First emperor of the human race

Chapter 11 1 Emperor and 1 Courtier

Chapter 11
The noise in the study alarmed the servants waiting outside.

"Sikong! Sikong, what's wrong with you!"

The servant's exclamation and anxious inquiry came from outside the door, and he was about to rush into the study.

Su Chen still looked indifferent, looking at Guo Sikong with a smile.

Guo Sikong's reaction was quick, he quickly shouted to the outside: "Stand back! This old man is thinking about something important, don't bother me! Everyone retreat, leave the yard!"


The servants withdrew.

Guo Sikong wiped the sweat from his forehead, hurriedly walked in front of Su Chen, knelt down under the mess all over the floor: "The old minister pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Be flat."

Su Chen put away the folding fan, waved his hand, and looked at Guo Sikong with a smile.

Perhaps because of Su Chen's stare, Guo Sikong swallowed his saliva, and asked in a hoarse voice: "I have the courage to ask Your Majesty why I visited the old minister's study at night."

Guo Sikong actually wanted to ask how Su Chen got in?Why is it that there are thousands of servants in the huge Sikong Mansion, but no one saw His Majesty enter the mansion.

His majesty's method is too shocking!
But Guo Sikong didn't dare to ask. He pondered His Majesty's actions in the early court all day, and he knew that His Majesty looked gentle and generous, but in fact he was very domineering and acted decisively. It would be safer not to displease His Majesty rashly.
Su Chen seemed to see the doubts Guo Sikong was suppressing in his heart, and said solemnly: "I came in over the wall."

"Over the wall."

Guo Sikong's silver hair trembled slightly. He knelt on the ground and dared not raise his head, but the corners of his mouth kept twitching, feeling extremely weird.

Your Majesty will climb over the wall? ? ?
Forgive me, old minister, I can't imagine how you climb over the wall. Isn't that what vagrants and rascals do? How can you...
"I have nothing to do in the palace. I heard from Eunuch Li that Guo Sikong is good at governing the country and has a strategy in mind, so it's hard to scratch my heart. I came here for a night visit, and I want to have a long talk with Guo Sikong."

Hearing what Su Chen said, Guo Sikong realized that there was a person standing behind His Majesty, it was the innocent old eunuch Li Nianzi.

Well governed?Have a strategy in mind?

It's not a good sign for the emperor to flatter his courtiers!

Guo Sikong smiled wryly, cupped his hands quickly, and said: "I am ashamed, I dare not bear His Majesty's praise like this. If Your Majesty is worried and asks, I will definitely know everything."

"Hey, you're too polite."

Su Chen waved his hand and asked with a smile: "Speaking of which, I'm very curious, why did you sigh and talk about my age just now?"

Guo Sikong was shocked, he was a little speechless, he quickly knelt down and confessed: "The old minister is guilty, he shouldn't talk about His Majesty alone in the mansion, please forgive him!"

"It's okay, it's okay."

Su Chen waved his hands with a smile, his attitude was very gentle.

But the more this happened, the more Guo Sikong didn't dare to take it lightly. He didn't think His Majesty was a simple young man, and His Majesty's actions this morning left an extremely shocking impression on Guo Sikong's heart.

"Your Majesty's night visit to the Sikong Mansion must be something important, old minister"

Guo Sikong took a deep breath, and he kept thinking about the purpose of His Majesty's late night visit in his mind.

However, before Guo Sikong finished speaking, Su Chen smiled and said, "Actually, I just came to thank Guo Sikong."

"Thank you, old minister?"

"This morning, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty urged me to seek peace from the Beast Empire, but Guo Sikong, you are the only one who is firm and will never bow to the aliens. You really have the demeanor of a pillar of the Great Xia Dynasty. I am very pleased."

Hearing Su Chen's evaluation, Guo Sikong had a strange expression and smiled wryly.

Just for this matter, you visited Sikong Mansion at night?
To be honest, Guo Sikong didn't think that his attitude in the court today was very firm, he just answered His Majesty's question in an ambiguous manner, which was very perfunctory.

However, since His Majesty has named and praised him, the face is still to be given to His Majesty.

"The old minister thanked His Majesty for his praise, and it is the duty of the old minister to share the worries of the Great Xia Dynasty. His Majesty came here to praise him, and the old minister was very frightened."

"Three kilometers, you are the one I admire most!"

Su Chen smiled, spoke to himself, and said calmly: "Before the late emperor passed away, he praised Guo Sikong vigorously, saying that among the three lords, only Guo Sikong can hold the position of assistant minister."

"The late emperor praised you, old minister"

Su Chen interrupted Guo Sikong's words, and continued to speak calmly: "I think the late emperor's words are true. Since Situ and Sima were dismissed from their positions, the corresponding ministers in the court are indispensable to assist me in coordinating the overall situation; therefore, I decided I will trouble Guo Sikong and temporarily assume the positions of Situ and Sima."

"Your Majesty, this... this is absolutely wrong!"

Guo Sikong's cloudy old eyes immediately shrank, he knelt down quickly, and said in panic: "This old minister is stupid, and the position of Sikong is already a great favor of the late emperor. This old minister can only support it with all his strength. This old minister dare not accept such great love from His Majesty!"

"Furthermore, if the three lords are gathered in one veteran, it is inevitable that there will be gossip in the court and among the people. The veteran will definitely not have such a great talent to take the position of Situ and Sima!"

