warriors saw us flying through the air in the woodland below, and they had nothing to do with us in the high air. The flying height of Morayal and I was beyond the throwing range of the spider warriors. The black iron in their hands Spears can't pose a threat to us, but that doesn't mean we're safe enough to fly in the air, at least the black iron spear thrown by the Arachnid Overseer can pierce the clouds.

However, Morayal and I were on guard against the sneak attack of the spider warlords along the way. When we met those spider warlords who were as tall as the Thunder Rhino, we would usually take a detour.

The trees in the forest can hide the spider warriors and giant spiders, but they can't hide the huge spider warlords. As long as you are careful, you can easily avoid these big guys in the forest.

Moreover, in this dense jungle, although the Spider Warlord is the most powerful existence, the dense forest greatly limits their ability to move. Without opening the forest passage, the Spider Warlord simply cannot Way to run.

This is why Morayal and I are flying freely in the air. Compared with us who can fly flexibly, those Yalongs with a wingspan nearly 20 meters wide and huge bodies are like living targets for spider warlords in the air. , and because of this, a large number of sub-dragons were hunted down by the spider warlords.

Unexpectedly, when the spidermen of the Nibru tribe invaded the plane of Yero, the first to be exterminated was the most mysterious Yalong tribe in this plane.

Flying all the way through the dense forest, I began to see clearly the layout of the Nebulu spiders in the southern area of ​​the Green Valley dense forest. The army assembled by the spider warriors cannot really cover the mountains and plains. The only way to completely cover this green sea is to arrange a huge circle stretching tens of kilometers, or even nearly a hundred kilometers. The spider warriors in the spider camp in the southern part of the dense forest and the spider warriors on the front line finally formed a north-south encirclement trend. , surrounded Kalancuo tightly in this dense forest, which is about tens of square kilometers in dense forest.


Finally, in the front of the field of vision, I vaguely saw Deborah's pair of wings with distinct colors.

The black wings are the meat wings of the succubus.

The white wings are those of the harpies.

Her pure face is like a beautiful winged human girl, but her body is full of sexiness and charm. It is the body of a succubus, and occasionally dark lines of demons will appear on the dark skin.

She saw Morayal and me from a distance, and rushed over quickly, leading us in the sky.

Soon I saw Kalancuo riding a war horse through the dense forest and those orc warriors who were dusty and dusty. They and the war horses seem to be fused into one whole body. The power of the magic pattern structure is being continuously sent to these war horses to ensure that they can run non-stop for a long time and maintain their own physical strength.

This is where the Constructed Knights are most powerful. They can make themselves a bridge and lend the magical power of the magic pattern to the war horse, so that the power, speed, and endurance of the war horse will be multiplied. Whether it is charging in front of the formation, Or long-distance raids, these war horses can explode at twice the speed.

It was because of this that Kalancuo left the spider warriors far behind. Although it was in the dense black forest, after getting the help of the dryads, Kalancuo and the orc warriors went unimpeded all the way to the pre-set ambush location.

Seeing Katerina and I standing on a branch of a huge tree, Kalancuo rode a black-scaled horse to the tree. Her body and face were covered with mud and water, and she looked only slightly tired. , she waved to me but said nothing, then turned her horse to count the number of orc knights and barbarian slaves behind her.

The ten barbarian slaves carrying heavy crossbows were at the back of the line. After they ran up, they fell to the ground from exhaustion almost at the same time. Several barbarian slaves almost knelt on the ground and vomited non-stop.

Except for the heavy crossbow, almost all the equipment on their bodies, including the black iron moon blade ax and the huge crossbow arrow pot, were all gone. It was probably lost on the way to reduce the burden. Maybe all the giant crossbow arrows were shot empty. .

Seeing these barbarian slaves lying on the ground, it seems that Constructed Knights are obviously better than these barbarian slaves in terms of long-distance raids.

The victory in the northern border last winter was probably because the supreme commander of the North Wind Legion saw the weakness of the barbarian fighters and allowed the barbarian fighters to go deep into the hinterland of the northern border, and then ran long distances to consume their physical strength, and finally won the war. Drive those barbarians back to the ice and snow tundra before spring comes.

Even if the Spider Warriors vanguard group closest to us is ten kilometers away, it will take at least two quarters of an hour for them to catch up here, which is enough time for us to set up an ambush circle here.

Nearly [-] barbarian slaves holding heavy crossbows ambushed in the dense forest. This was the last battle of our team in the southern area of ​​the Green Valley dense forest. More than [-] orc warriors led their horses and returned to the bottom of Xinliu Valley through the portal. Resting in the cave, they were seriously exhausted, and I drove them back to Xinliu Valley.

Only two orc fire-breathing teams were left in the dense forest, and they could not evacuate until the last moment to complete the final blocking task.

