First emperor of the human race

Chapter 102 The Yun Family's Danger

Chapter 102 The Yun Family's Danger


Someone pushed the door and entered. It was a girl in Tsing Yi who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

She has a lively and lovely temperament, her soft black hair is neatly coiled up, and a few strands of blue hair fall down, showing vitality.

"Sister, are you back?"

The girl in Tsing Yi saw Yun Zhuxin sitting at the table, she couldn't help smiling, closed the door with a smile, walked to Yun Zhuxin and sat down.


Yun Zhuxin recovered from her contemplation, and said with some complaints: "Why did you run out again?"

"There is no training ground in the West Wing. I went to the training ground in the outer courtyard. No servants were there at night, and no one saw me."

"I've told you several times, this is someone else's house, not your own, so don't run around."

Yunzhu sighed heartily, stretched out her green fingers, and tapped her sister's forehead lightly.

This girl in Tsing Yi is the second young lady of the Yun family, Yun Zhuxin's younger sister, Yun Zhuyu.

Yun Zhuyu has loved martial arts since childhood, dancing with knives and guns has caused headaches for everyone in the Yun family.

Although Yunzhuyu's personality is very different from Yunzhuxin's, but she and her elder sister Yunzhuxin have the same heart. Yunzhuxin has protected her sister since she was a child, and the two sisters have had a deep relationship since childhood.

"My sister will remember what my sister said, and I will never make trouble for my sister."

When Yun Zhuyu heard her sister's words, she smiled happily, as if there was nothing worth worrying about.

"Sister, you went to the palace today, how do you feel?"

Yun Zhuyu sat beside her, clinging to her elder sister, with her big beautiful eyes open, and asked curiously: "Did you see the emperor? Is Empress Daji pretty? Is the palace big?"


Yun Zhuxin smiled helplessly, gently stroked her sister's hair, and said softly: "The Empress Daji is indeed unparalleled in beauty, my sister rescued her and saw the emperor."


Yun Zhuyu nodded.


Yun Zhuxin sighed, and said apologetically, "The emperor did not agree to my sister's request, he is unwilling to accept a concubine."

"It's all because my sister is useless, I can't convince the emperor."

"Sister, don't talk about it, it's my sister who is too whimsical. A wise king like the emperor, Wenzhiwutao, Xiangwai Annei. How could he easily accept my sister as a concubine?"

Yun Zhuyu was silent for a while, but smiled and said: "How can my sister get into the eyes of the emperor?"

Her smile is pure and sunny, but Yun Zhuxin knows that she is also very uncomfortable.

The current misery of the Yun family can be said to be a disaster for the face, and the two sisters feel very guilty in their hearts.

It wasn't because the Yun family was greedy for the royal glory, nor was it because Yun Zhuyu had a crush on the emperor, what Yun Zhuxin did today was a last resort.

If the emperor agreed, then why would the Yun family need to worry about Xunjianlou's crazy revenge and the bloodbath of the Yun family?

But now, the only way out has been cut off, the emperor does not want to accept Yun Zhuyu as his concubine, where is the way out for the Yun family?
For a while, the atmosphere in the wing room was heavy, and the two sisters fell silent.

"Sister, don't you want to join the Women's Academy of the Imperial Capital Academy? Has the emperor allowed it?"

Yun Zhuyu broke the silence by opening her mouth, Yun Zhuxin nodded and said: "The Emperor agrees."

"Then father won't be stopping you after all."


Yun Zhuxin nodded, Liu Mei was still frowning, Yun Zhuyu sighed, and comforted: "Sister, don't worry, it's a big deal, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge."

"At worst, my sister will go to Xunjian Tower and beg them to spare the Yun family."


Yun Zhuxin refused without hesitation, and her voice was decisive: "I will never let that bastard succeed, I will never let you be wronged."

Yunzhu knew in his heart that if his sister really did this, it would only fuel Xunjianlou's arrogance.

Moreover, considering Jianzi's domineering personality, even if he got Yun Zhuyu, he would not be reconciled, and would probably take revenge on the Yun family, and might even grab Yun Zhuxin along with it.

Yun Zhuyu remained silent, feeling guilty, angry and helpless in her heart.

Could it be that the sky is really jealous of the beauty, because of my existence, the Yun family is not safe?
The Yun family was helpless, and they were struggling to find a good opportunity under the persecution of Xunjianlou.

(End of this chapter)

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