my age of magic

Chapter 935 37. New Measures on the Slave Trader

Chapter 935 37. New Measures on the Slave Trader


The three ships braved the wind and waves, followed an ocean current named 'Woba' by Captain Bronty, and approached the eastern waters of Vashki.

According to Jacques' calculation, if the wind remains unchanged, our fleet will arrive at Connerson Island in seven days.

Driving in the front is Captain Jacques' Bellan. The main reason why Jacques can use his arms on the Bellan is because he has learned sailing skills from Captain Blondy for a period of time. The sailors mingled together, and many sailors liked this noble boy with a straightforward personality.

So in the matter of Jacques becoming the captain of the Beran, almost no one opposed it except the first mate of the Beran. Of course, the first mate resolutely gave up Compete for the Bellan, and continue to be the first mate on the Bellan honestly.

So, to be honest, the crew system on the Beran is the best-preserved of the three ships.

Following the Bellan was the slave ship in charge of Noah, and now Noah had named the slave ship 'Shirley', and asked the sailors to paint the name on the ship.

In fact, he named it 'Mermaid Princess' on purpose, but this is just a thought, and then he told me secretly. If you want to keep the backyard from burning, you must consider Shirley Newman's feelings, at least Shirley Newman is now It has been recognized by Mrs. Louis and Mrs. Mensa, and it can be regarded as half a foot into the Mensa family.

Rand Knight is the most powerful follower under Louis Mensa. This time, he was able to follow us and protect Noah's safety all the way. Whether it is fighting, commanding, or managing a slave ship, he is competent.

It took only three days for Lante Knight to take care of all the sailors on the 'Shirley'. These sailors are obedient

The last ship is the 'Slave Trader' which I am in charge of. Yes, in order to commemorate the victory of the sea battle on the unnamed island, I named this ship 'Slave Trader'.

I walked out of the cabin, just in time to see Helena yawning, pushing open the glass window, looking out on the deck curiously, seeing me walking out of the cabin, smiling sweetly at me, I gestured to her, and asked if she wanted They had breakfast together, but she smiled and shook her head, indicating that she would go back to sleep for a sleep.

It is estimated that Ying Li stayed up late last night and spent ten bottles of 'Devil's Blood'. Finally, the day before yesterday, Ying Li had some breakthroughs. She told me excitedly that she was only one step away from success.

However, I guess this step is only Yingli's inference, Yingli wants to pierce this layer of window paper, and it will take a greater price.

Recently, there has always been a faint fragrance wafting out of Yingli's room, which is always lingering.

This fragrance lingers in the air, sometimes drifting away with the wind, even Jacques on the Bellan can smell it occasionally.

Yesterday he said to me with a worried face: Recently, he can always smell a strange fragrance in the sea breeze, and he is worried that there are large sea beasts with fragrance on their bodies like sperm whales following behind the fleet.

A flock of skuas trailed behind the sailboat.

The sun shone warmly on the deck, and the warm sea breeze blew across the faces of the sailors.

The sailors on the "Slave Trader" fought neatly in a row. Amidst the whistle of the orc female warrior Kalantso, they quickly formed a phalanx on the deck. It is not as neat as before, but it has made great progress compared with yesterday.

The beast female warrior Kalantso has only one method for the trained sailors on the ship, that is, any disobedience and any mistake will be whipped. The whip of Kalantso has beaten countless sailors to pieces in the past few days .

Then, Katerina will find me and cast 'water therapy' on those injured sailors to heal their injuries.

Kalancuo only repeated one word to these sailors: 'obey. '

In this way, Kalancuo's notoriety on this ship has been achieved.

It also made my reputation on this ship higher and higher, and many sailors were full of respect for me in their eyes.

The effect of the 'military training' in the past few days is also obvious. These sailors' usual disorganized state is disappearing a little bit, and a new mental outlook follows. Even Noah said that my ship The boat looked a little different every day, but it was impossible to say exactly where.

Of course, I am not adopting a high-pressure policy on the sailors on the ship. Although they have to recite the code of conduct every day, I have also made a lot of improvements, that is, providing some new benefits for the sailors on the ship.

The first item is to improve the food on board. Originally, because the fuel reserves on board were limited, many sailors were used to eating those sea fish raw.

Of course, I'm not saying that this way of eating is bad, but I can make them eat more carefully, that is, as a reward for military training, I invited all the sailors on board to taste a classic sashimi dish.

For this reason, I also prepared for several days, and asked the most experienced sailors to catch several kinds of sea fish I described, such as salmon, tuna, snapper, mackerel, fresh shrimp, squid and so on.

Then there was a big meat table on the deck. My skinning knife was sharpened extremely sharp. In front of the meat table, with skilled knife skills, I cut a tuna nearly one meter long into slices. Sashimi, these sashimi served on wooden trays filled with crushed ice, the art of presentation alone will whet the appetite.

Although there was no wasabi and soy sauce, I still racked my brains and made use of the existing resources at sea to cook oil consumption, and provided some sailors who performed well in training with only a small plate of oil consumption in front of each of them.

Even so, the sailors salivated when they saw the neatly cut, boned and skinned fish meat, which was extremely tender.Unexpectedly, the fish and meat dishes prepared in this way would make the stomachs of hundreds of sailors on the ship so full that they lay on the deck, unable to move.

This way of cooking is actually very simple for the crew who have been sailing at sea all year round. They clearly know the body structure of each fish. They only need a sharp knife and skilled knife skills to make this kind of fish. gourmet food.

In fact, I also want to let them eat other fish dishes in the coming time, such as steamed, grilled, boiled, fried, braised, etc., but these things have to be done little by little.For the complex dishes mentioned above, I am better at fine knife skills and understanding of fish.

