First emperor of the human race

Chapter 156 The Craftsmanship, Great Summer Fortune

Chapter 156 The Craftsmanship, Great Summer Fortune

"We, pay homage to the emperor."

The three of Zhou Yu quickly came out together, knelt down on the ground, and spoke respectfully.


Su Chen waved his hand and called out, "Li Nianzi."

"The old slave is here."

Li Nianzi, who had been waiting outside for a long time, hurried in, and naturally he also found the three extra people in the imperial study.

Dijun is always so miraculous, originally Dijun was practicing alone, but why did Dijun have three more people when he was practicing?

"As usual, these three people will be of great use to me in the future."

Su Chen pointed to Zhou Yu and the others.


Li Nianzi understood, he turned around and smiled at the three of Zhou Yu and said, "Please come with the old slaves."

Li Nianzi doesn't care about Dijun's secrets, he feels that he has a tacit understanding with Dijun now, as soon as Dijun opens his mouth, he knows how to arrange it.

The old eunuch was very happy and relieved. He felt that this meant that he and the emperor were getting closer. After all, he was still the emperor's confidant.


The three of Zhou Yu were very obedient, and they all returned the salute, and then saluted Su Chen, then followed Li Nianzi and left the imperial study room.

During this period of time, Su Chen built a lot of large houses in the imperial capital, just to temporarily settle them after summoning talents. After all, we can't let these talents temporarily live in the palace every time, right?

It is still necessary to distinguish between superior and inferior.

The imperial palace is the imperial palace, how can the courtiers live in the imperial palace if it is not necessary?
Regarding the arrangement of these three people, Su Chen thought about it for a while, and then made up his mind.

Since the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty is not close to the sea and has no water army, Zhou Yu can first train in the Military Machine Pavilion. After the water army is formed, Zhou Yu can lead the army to train in Dahe, a lake in Daxia, and form a water army that belongs to Daxia. .

With the expansion of the army some time ago, a large number of new troops have gathered in the imperial capital, and the number is still increasing.Chen Qingzhi is both civilized and military, and he is good at running the army. He can be placed in the new reserve army and let him focus on training these new troops.

As for Nezha.

Su Chen pondered for a long time before finally deciding to arrange Nezha in the Imperial Forest Army to cooperate with Lei Zhenzi and command the emperor's personal guard.

Nezha's strength is undoubtedly strong. If he is only asked to lead the army in battle, it would be a bit overkill, and Su Chen has no shortage of handsome talents and generals.

For any race and country, every master of the legendary realm is a national weapon in their own country, and they should not act rashly unless it is an important period.

Su Chen had already planned the arrangement of Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, and Daji. Talented gods and demons like this should concentrate on training, enjoy the supply of the best resources of the Great Xia Dynasty, and strive to improve their strength.

They represent the top combat power of Great Xia, and Su Chen only needs them to guarantee absolute strong personal strength.

Lei Zhenzi and Daji have appeared frequently, representing the top combat power of Daxia except Silong, this intelligence news can no longer be hidden.

Su Chen reckoned not to mention that the whole of Zhonghuang knew about it, at least the Beastman Empire already knew about the existence of Daji and Lei Zhenzi.

Su Chen does not intend to push Nezha to the public in advance, he intends to temporarily hide Nezha as a trump card for later use.

Any top combat power that is not known to outsiders is an amazing soldier for the Great Xia Dynasty!
Su Chen sat in the imperial study room and opened Nezha's more detailed introduction and information through the system.

Looking at the dazzling array of magic weapons and supernatural powers, Su Chen couldn't help sighing: "You are indeed the third prince."

Obviously, this time the system successfully summoned the gods and demons, which fully demonstrated that after the residual imperial energy in the system dissipated, the system once again regained the ability to summon gods and demons.

This is inseparable from Su Chen's diligent practice, allowing the system to gradually restore the functions of Su Chen's heyday.

For some reason, looking at the detailed introduction about Nezha on the system, Su Chen suddenly thought of a familiar nursery rhyme he had heard on Earth.
"It's him, it's him, it's him, it's him!"

