my age of magic

Chapter 929 31. Magic pattern construction

Chapter 929 31. Magic pattern construction
Katerina brought some news about the secret talks between Blondie and Johnny Jones.

Captain Bronty complained that Johnny Jones, the captain of the slave ship, did not follow the agreement and risked being discovered by the Mensa family fleet. Here came the knights from the city of Marquis Boris.

The captain of the slave ship, Johnny Jones, explained to Captain Bronty that the trade route leading to Green was cut off by Marquis Boris, and the teleportation magic circle leading to the Green Empire was destroyed, and the slave trade business could not continue in the future.

This time it was hard to get rid of the chasing soldiers of the Naga Sea Clan. When they came to this small island, it was because of the food crisis on board. A large amount of fish and shrimps had to be prepared to feed these Naga sea tribes. The commercial road leading to Illinas City would not open. Johnny Jones didn't want to raise hundreds of Naga sea tribe slaves on board for nothing.

So he planned to kill all the captured Naga Sea Clan and refine all of them to refine fish oil. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Captain Blondy's smuggling ship Beran on an unnamed island outside the territorial waters of the Naga Sea Clan.

Hearing what Katerina said here, I realized that Johnny Jones didn't just kill some Naga Sea slaves who dared to resist or were dishonest. He wanted to kill all the Naga Sea slaves on the three slave ships. kill.

At this time, the slave ship was still transporting Naga slaves to the unnamed island, and six lifeboats were continuously going back and forth between the slave trader and the unnamed island.

The first batch of executioners on the Slave Trader had sore wrists, and the blades on the scimitars were curled, so another group of executioners with scimitars were replaced.

The corpses of the Naga slaves were piled up on the beach by the sea. The blood flowing from the corpses dyed the surrounding white sandy beach red. The smell of blood attracted all the sharks in the surrounding sea area. Dozens of sharks frantically swam in the shallow waters of the sea, with terrifying triangular shark fins exposed on the sea surface.

The sailors on the Bellan stood by the side of the ship, watching with relish the sailors on the Slave Trader on the unnamed island massacred the slaves of the Naga Sea tribe, and some people squeezed onto the bow, manipulating the bow of the ship. The spear gun was enthusiastically hunting the sharks swimming in the sea, and even the sailors saw our group getting ready to disembark, trotted all the way, took out a bundle of rope ladders from the cabin, and put them on the side of the ship.

Some sailors kindly reminded us: there are a lot of sharks in the sea now, it is not a good time to swim.

We chose to be on the side of the ship where the sailors couldn't see the Slave Trader, and followed the soft rope ladder to the sea one after another. I waited beside the soft ladder and gave blessings to everyone who got off the soft ladder' Water walking' magic, and then our group supported each other and stood on the tumbling sea with difficulty.

Not to mention fighting on the sea, even walking freely on the sea is a very difficult task for us magicians.

Kalanzo and the Tauren Luka are obviously more adaptable to the rolling waves under their feet. Miss Cherry and Katerina also stand firmly on the sea with their excellent coordination and balance. Helena and Becky are Obviously not as easy as they are.

As for Noah, Shirley Newman, Ying Li, and senior Dylan, they couldn't stand on the sea without someone to support them.

Senior Dylan took out a magic scroll from his magic pouch. He tried his best to stand upright on the sea surface. In order to maintain his balance, he had to put on a dancing posture, and then grinned and said to us: "Otherwise, I'll tear another random teleportation scroll, and if I'm lucky, I can go directly to the belly of that ship."

"If you do that, what are the chances of success?" I asked Senior Dylan.

Senior Dylan smiled awkwardly, pointed out a finger to me and said, "The chance of success is less than ten percent."

"Forget it, keep it, it's a life-saving thing!" I said to Senior Dylan.

Noah tentatively stretched out his foot, wanting to take a step, but if Miss Cherry and Shirley Newman were not supporting him, he would almost fall into the sea.

"Why don't we fly over there on a magic scorpion!" At this moment, I heard Ying Li weakly say something beside me.

There are five magicians in our team. Yingli and Noah are from the Green royal family and aristocratic families, Shirley Newman is from a noble family in the province of Bena, and senior Dylan’s family background is either rich or noble. Everyone With our own magic handle, we can fly over the sea directly on the magic handle.

