my age of magic

Chapter 1337 141. The Aboriginals of the Jarawa Tribe

Chapter 1337 141. The Aboriginals of the Jarawa Tribe

The camp of our troops was built in the valley north of the Cracked Stone Cemetery, about five kilometers away from the Cracked Stone Cemetery.

The northern slope of the valley is gentle, and the woodland on the hillside is mostly oak and yellow maple. The ground in the forest is dry, which is very suitable for camping.

The camp of the Constructed Knights stretched from the top of the slope to the bottom of the valley, and the followers drove the horses and mules to a place with lush water and grass by the stream, and [-] horses and [-] mules mixed together to form a large area in the valley.

There is a small stream at the bottom of the valley, perhaps because of the heavy rain a few days ago, due to the abundant rainfall, the water level of the stream soared, the water flow was turbulent, and a white scale would jump out of the water from time to time.

The clear mountain spring water splashed on the rocks, stirring up patches of pure white water.

Looking down from a height, the valley looks like an open parchment book, and the binding line is where the mountain stream is.

The camps of the ten Constructed Knights of the North Wind Legion were stationed in the upper reaches of the valley rivers and streams. Eight hundred barbarian slaves and three thousand native warriors did not camp with the army.

The indigenous warriors are good at building wooden houses. They use local materials wherever they go, and use some branches around them to build some shacks.

Most barbarian slaves don't need tents. In the humid and hot climate in the forest, barbarian slaves prefer to sleep in the open air on the grass next to the campfire. As long as the ground is dry, barbarian slaves are used to more difficult conditions. The environment, in this forest, there is actually nothing bad except for the heat.

The barbarian slave stood on the hillside, and in front of his eyes was a stream flowing deep into the dense forest, and everyone became energetic.

They strode to the stream, stepped into the stream with both feet, squatted down, and poured the clear stream water on their faces with both hands.

Heavy crossbows and giant crossbow bolts were neatly piled up next to the big tree. The barbarian slave took off his black iron armor and threw it on the grass beside him. He jumped into the waist-deep stream one after another, letting the rushing stream wash away. Looking at their sweaty bodies.

The days of fighting had deepened the marks on their bodies that belonged to barbarian warriors.

A group of indigenous warriors collected a kind of wormwood from the forest. They stood on the bank and tied the wormwood into bundles, signaling to the barbarian slaves in the stream that it would be easier to wash their bodies with the wormwood.

Justus and Luka the tauren stood on two huge boulders in the middle of the river. They stood here to form a boundary to prevent the barbarian slaves from swimming up the river. Eight hundred barbarian slaves said they didn't mind too much, but this didn't mean that the knights of the construction and the slaves of the barbarians could coexist peacefully. Some kind of conditioned reflex, when you see a barbarian, you will draw your sword.

And I am also worried that these barbarian slaves will go crazy. Regardless of their slave status, they will clash with the constructed knights after they get hot. They hold sharp weapons such as heavy crossbows in their hands. The other party feels very good.

Not far away, a group of followers were drinking horses by the stream, and the constructed knights also took off their constructed armor at this moment, only wearing white shirts and a thin layer of sleeveless inner armor, with a pair of tight-legged breeches and Lambskin boots, lying comfortably on the green grass, enjoying the rare fine weather in twos and threes.

They seem to have adapted to life in the forest, and they are used to the days when the sun cannot be seen on the Hierro plane.

A knight even took out a clarinet unique to the north and played a somewhat desolate melody, making him feel a bit like a bard.

The group of war horses that came to the north stopped just a dozen meters away from the boulder where Justus was, and they were unwilling to approach anyway.

It seems that these war horses are old horses that have experienced the counterattack in winter. As long as the barbarian slaves get too close to them, these war horses will become restless and even show violent emotions. Soothe them down.

The two indigenous girls, Puyaka and Koni, can now come in and out of the camp of the North Wind Army at will. They wear the thorntail crystal lion leather armor that the girls of the Grimm Empire like to wear, and tie up their simple ponytails. The girls of the Grimm Empire are fair, but their lustrous and delicate complexion like beeswax has instead become the focus of many constructed knights.

