Chapter 121
After the Eight Kings' Rebellion, the vitality of Linshan City was severely damaged, and nine out of ten households in the city lost their lives.

However, the emperor took pity on the people of Linshan City, and specially ordered Junji Pavilion to formulate a lot of policies according to the situation of Linshan City, to introduce refugees, reclaim fertile land, and reduce or exempt taxes
Although Linshan City is not a big city today, it already has a prosperous scene.

Linshan City, Linshan School Field.

Countless Jianghu tycoons, Jianghu sect masters and elders gathered together. They faced a high platform. Under the suggestion of the Daxia government, they conducted a secret ballot to elect the martial arts leader.

This method is very novel, but the war of words is much stronger.

It is convenient, fast, and anonymous, and saves the trouble of offending others.

Some people heard that this novel method was bestowed by the emperor, and it can be seen that the emperor attaches great importance to this matter.

The more the emperor values ​​the leader of the martial arts, it means that the status of the people in the Jianghu is higher in the eyes of the government, which is a good thing.

Thousands of sects sent representatives to participate in the first martial arts conference. After a whole day of voting, at ten o'clock in the evening of the day, when the votes were counted, Yitai, the head of the mad knife sect, stepped up to the high stage in high spirits to announce the results .

"Seniors of the Jianghu, all sect masters! A certain family has been elected as the host of this martial arts conference. Next, a certain family will announce who will be the first martial arts leader."

Yitai stood on the high platform, his aura was running, and his voice was loud, spreading everywhere.

Many people also gathered around the periphery, watching this scene curiously.

For them, this is something new!

There is also a lord in the rivers and lakes?

Doesn't that mean that there will be a set of power institutions in Jianghu?
They don't know whether this matter is good or bad for themselves, and the common people are just trying to figure it out.

Many giants of the rivers and lakes cast their eyes on Yitai, and they all smiled.

Many people in the Jianghu who have no right to vote are silently thinking in their hearts. If there is no accident, this first leader of the Jianghu should be the leader of the Crazy Saber Sect.

Most people think so, but the real voting rights are still in the hands of important figures sent by various sects.

Until the last moment, no one knows what the final outcome will be.

"After a total of [-] sects voted, the one with the most votes will become the martial arts leader."

Yitai looked down at the paper in his hand, smiled, and said loudly: "A certain family announced that Zhu Ji, the deputy head of the Crazy Sword Sect, was supported by a sect from 760 and became the first martial arts leader. Xia Jianghu!"

There was an uproar in the audience, and countless people from all walks of life who watched the martial arts conference were shocked. This news was too unexpected.

"Zhu Ji? Who is he? I've never heard that there is such a number one person in Kuangdaomen!"

"It seems that he became the deputy sect master of the Mad Saber Sect half a month ago. I heard that he still wants to have something to do with Deng Tiantai."

"Access to the rooftop? Then isn't he the emperor's confidant?"


The exposure of Zhu Ji's identity has made countless people in the world hesitate. Although they have realized that this matter is not that simple, they are not very good at evaluating Zhu Ji's becoming the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Yitai glanced at the crowd and asked loudly: "Everyone, do you have any objections? If you have any objections, you can raise them! Otherwise, once the identity of the leader of the martial arts is confirmed, everyone must abide by the agreement and obey the orders of the leader!"

Countless people from all walks of life who watched the ceremony looked at Zhu Ji who was sitting on a chair. The middle-aged man had a firm expression. There were several guards in black robes behind him.

Even if he got the most votes and won the title of martial arts leader, he didn't see any joy, and his face was still calm.

The giants of the rivers and lakes who participated in the martial arts conference, after hearing Yitai's question, stood up one after another, cupped their hands and opened their mouths.

"The Flowing Sect has no objection."

"Gantaimen has no objection."

"We must abide by the identity and orders of the lord leader, and never break our promises. The world can learn from it!"

The giants of the rivers and lakes expressed their opinions one after another.

It wasn't until this time that people realized that this was something that had been arranged long ago.

The sect masters and giants of the various sects all acquiesced to this fact, so most of them voted for Zhu Ji instead of Yitai.