So Helena climbed onto the handle of my magic pot, Becky sat behind Yingli, Miss Cherry sat on the handle of Shirley Newman's magic pot, Kalanzo sat behind Noah, and behind Senior Dylan Sitting on Katerina, as for the Tauren Luka, he needs to walk across the sea level by himself, he is too heavy.

Deborah circled around us excitedly.

At this time, Lante Knight and his team of Constructed Knights also climbed down from the Bellan along the ladder, and I quickly sat on the handle of the magic scorpion to bless these knights with the magic of 'walking on water'.

"Although I don't agree with your reckless behavior, I have the responsibility to protect your personal safety!" Lante Knight said to Noah.

The distance between the Beran and the nearest ship of the Slave Trader was more than 100 meters. This short distance was not too far for the Tauren Luka and Lante Knight, even in such a rough sea. On top of that, it only takes about ten seconds for them to run at full speed, and they can rush under the ship of the Slave Trader.

At this time, as five magic horns flew out from the back of the Beran, the sailors on the Slave Trader still felt very novel and looked at us magicians curiously. However, at the same moment, the tauren Luka And the Rand Knight squad lined up on the sea and charged towards the Slave Trader.

Eight knights in magic-weave outfits and a Tauren warrior in heavy metal armor charged together. Although they looked too small in front of the Slave Trader, they still attracted the attention of the sailors on board. A lifeboat carrying the slaves of the Naga Sea tribe rowed slowly towards the Rand Knight and his group.

The tauren Luka had completely entered the fighting state, and when he was still more than [-] meters away from the lifeboat, it turned into a white light.


The huge figure rushed up like a locomotive, swung a pair of moon blade axes with both hands, and smashed them hard on the lifeboat. The two white horses split the two sailors on the lifeboat into two halves together with the lifeboat. The lifeboat All of a sudden, the slaves of the Naga Sea tribe who were tied up with ropes fell into the sea.

I rode a magic horn to follow, and Helena cut off the ropes of several Naga Sea slaves with the crimson long sword according to my instructions, and then chased after the tauren Luka, and charged at the slave trader. The Zerg rushed over, and the remaining Naga Sea tribe who had not untied the ropes, let them save themselves.

Knight Lante led his seven constructed knights to charge the Slave Trader on foot at sea, without horses, they could still keep pace. The eight knights held the light shields high on the ground. In front, holding the Crusader's long sword in the other hand, he was about to rush under the Slave Trader ship before receiving the first round of arrow rain.

But at this time, the tauren Luka and I had already chased up from behind. I was riding on the handle of the magic scorpion, surrounded by four stone drum totems and three ice shields.

The eight constructed knights and the tauren Luka all possessed the magic effects of 'Wind Run' and 'Petrified Skin'.

Arrows rained down from the boat one after another. These arrows were ordinary feathered arrows, extremely light in weight. If these feathered arrows were used against ordinary people without armor, they would be quite threatening, but facing eight people wearing For a one-turn knight with a complete set of magic patterns, there is no threat at all.

The only thing that could pose a threat to the knights like Rand was the speargun on the bow of the Slave Trader, which was converted from a bed crossbow. The three-meter-long speargun made a sharp sound of piercing the air .

The Lante knight was waiting in full force. When he held up the knight's light shield and smashed away the spear gun, he saw a tall and strong figure standing in front of him, and the tauren Luka directly slammed into the spear gun with his body.

Leaving me behind him, I was speechless for a while, this stupid cow is so upright, I was just talking casually at the beginning, his set of black iron heavy armor with adamantine magic pattern can withstand all flying weapons, he actually Dare to use his body to block the spear gun abruptly, at this moment, behind Luka, the phantom of a six or seven meter tall tauren ancestor appeared.

This is Luka's 'potential'.

After the improved 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, when Luka hit the spear gun directly with his shoulder armor on his side, the gold essence magic pattern all over his body was shining with dazzling magic aura.

The moment the speargun touched Luka's shoulder, a huge earth-yellow shield appeared on the surface of the magic pattern on Luka's body, directly blocking the speargun. Luka's body shook slightly, and he waved the moon blade in his hand. Axe, one ax cut the spear gun in two and fell into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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