Su Chen touched his chin and muttered to himself: "What's the next sentence?"

The memory is too long, and I can't remember clearly.

Just when Su Chen was trying to recall the forgotten lyrics, the figure of the palace man suddenly sounded outside the door: "I want to report to the emperor, Li Ji, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, please see me."


Su Chen raised his head and shouted, "Let him in."


The palace people retreated respectfully, and after a while, Li Ji walked into the imperial study and saluted respectfully: "Ji, pay homage to the emperor."

"Maogong is a rare visitor, why come to my imperial study when you have time?"

Su Chen looked at Li Ji with a smile.

This guy has a strong sense of responsibility. He doesn't even go back to the house on weekdays, but eats and sleeps with the soldiers in the army.

Not long ago, he served as the dean of the engineering department of the Imperial Capital Taiyuan Academy as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

"I naturally dare not disturb the emperor's peace, but I really have something important to report."

Li Ji answered with a serious expression.

"Go ahead."

Su Chen raised his hand, signaling Li Ji to sit down.

"Thanks to the great love of the emperor, I took up the post of dean of the Engineering College of the Imperial Capital Taiyuan University. I worked hard day and night and dared not neglect."

"Yesterday, the masters and students of the Engineering College in the Imperial Capital University told me that they have researched some new artifacts, most of which are armors, swords and the like; but from my point of view, they are different from ordinary swords and armor."

"I don't know much about Baigong, but I feel that this matter is important, I think about it, and I hope the emperor will make a decision."

Li Ji said respectfully, he doesn't know about craftsmen, and he is only temporarily serving as the dean of the engineering college.

With Li Ji's temper, he may not know about craftsmen, but he will never guess and make decisions.

As long as you are in doubt, ask the emperor!

This is a good tradition handed down from Military Machine Pavilion.
Su Chen understood. The researchers from the Imperial College of the Imperial Capital came to Li Ji to report their research results yesterday. Li Ji felt that what they had researched was very special and wanted to present it to him.

Before the establishment of the Imperial Capital Taiyuan Academy, Su Chen had clearly promoted the status of the Engineering Academy and valued craftsmen and craftsmen.

After all, the progress of a country cannot be separated from these "vulgar" craftsmen.

"Sword armor?"

Su Chen pondered slightly, and asked with a smile: "Did the people from the Engineering College improve the swords and armor of the Great Xia Army?"

It has only been a few days since the Imperial Capital Academy was established, and the people from the Engineering Academy have already come up with something to report to the government. This efficiency cannot be said.

On the day when Su Chen was established in the Imperial Capital Taiyuan Academy, he specifically mentioned the Engineering Academy: "The art of craftsmen, the luck of the great summer"

In the eyes of the emperor, the craftsmanship of the craftsmen is directly linked to the fate of the country!

The people of the Great Xia Dynasty were simple in character, especially the craftsmen who were not valued in the past dynasties. They deeply felt the kindness of the emperor and studied day and night. Coupled with the large number of craftsmen gathered in the Institute of Engineering, they researched and improved new tools. The efficiency is naturally very fast.

Moreover, as long as the new research is adopted and promoted by the government, there will be generous rewards, and the craftsmen will naturally mobilize all their wisdom to study hard.

"This minister can't say well."

Li Ji was a little hesitant, and said respectfully, "I dare you to ask the emperor to move forward and go to the engineering college to have a look."


Su Chen nodded: "Show me, Engineering College."

Originally, Li Ji thought that Su Chen would not agree, but he did not expect the emperor to agree so quickly. This is because he valued himself.


Li Ji quickly responded, and at the same time sent someone to inform the masters of the engineering college to prepare in advance and take out all the things they studied.

The improvement of swords and armor is of great significance and far-reaching influence to the Eight Wastes Continent, which uses cold weapons to fight, and it is self-evident.

Will the craftsmen of the engineering college give Dijun a surprise, or a disappointment?
Su Chen was curious and looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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