They are like two light and agile deer in the forest, You Qi is always full of all kinds of strange ointments, and they speak fluent Imperial language with a strong accent of the imperial capital, like a kind smile, or Handing a small jar of ointment to the constructed knights with cold hands will make these knights show a look of fascination.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder how long the Green Empire's legion can last in this dense forest without the help of these natives.

When I think of this, I will feel admiration for the several southern expeditions organized by the Duke of Samoyed, and I don't know how his regiment has overcome the climate and environment of the Black Forest.

I don't know why, at this moment, a passage engraved on the roof wall of the teaching building of the Royal Academy of Magic suddenly appeared in my mind: "Never fight a duel with a water magician by the river or on a rainy day..."

This is probably to warn the new magic students in the Royal Academy of Magic not to use colored eyes of magicians from other factions. It got pretty scary, and the last bit also records my duel with William.

The senior William who possessed the dragon's blood didn't know where he was, maybe he was fighting on a certain plane with the legion in the family.

I scratched my hair vigorously to drive away these irrelevant thoughts, and asked Katerina and Morayal who were sitting next to me, "Would you like to go swimming?"

"Right here?" Morayal blinked and asked me.

I pointed to the rocky beach upstream and said, "We can go up a little bit, maybe the current upstream is not so fast."

Morayal pulled the magic robe covering her body, her face glowed with joy, and she said happily: "Okay! I'll call Pujaka and Koni and the others."

After speaking, she stood up from the grass, grabbed the skirt of the magic robe with one hand, and walked quickly towards the Construct Knight camp.

I stood on the slope of the valley, took off the 'Wrath of the Earth' magic pattern leather armor, put it in the magic waist bag, and then threw the magic waist bag to Katerina beside me, wearing only a pair of boxer bottom pants, After a short run-up, he turned over into the icy stream like a silver carp, and dived against the current for nearly a hundred meters in one breath, before emerging out of the stream with a huge smooth pebble in his arms.

Maybe it's because I was tortured by fire poison when I was a child and left some shadows. I really like the feeling of being surrounded by ice and cold.

The fire poison in my body has long been dispelled, and after all the tortures of life and death, I have an incomprehensible resistance to fire magic.

I stood on a huge boulder, shook my wet hair, and waved to Katerina, who was standing on the downstream bank.

At the bottom of the river here, there is a dam piled up by boulders rolled down from the mountains. Across the rock piles and some grasslands, several relatively hidden pools gathered here, which just blocked the sight of the Construct Knight camp.

Katerina did not walk up along the bank of the stream, but stepped into the stream, and the rushing stream did not pass her chest. Like me, she took a deep breath and dived into the water. As an assassin at her peak, she has extremely high coordination ability, and she can even swim upstream in the stream, with her red hair hanging down her back, and her body is as flexible as a water snake.

When she poked her head out of the water, the stream flowed down her soft cheeks, and she looked at me with burning eyes like a ruby.

I sat on the boulder, put my feet in the stream, and looked at her for a few seconds... (omitted).


We followed the advice of the native leader of the Gilda tribe and did not move forward with a large force.

According to the indigenous leader, there is a large tribe with a population of about 20 living in the cracked stone cemetery. This indigenous tribe is called the Garawa tribe.

In recent years, this tribe has successively taken in nearly tens of thousands of small tribes who migrated from the northern part of the Black Forest, and gradually developed into a large tribe in the southern part of the Black Forest. The Spider-Man has never been able to occupy this area.

Many people in the tribes who migrated from the northern part of the forest are hostile to the people of the Green Empire, which also makes the very hospitable natives of the Jalawa tribe very unfriendly to the imperial soldiers.

The indigenous leader of Gilda hopes that the Constructed Knights can be stationed outside the Cracked Stone Cemetery. First, I will lead these indigenous warriors to meet the elder of the Jarawa tribe. If the elder can be persuaded to reach an alliance agreement, then we can Avoid some unnecessary conflicts, I think this idea is feasible.

Earl Desmond was a little worried that it would be dangerous for me to enter the Jarawa tribe alone, so he didn't agree with this proposal at first.

