First emperor of the human race

Chapter 164 Dijun's "Night Action"

Chapter 164 Dijun's "Night Action"

At the same time, in the distant orc empire, there is also a woman who is missing her husband from afar.

The Orc Empire, the residence of the High Priest's main hall.

Li Ji was sitting by the window, her beautiful eyes were like water, and she was holding her snow-white chin, she was looking at the night scene outside the window with rapt attention.

The stars are twinkling, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and the flowers in the pavilion are fragrant, but they can't make Li Ji happy.

She knew that on this beautiful night, the man she loved so much got married, but she couldn't be by his side.

In fact, Li Ji knew very well in her heart that if she had just let go and stayed in Daxia when she was in the imperial capital of Daxia, maybe there would be one more bride tonight.

It's just that she can't do this, she has her own insistence, Li Ji doesn't allow herself to stay by Su Chen's side as a runaway.

She has to be valuable, to be valued by everyone, and to be valued by Su Chen, and it is definitely not because of Su Chen's pity that she stayed.

Is this a bitter feeling?

It seems to be deja vu.

Li Ji chewed on the faint bitterness in her heart, and remained silent.

She didn't regret it, Li Ji didn't lose her mind, but the way she expressed her love to Su Chen was a bit special, which was caused by the stubbornness in her bones.

Just when Li Ji was looking out the window, there was a sudden "chirp" sound from the window, like a bird singing at night.

I saw a figure in a black robe leaping over the wall and approaching quietly.

Although this figure's footsteps are light, like a ghost, but this is the mansion of the high priest, his approach must be known by the high priest and Li Ji, but no one stops him.


The figure flickered, it was a mysterious man in black tights, he quickly approached Li Ji's window, knelt down and saluted: "I have seen the deputy commander in chief."

"whats the matter."

Li Ji came back to her senses, and asked lightly.

"There are still half a month, and it will enter deep winter."

"After the deep winter, the mountains will be covered with heavy snow. If you don't leave at this time, it will delay the emperor's plan."

This person is the foreign agent sent by the Tiantai to the Beastman Empire. The Beastman Empire currently has a large number of foreign agents from the Tiantai, but they are all under the jurisdiction of Li Ji.

After all, going to the rooftops can penetrate the orc empire more and more, which is inseparable from Li Ji's strong support.

In the Beastman Empire, only Li Ji is the most suitable person to command this group of people on the rooftop.

"No, I'm not leaving."

Li Ji shook her head, looked up, and looked at the stars in the east with her beautiful eyes, as if she saw Su Chen's handsome face.

"But the emperor is already angry. There is news from the country that the emperor ordered you to go back."

The tone of Ying outside the rooftop was a little anxious, and he quickly persuaded: "My lord, if we don't leave now, we will all be trapped in the Beastman Empire when the mountains are covered by heavy snow."

It is already a miracle that Li Ji can turn the situation around and prevent the coming war by herself. In the eyes of those outside the platform, she can become the darling of the emperor with this credit.

No matter how worried he is, with this credit, he can justifiably stay by Dijun's side.

Now is the best time to retire. Why doesn't she want to leave?

No one can guess Li Ji's mind.

"If you want to withdraw, go back to Daxia first."

Li Ji shook her head and refused: "This is the most important moment of the confrontation between the two factions. If I leave, the peace-seeking faction will undoubtedly lose."

The current situation between the peace-seeking faction and the main combat faction is [-]-[-], and no one can tell the subsequent changes in the situation. It all depends on personal coping ability. It is impossible for Li Ji to leave at this time.

She is not a weakling.


"Don't say any more."

Li Ji interrupted him, waved her hand and said calmly: "Let's go, the high priest's mansion has been secretly supervised by the Beast Lord recently, and the domestic situation is anxious, if you leave the Beastman Empire now, there is still time, otherwise you will leave when the Beast Lord finds out It's gone."

"You can leave as you like, I won't blame you, I will explain to the emperor."

Li Ji didn't intend to drag the people who ascended to the rooftop to fight for power with her. She knew what she was doing. will end up in a miserable death.

It's not easy to cultivate scouts and spies on the rooftop, and Li Ji doesn't want to consume the power that belongs to Su Chen and Daxia for no reason.

"Dijun said, if you don't leave, none of us can leave."

