Chapter 13
Having nothing to say all night, Su Chen practiced peacefully until the next morning.

As the sun rises, the sun shines lightly through the window of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and sprinkles on Su Chen's shoulders, shining on him like a golden sculpture, sacred and solemn.


Su Chen opened his eyes and exhaled lightly.

A long stream of white air came out slowly, like two horses, directly piercing through the void, stabbing out like a sharp sword, and then dissipating slowly.


Su Chen opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed, and then the light was restrained.

Su Chen gained a lot from the one-night practice, and the spiritual energy in his body was more abundant, and the energy and blood were full. This feeling of becoming stronger and stronger made people feel very comfortable.


Su Chen pushed open the door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Daji had been waiting outside for a long time, holding her clothes in both hands, and bowed her knees to salute: "Your Majesty, it's time to go to court soon, I will serve you to change."

"Thank you for your hard work. Hasn't it been a long wait?"

"It's not hard, this is what a slave should do."

Daji wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose, and the smile on her pretty face was extraordinarily bright.

Loyalty to the emperor, sharing worries for the emperor, this is the belief of every summoned god and demon.

The palace people behind Daji carried clear water and changed Su Chen's clothes under Daji's command, and put on the golden and yellow emperor's court clothes.

Su Chen wore a jade crown on his head and dressed in an emperor's uniform. He looked majestic, noble, and daunting.

"Show me, the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

The atmosphere in the palace is a bit cold, which is related to the sharp decrease in the number of palace people, and more because of Su Chen's actions at the court meeting yesterday, which made the entire court and the palace panic.

Originally thought to be a docile Ninth Prince, the domineering and tactics he displayed after ascension to the throne are beyond comprehension.

This is the second court meeting for the new king to enthroned. Along with the dragon chariot coming all the way, the palace servants and guards knelt down and kowtow respectfully: "Meet the emperor!"

The chilling atmosphere reverberated in the palace again, and the civil and military ministers who had been waiting in the Hall of Supreme Harmony for a long time were also anxious, and many people felt panic.

They didn't know much about Su Chen when he was the ninth prince.

Among the nine princes, each prince has his own personality and special advantages. Only the nine princes have a gentle personality. Other than that, they seem very low-key and easy to ignore.

Now that the Ninth Prince Su Chen is enthroned as emperor, the courtiers don't know His Majesty's temper and behavior. This is the deadliest thing.

"His Majesty is here!"

From the inner gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Li Nianzi walked out quickly, and opened his voice in a sharp voice.

Li Nianzi's hoarse and loud voice broke the quiet atmosphere of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and shocked countless drowsy courtiers, who immediately stood with their hands tied.

Su Chen strode out and sat on the throne.

Li Nianzi shouted loudly: "All the officials have an audience!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The ministers of civil and military ranks knelt down one after another, swept their sleeves and kowtowed, and voices came out one after another.

This voice was louder and more orderly than yesterday.


Su Chen glanced at the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and frowned slightly.

The number of people in the morning court today is more than half less than yesterday, and many ministers who hold important positions in the six departments did not participate in the morning court!

Except for the faction officials headed by Guo Sikong, at least two-thirds of the ministers will not participate in the early court in the future.

Obviously, these ministers who were absent from the early court were all faction officials of Chen Situ and Wang Sima.

Su Chen's eyes fell on Guo Sikong, Guo Sikong seemed to feel the emperor's gaze, he raised his head slightly, and had a short look at Su Chen.

Guo Sikong shook his head imperceptibly, indicating that he didn't know the reason of the matter.

Although Guo Sikong had contact with Situ and Sima yesterday, the two did not tell Guo Sikong their specific thoughts and plans.

They just asked Guo Sikong to assist them when necessary, to pull up the momentum of the court and resist Su Chen's imperial power.

Obviously, Situ and Sima wanted to take advantage of Silong's absence in the capital to unite the power of the three princes to fight against the imperial power, and to swear to Su Chen that they had control and influence over the court, so that Su Chen would be wary.

"Be flat."

Su Chen spoke lightly, with a calm tone, and his eyes under the jade crown bead curtain were deep, no one knew his emotions.

The heart of the emperor is unpredictable.

"Be flat!"

Li Nianzi shouted sharply.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Guo Sikong sighed, stood up first, and sang the salute with all the officials.

The ministers in Guo Sikong's line were divided into civil and military lines. Everyone had already discovered that the number of people in the court was wrong. Two-thirds of the officials were missing, and nearly 100 people were not present.

There is a space vacant in the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Many officials did not go to see Su Chen, but secretly looked at Guo Sikong's face, hoping to get some information and hints from it.

But Guo Sikong's head was lowered at this time, and he was standing in the first striker position on the left of His Majesty, as if dozing off, and he didn't make any gestures, which made the officials of his faction feel anxious and confused.

In the early court, only some relatively important matters would be proposed by the corresponding ministers and dealt with first. The ordinary government affairs would be handled by the officials of the various ministries themselves, or the three public officials would coordinate and perform their duties.

Now that Situ and Sima were not present, and Guo Sikong remained silent for a long time, the entire court fell into an eerie silence.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, but also a little solemn.

No one is a fool, everyone can see that there is something wrong with the posture of the court this morning!

The contradiction between the imperial power and the power of the three princes has begun to escalate!

"Is there nothing important to report?"

Li Nianzi routinely yelled.

"Return to Your Majesty, I have nothing to report."

As if waking up from a dream, Guo Sikong stepped out, respectfully saluted, and set an example for his courtiers.


You, Guo Sikong, said that you have nothing to say, so let's not say anything, just hold back.

The courtiers were silent.


Su Chen said in a faint voice: "It seems that my Great Xia is now a peaceful country, and the world is peaceful? There is nothing to discuss in the morning."

Su Chen's words were tinged with sarcasm, Guo Sikong didn't speak, but still pretended to be dumb.

He knows his position, and since he chose to serve His Majesty last night, he has to cooperate with His Majesty's decision every step of the way.

Today's morning protagonist is not Sangong, but His Majesty!

"Since that's the case, I just want to bring up some things for the officials to ponder over."

Su Chen's voice was calm. Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden loud noise from the gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"My lord, the morning court has already begun. According to the rules, the gate of the temple cannot be opened before the morning court is over."

"Let's go in! We want to see His Majesty!"

"Yes, we want to see His Majesty!"

"The old man has a letter of request from all the officials, representing the entire Great Xia court, let me see who dares to stop me!"

"Even if he dies here today and is buried in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the old man will go in too! Remonstrance to Your Majesty!"

Noisy voices continued to come, including the voices of some ministers from the six ministries. These were the late ministers.

It seems that everyone is here.

Su Chen raised his head, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The officials of the Hall of Supreme Harmony were dumbfounded, and turned around one after another, looking outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony with curiosity and doubt.

It's just that because the Hall of Supreme Harmony is tightly closed, the people inside cannot see the scene outside.

at this time.


The Hall of Supreme Harmony was opened, and a guard of the Royal Forest Army hurried in, a little embarrassed, bowed his head and knelt down, his voice was anxious: "His Majesty, hundreds of ministers gathered outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, saying that they want to see His Majesty, and ask for orders on important matters." .”

"In their hands, there is a blood book pleading for the lives of all officials!"

The voice of the imperial guards trembled a little.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the officials in the Hall of Supreme Harmony were shocked.

All officials please order!

This is a rare event!

 Already signed a contract, you can give a reward~!

  Ask for a wave of rewards! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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