For the magicians, the shortage of fuel on the ship is not a problem at all, especially when a magician who is good at making magic scrolls is on this ship, so I drew some 'gathering' in my spare time. Fire Art' magic scroll, and taught the two sailors on the ship in charge of cooking the correct use steps in great detail.

This allows him to provide hot food to the sailors on board even when the weather is bad.

The second benefit is my commitment to treat every sailor on board.

Yes, use my 'hydrotherapy' and some basic medical knowledge to treat some hidden diseases for these sailors, because I found that most of the sailors on the ship have serious skin diseases.

Sailors with the most serious skin diseases had calcification of the cuticle on the epidermis, and some scales or shell-like calcium hard shells grew on the skin.

Although these hard shells can have some protective effects, they also cause great trouble to them. Many sailors' affected areas will be very itchy. The scales or hard shells that grow out are scraped off, but the affected area after scraping off the scales or hard shells is easy to rot.

The reason for this skin disease is that sailors usually don't pay much attention to personal hygiene, which is caused by fungal infection.

Therefore, my method is very simple, first cut off the skin of the affected parts of the sailor, and then perform 'hydrotherapy' on the patient to help him recover quickly.

The third benefit builds on the second benefit.

It was I who used the two warehouses on the deck of the 'Slave Trader' to convert them into baths to provide fresh water to the sailors on the 'Slave Trader'.

Every time the sailors finish their work, they wash off the condensed salt particles in the bath, so that fungi, seaweed and some shellfish that are suitable for growing in seawater will not choose to make their homes on these sailors. After cleaning their dark and damp living cabins, they did a big cleaning.

At least to ensure that every sailor can get into a dry and warm bed when resting.In fact, the quilts in the sailors' rooms were almost all damp and full of a salty smell.I ordered people to throw these quilts on the deck. They must be washed with clean water and then dried on the crossbar of the mast. These quilts must be completely dry before they are allowed to be taken back to the cabin room.

In fact, what excited the sailors was the right to bathe with fresh water.

Many sailors have a very limited number of baths in a year. Only after the ship is berthed, the sailors rent a hotel in the island city and take a hot bath in the hotel. However, as the skin on their bodies begins to mutate, these sailors I didn't get off the boat anymore, because the more sick I was, the more I cared about other people's strange eyes.

These days I have been following the most experienced sailors to look for fish schools in the ocean currents. As long as I find fish schools, I will use the large net on the boat to fish. In fact, it is quite cool to chase fish schools, especially It was the moment when the net was collected, and countless sea fish were seen tumbling in the net. Several sailors pushed the huge winch to drag the sea fish into the fish tank and mixed them with ice.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you can harvest thousands of catties of sea fish in one net. Of course, don’t expect how delicious these sea fish are.

Facts tell me that no matter what the taste of these sea fish is, after they are transported back to Xinliu Valley, they immediately become the most popular meat. Firstly, the orc warriors have the largest share, followed by those Yero native laborers. They never eat it. After crossing the sea fish, the remaining sea fish will be rewarded to the barbarian slaves who work the hardest. Even the remaining fish bones will not be wasted, and will be thrown to the goblin slaves who dig rock holes. Fighting over a fishbone.

This 'Slave Trader' has become the best way to obtain meat all of a sudden, and it is extremely convenient to transport to Xinliu Valley. You only need to erect a portal at the fish outlet on the bottom of the bilge, and then open the fish cabin. The fish outlet, those sea fish will mix with the ice and pour into the portal, piled up like a hill on the teleportation altar.

The orcs will pack these sea fish and ice into cave warehouses.

There are always countless fish in this vast sea in the Vashj plane.

When I was on the boat, I sneaked back to Xinliu Valley several times. Bernd commanded all the available forces of Xinliu Valley to actively lay the rails. The track was laid very fast, from the teleportation altar to the storage of the 'devil's blood' stone room , This section of the road has been laid with rail tracks.

In this state our fleet sailed to Connerson Island.


In the morning, Jacques pointed to the chart and said to Noah and me: In three more days, the fleet will be able to arrive at Connerson Island smoothly.

But at noon, I found a dark cloud in the sky in the east sea area. Those tumbling clouds were swallowing the sky non-stop, and there was a burst of thunder in the distance. , From time to time, lightning strikes down, and the lightning in the dark clouds gathers together, rushing from the clouds to the sea, forming thunder waterfalls.

The wind at sea has also become somewhat unpredictable, blowing east for a while, and blowing north for a while, although Jacques quickly issued an order to let the ship lower its sails, change its course, and go south first, it is best to bypass this storm , but obviously he underestimated the speed of the storm.

By the time we discovered the storm, it was too late.

Those dark clouds in the sky, like thousands of horses galloping, quickly engulfed our fleet.

Pea-sized rain fell on the ship. At this time, all the sails on the mast of the sailing ship had been lowered, but the wind still pushed the ship towards the center of the storm, and streaks of lightning in the black clouds fell on the sea.

The waves surged slowly from the beginning, and now the waves are three to four meters high. Our boat is ups and downs in the raging waves. This situation has completely surpassed Jacques range of capabilities.

At this time, Jacques slapped his head, thinking that if he could find a sheltered island in advance and park the three ships near the island, he might be able to avoid the storm, but unfortunately, when Noah thought of this idea , we have been engulfed in by dark clouds.

Jacques unfolded the chart, spread it on the table, drew a big circle on it with a pen, and said to us: "Now our ship is in this area, but I'm sorry, according to what is shown on the chart, this area There are no islands around the sea where we can anchor our ships."

The wind and waves at sea are getting bigger and bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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