Ying stood up outside the Tiantai, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone on the Tiantai has never thought of fear or fear, let alone abandon Shangguan and escape alone."

He saluted Li Ji respectfully, then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

One night of absurdity and ingenuity makes one's bones limp and waist ache!
Li Nianzi watched the emperor come out of Yunzhuyu's palace with his own eyes, and couldn't help blinking his old eyes in doubt.

According to the palace maid, the emperor went to Empress Daji's palace last night, why did he come out of Empress Yu's palace again?

As expected of the emperor, this is really amazing!

An old eunuch cannot understand this kind of man's "night action".

Su Chen ignored Li Nianzi, the old guy, and let him wait outside.

After Su Chen came out of Yunzhuyu's palace, he got into Daji and Yunzhuxin's palace again. He couldn't just plow the land and give up, right?
Dijun is still a very gentle man, he knows the importance of appeasement afterwards, so he must be with each other this morning.

Li Nianzi waited outside with a large group of court ladies, the weather was cold, so she could only count the icicles on the eaves alone.

This time, wait until the sun is three poles high, look up at the sun, it is almost noon.

This is also thanks to the fact that the emperor took a break from the morning court yesterday, otherwise all the officials would have to wait for nothing today.

"Hey, hey, go find some people, and get all the icicles from Qingning Palace down later."

Li Nianzi pointed to the eaves, and told the maid behind him: "If it falls down, it will not be good to disturb the ladies."

The old eunuch is really the housekeeper of the palace, and he is worried about all matters big and small.


The court ladies bowed their knees and saluted, and responded respectfully.

At this time, the emperor came out from the palace, wearing a white cloak, followed by three beauties with delicate red faces and beautiful smiles.

The stars support the moon, sitting and enjoying the blessings of all people.

The three daughters first received grace, especially Yun Zhuxin, who had no cultivation strength. Although she felt uncomfortable and powerless, under the recuperation of Su Chenchen's spiritual energy, there was no serious problem.

"Greetings to the emperor, long live the emperor. Greetings to the three empresses, a thousand years old empress."

Li Nianzi hurriedly kowtowed first and knelt down, followed by the waiting eunuchs.


Su Chen put away the expression of joking with the three daughters of Daji, and told Li Nianzi: "Just clean the Qingning Palace, ladies don't like palace people to interfere too much, so the rules after the wedding are completely exempted. "


Li Nianzi nodded respectfully.

You are the emperor, you have the final say on everything in the territory of Great Xia.

What rules and irregularities, no matter how big the rules are, how can they be bigger than my emperor.

"By the way, there are some women's things in the Yunfu, and I will send someone to get them back later."

Su Chen patted his head, and said: "Especially the medicine garden, let the medical students of Taiyuan Academy take care of it, don't damage it, it will be transplanted to Qingning Palace."

Yun Zhuxin has her own medicinal garden, where she studies medicinal techniques and cultivates medicinal herbs from it.

As an excellent doctor, the medicine garden is a must.

"Old slave, write it down."

"Well, beloved concubines, please have a meal with me."

Su Chen smiled and embraced the three concubines, and drove to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.


The sisters of the Yun family and Daji bowed their knees to salute, with red cheeks and shamefaced faces, beauties each with their own charms.

There are three concubines in the harem, each with different beauty. Yun Zhuxin has a gentle and cold personality, and does not like to fight;

From the looks of it, there is no fear of fighting in this harem, and this is what makes Su Chen most satisfied.

After lunch, Su Chen chatted with the three girls for a while, then took Li Nianzi to inform the ministers and generals of the Military Machine Pavilion.

"Call them all to the imperial study, I have something important to do."


Li Nianzi left respectfully.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, the emperor is really a wise emperor, after an ordinary emperor gets married, he would have fun for a few days.

My family's emperor has only spent one night, and he can't wait to devote himself to public affairs and government affairs, I am the blessing of the Great Xia.

 Someone asked about the details of the bridal chamber in the previous chapter?
  I involuntarily sneered.

  Let me ask you, I dare to write a detailed process with my cowardice?
  Isn't this a minute-by-minute process of closing the book and taking it off the shelves?
  If you don't want me to be cowardly, then vote!
  Recommendation tickets are something that can especially strengthen the author's courage.


(End of this chapter)

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