Compared with Yitai, Zhu Ji is one of the three commander-in-chiefs on the Tiantai, and he has the trust of the emperor.

Only by him controlling the martial arts alliance can people in the Jianghu get greater benefits and a better living space, and Yitai also knows this very well, so he voluntarily gave up the status of the martial arts alliance leader to Zhu Ji.

At the same time, in order for Zhu Ji to better integrate into the Jianghu of the Great Xia, he made an exception half a month ago and allowed Zhu Ji to join the Crazy Sword Sect as the deputy sect master, and has the qualifications to be elected as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Crazy Saber Sect has benefited a lot from this whole matter, and left a deep impression on the emperor.

Yitai knows that one should not be greedy, and the way to live a long life is to retreat bravely from the rapids.

As long as Jane is in the emperor's heart, will he be afraid that the mad knife gate has no other benefits?

"it is good."

Yitai nodded and smiled, and said loudly: "The leader of the martial arts alliance, command the Jianghu! To celebrate the appointment of the first leader of the martial arts alliance, Junji Pavilion specially bestowed the official title of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and added a second-rank official position! Coordinate and control the entire Great Xia Jianghu!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of many people in the world were brightened.

From then on, there is no distinction between the rivers and lakes and the government, everyone is a family!The leader of the martial arts alliance is also an official, and can be recognized by the Daxia government and fully supported by the Daxia government.

This is good news!
The first martial arts leader has been confirmed, and they have no way to fight for it, but there is still a chance in the future!

Zhu Ji is the first martial arts leader, but there will be a second, third, and fourth in the future!
As long as the official status of the leader of the martial arts is still there, the leader of the martial arts will always be a sought-after position, and this is what the Daxia government is willing to see.

Only when the martial arts leader controls the Jianghu, and the Daxia government controls the martial arts leader, can the entire Daxia Jianghu be in his hands and eliminate all unstable factors.

The martial arts conference was over, and the news spread to the imperial capital, causing many great scholars to discuss excitedly.

"Unexpected, really unexpected! Dijun is really making wonderful moves!"

"I thought that the emperor would set himself on fire and let the Great Xia Jianghu disrupt the entire Great Xia Dynasty, but how long did it take? It's only been half a month, and the Great Xia Jianghu has become the Emperor's possession!"

"Master Zhu Ji is the lord of the martial arts alliance and commands the world. I really envy him. This is really a step up."

"Now the country is stable, Mr. Shang Yang's reform strategy has shown results, the rivers and lakes are stable, the new army is formed, Guotai Min'an has no internal troubles in the Great Xia, and the prosperous age is approaching!"

The academicians and civil and military officials who were originally worried that this matter would seriously damage the vitality of the Great Xia Dynasty sighed.

No one could have imagined that the emperor's plan was so far-reaching, step by step, intertwined, playing with the entire Great Xia rivers and lakes between applause.

Everyone was led by the emperor, unable to resist at all, but no one could find fault. This strategic method of the emperor's check and balance had to be admired.

In the blink of an eye, the group of Jiang Hu people who were originally a headache for the Daxia government has become a great help for the Daxia government.

No one knows the specific process of the exchange of interests, overall planning, and checks and balances under this whole matter, but they have seen the emperor's strong skills and courage from the outcome of this matter.

If it is luck and coincidence that Dijun was able to suppress the Rebellion of Eight Kings, who can explain Dijun's conquest of Daxia Jianghu?

There is no doubt that the Great Xia Dynasty ushered in a king with real strength, means, and courage in this life.

In the next half month, everyone thought that the matter had completely calmed down.

The entire Great Xia Dynasty also returned to tranquility. All major fields and counties and counties in the country began to develop steadily and rapidly.

The signs of a prosperous age have already appeared, and we only wait for the real prosperous and prosperous age to come.

At this time, half a month after the end of the martial arts conference, another news came from the Military Aircraft Pavilion, which shocked the whole country!

 From the end of the plot of conquering the domestic sect, the plot of internal troubles in the country is basically over.

  Next, the big plot structure is the bloody struggle between countries, and the struggle for survival between races.

  The blade of the racist has been sharpened!
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(End of this chapter)

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