Guo Sikong had a serious face and a panicked tone. People who didn't know really thought that he thought his talent was not enough.

"That's strange. In this day and age, there is still talk of pushing out the right to deliver to your door?"

Su Chen laughed, he was not surprised by Guo Sikong's refusal attitude.

"Your Majesty, the power of the world is in your hands. The three ministers, civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are just your pawns, sharing your majesty's worries."

Guo Sikong said with a respectful expression: "The old minister deeply feels that he is not capable enough to hold the positions of Situ and Sima."

"This flattery is good, I can't tell, you are very enlightened."

The smile on the corner of Su Chen's mouth became more intense, and he said lightly: "However, I have made up my mind, and you cannot shirk this matter."

"Also, there is one more thing that I almost forgot to tell you."

Su Chen suddenly realized something, interrupted Guo Sikong, and said: "Guo Sikong, I remember that Guo Tianyu is your only son, I heard that he will be able to return home from the imperial private school next month; I heard that Guo Sikong, you have opened up your joints, and plan to arrange for your beloved son to enter the official career next month?"


Guo Sikong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know why His Majesty suddenly mentioned his child, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly, and quickly replied: "Guo Tianyu is indeed a dog, but his career as an official is purely fictional. He has a resolute personality and is determined to become an official through the imperial examination; the old minister will never interfere with it and do things that break the rules of my Great Xia Dynasty."

"That's right, Guo Sikong really has a clean sleeve, and he definitely doesn't fill his own pockets! I think if the tiger father has no sons, then Guo Tianyu should also have great talents."

Su Chen said with a smile: "No, I sent someone to pick up Guo Tianyu from the private school just two hours ago."

"Guo Sikong shouldn't be unfamiliar with the new army in the imperial capital, right? Some time ago, I heard that Guo Sikong tried his best to insert people into the new army. No, there is no need for Sikong to worry. I think Guo Tianyu is pretty good." .”

"Calculating the time, he should be in the new army barracks now, and I have already given him the post of captain's personal guard."

Su Chen looked at Guo Sikong with a smile, and his tone was very gentle.

But Su Chen's words made Guo Sikong suddenly startled, and his heart felt cold.

Guo Sikong, who was old enough to have a son, loved his son very much. He devoted himself to raising his only son, and spent a lot of money to hire a senior scholar in the imperial capital to teach him alone.

It can be said that Guo Tianyu is Guo Sikong's life!

He has high hopes for his children!
However, His Majesty took his only son into the new army barracks without making a sound. Why?

Is His Majesty going to attack the new army?

Do not!
I'm afraid that the entire new army has already been controlled by His Majesty. Tianyu's entry into the new army this time may have become a proton!This is His Majesty's method of restricting me!
In an instant, Guo Sikong understood everything, his eyes were wide open, he raised his head to look at His Majesty, his lips were trembling.

God, when did His Majesty take control of the new army?

This speed is too fast, beyond everyone's expectations!
His Majesty asked me to concurrently serve as Situ and Sima in order to completely suppress and split the three princes, and at the same time to ensure that I would submit to His Majesty, he found a breakthrough from Tianyu!

Your Majesty has counted on my beloved son's character, and I will never put Tianyu to death because of this matter!
Yes, Guo Sikong knew that if he did not promise His Majesty, Guo Tianyu would definitely die!

No wonder it's no wonder His Majesty was so determined from the beginning that he didn't allow himself to refuse at all, His Majesty has settled everything!
Guo Sikong fixed his eyes on Su Chen with complicated eyes, including admiration, shock, and gloom.
Your Majesty has made all the preparations. When he visits the Sikong Mansion tonight, he wants me to submit to him and submit to him!
The position of the three princes is blessed by one person, and then controlling this person will be of great convenience and benefit to His Majesty in purging the court!
"Don't look at me like that, I don't like it."

Su Chen got up, patted Guo Sikong's shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile: "I'm a little tired, and I'm going back to the palace. Tomorrow morning, I will issue a decree to announce to the world: Guo Sikong will concurrently hold the position of the three princes."

"I'm here to congratulate you first, Guo Sikong."

"No, it's Prime Minister Guo."

Su Chen squinted his eyes slightly, took a deep look at Guo Sikong, turned and left, but suddenly stopped without turning his head, only a faint voice came: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot again. "

"I heard that two hours ago, Situ and Sima visited the Sikong Mansion respectively. Presumably these two veterans are somewhat unwilling?"

"I hope that Guo Sikong will take good care of it and don't do anything that will make him regret his whole life."

Su Chen's voice came with a chuckle: "After all, once the emperor and the courtiers."

Guo Sikong, who was kneeling on the ground, trembled all over, the shock in his eyes was indescribable, and the panic in his heart reached the extreme.

Does His Majesty even know such a secret thing?
"Let's go, Li Nianzi."


Li Nianzi nodded respectfully, followed behind Su Chen, and left the study.

Su Chen never looked back, Guo Sikong stared blankly at the open and closed study room, the atmosphere in the study room was terribly silent for a moment.

until much later.


Guo Sikong sighed softly, bowed deeply in the direction of the study door, his body dropped to the ground, and his voice was soft, full of helplessness, firmness and respect: "I will follow your Majesty's instructions."

He had to admit that he, Situ, and Sima all underestimated the new Great Xia.

Su Chen's means, courage, and wisdom are very accessible.

(End of this chapter)

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