It was not until I agreed to accompany eight hundred barbarian slaves that I reluctantly agreed.

Earl Desmond wants to let five second-rank grand knights accompany me into the Cracked Stone Cemetery to meet the elders of the Jarawa tribe, but I only plan to take the tauren Luka and Justus with me.

Deborah kept circling in the southern sky, and probably discovered the Spider-Man army in the south of the Cracked Stone Cemetery.

This is also the first time we have found the whereabouts of the spider-man army after we led the troops south. In this way, I also feel a little more at ease. What I was most worried about before was the spider-man army that was withdrawn from the green valley forest. , will suddenly appear in front of the East Route Army or West Route Army led by Zack and Ernestine.

This team has more than 2 spider warriors and [-] to [-] spider warlords, no matter which front they appear on, it will be a fatal blow to Zach and Ernestine, although their knights also have ten There are several second-rank powerhouses, but it is very likely that they will be in a stalemate with these spider-man troops, and they will not be able to complete the strategic goals set before.

It has to be said that although the southern part of the Black Forest has been riddled with holes by the spiderman army, there are still many indigenous tribes in this forest resisting the Nebru spidermen who came from the dark forces of the abyss. It was they who restrained the army of Nebulu spiders, preventing them from going northward with all their strength.

This forest is full of fault mountains. For the Nebulu spiders, the mountains with a drop of tens of meters can not form any obstacles to them, but for the construction knight, every fault mountain has to go around. Thankfully Unfortunately, I did not bring the Constructed Knights of the Borean Legion with me on this trip to the Jarawa Tribe.

Kalancuo led more than a hundred orc warriors to send me to the spine of a fault mountain, and then led the orc warriors to search westward.

I led [-] barbarian slaves down the steep rock wall dozens of meters high of the fault mountain and slid directly into the woodland below, startling a group of birds in the dense forest.

In fact, before the barbarian team I led approached the Cracked Stone Cemetery, in the woods on the edge of the Cracked Stone Cemetery, I encountered a group of aboriginal warriors wearing tough bark armor. When they came out, they stood on the branches of giant trees, holding some iron and wood spears in their hands, and some indigenous warriors held vine shields in their hands. These weapons and equipment were far inferior to those of the indigenous warriors of the Gilda tribe today. equipment.

The native leader of the Gilda tribe felt as if he was facing an enemy, so he quickly asked the native warriors who were leading the way in front of the jungle to retreat.

Today, the native warriors of the Gilda tribe wear tight-fitting leather armor, which is covered with a layer of mail armor. They carry wooden spears with black iron spear tips and iris shields on their backs, and a standard crossbow is hung on their backs. , Even better than the ordinary infantry regiment of the Duke of Samoyed.

At this time, I saw an indigenous leader standing on a horizontal branch of the tree crown, and he spoke a string of indigenous languages ​​to us.

"Outsiders, get out of here, you are not welcome here!" Puyaka hid behind me and translated to me in a low voice.

The native leader of the Gilda tribe stood up, spread out his hands, and explained a lot of words to the native leader opposite.

The indigenous leader looked at us with a gloomy expression. After the indigenous leader of the Gilda Tribe finished speaking, he immediately refuted a series of indigenous words and held the iron and wooden spear tightly in his hand. become bad.

Pujaka's face also became a little ugly at this time, she pursed her lips and whispered to me: "The person on the opposite side said that we have betrayed the Lord of the forest, and they don't trust us."

"Let me do it, maybe this can be useful."

After finishing speaking, I took the two keys of power tied around my neck in my hands and walked out from behind a giant tree.


A wooden arrow shot out from the dense canopy, and the wooden arrow shot towards me.

The next moment, the flight path of the wooden arrow appeared in my eyes. If there is no interference from external forces, it will shoot into the tree trunk beside me.

So, I stood motionless on the spot, looked up at the native leader on the branch of the giant tree, and held up the key of power.

At this time, the wooden arrow pierced into the trunk of the giant tree next to my ear with a bang, making a soft buzzing...

(End of this chapter)

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