I sit on a huge tree root, press it gently with my hand, and consume some spiritual power to communicate with this dryad. I have two keys of power, and I can talk to dryads at will: "Sorry, I brought you death and disaster."

Since this is the last battlefield before leaving the southern part of the Green Valley Forest, it is destined to be occupied by the spider people in the end, and the spider people will not let go of these dryads who resisted the spider warriors with us, and finally waited Their only way is death.

"Don't say that, my human friends, it's not your fault. Our fate was doomed the moment these spiders stepped into the green valley. Even if you didn't come here, the final outcome would still be the same. The last bit of resistance can’t be done.”

I sat in front of this dryad with a face full of guilt. I didn't know how to express my feelings at the moment. I even thought that if I didn't come here, they might be able to avoid death. The spider warriors might not be able to destroy the green valley forest. All the dryads in the southern area have been cleaned up.

This dryad can't be facialized on the trunk like the ancient war tree.

It can only communicate with me through the spiritual net: "Although I feel that the lives of partners are constantly being terminated in this forest, I want to tell you, my human friends, we are not afraid of death, really, so there is no need to apologize .”

Several dryads were sending me the same message.

Not afraid of death?

Well, maybe the scuffle between the ancient tree clan on the plane of Hierro was caused by the fact that all dryads were not afraid of death.

I cursed in my heart.

The Dryad went on to tell me:

"In this forest, we have spent a long time, until one day I awakened, possessed the ability to think independently, and found that when I was still a seed, I was bound to this land, We can't wander freely in the forest like the dryads on other planes, and then all the dryads connect the spiritual world together, and we can fight against the loneliness that is imprisoned here."

I suddenly discovered that among these dryads there were chatterboxes, and they actually talked so much all at once.

It didn't look like it was ready to stop thinking, continuing:

"And now the disaster is finally coming. Those dark forces tainted with evil aura want to swallow our world. Some companions choose to escape in silence, and some choose to make some negligible resistance. Those who give up resisting their companions and choose to resist Our companions have all turned into dead forests covered with white spider webs, and being able to let those spider warriors accompany us to be buried together is our most glorious way of death."

The Dryad finally said: "Thank you for everything you have done for the Dryads!"

I stood next to a dryad, silently feeling this spiritual web. The dryads in the forest passed on the news of the spider warriors.

I estimate that this time there are at least ten thousand spider warriors and tens of thousands of giant spiders searching for our hiding place in this dense forest.

So I asked Kalantso: "All the spider warriors in the entire jungle are besieging your orc knight team. Why did the spiders react so suddenly? What did you do to them?"

According to my prediction, there should be at least two more ambushes, perhaps to awaken the hatred of all the spider warriors in the southern part of the Green Valley Forest.

Kalantso said calmly: "It's nothing, we just shot a humanoid female spider on the way."

She glanced at the barbarian warriors in ambush in the woodland, and said: "Later, four six-armed spider warlords have been chasing and killing us, so I took the orc knights to circle them in the dense forest. Look at those What a savage has become from being so tired..."

"Female spider? A spider queen with a big belly?" I imagined the appearance of a humanoid female spider in my mind, and asked Kalancuo: "The spider warlord looks as big as a house, will the spider queen Will it be as gigantic as those giant statues on the Heroes' Path on Mount Majaro?"

"Not anymore, almost the same as those spider warriors!" Kalantso said casually.

Finally, the black figures of spider warriors appeared in the depths of the dense forest. These spider warriors are the vanguard and the main target of our ambush...

More than a dozen dryads activated all the trees in this small area, and these trees became like ghost vines, which could protrude tough roots from the soil and wiped out all the spider warriors who rushed into the forest. tied up.

The spider warrior kept chopping these activated trees with the black iron ax in his hand, and then they were greeted by a row of unavoidable arrow rain.

The ambush did not last long. When dozens of spider warlords appeared in the dense forest in the distance, I decisively issued an order to retreat.

After nearly [-] barbarian slaves shot all the giant crossbow arrows on their bodies, the activated tree had been chopped down by the spider warriors and turned into a piece of wreckage.

There were only a few dryads left on the battlefield to block the spider warriors in front. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kalancuo had the guts to lead the orc warriors to cut off the heads of the dead spider warriors on the battlefield. Drizzle buckets of corpse fire oil on top.

Without the suppression of the heavy crossbow in the hands of the barbarian slaves, the spider warriors rushed up like a tide, throwing the black iron spears in their hands recklessly.

With a 'huh', a wall of fire a few meters high ignited in front of Kalantso's body, separating those spider warriors on the opposite side of the wall.

Under the rain of spears, Kalancuo calmly retreated to Xinliu Valley with more than [-] orc warriors.

And I quickly put away the portal, rushed into the sky with Morayal and Deborah, and flew towards the main battlefield of the Yero natives in the central area of ​​the Green Valley jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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