Chapter 170

The high priest and Li Ji couldn't help but look at each other, both of them saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

The current Emperor of the Beastman Empire is full of jitters, and everyone can feel the jittery atmosphere from the court down to the common people. Most of them can guess that the Beast Lord and the High Priest are facing each other tit for tat and seizing power from each other.

In the situation where the beast king is dominant, is there still someone who takes the initiative to visit the mansion of the high priest?

And a group of humans?
Human beings are very excluded in the Beastman Empire. Even human businessmen who bring economic development to the Beastman Empire cannot avoid this kind of hostility.

The high priest frowned and asked, "Did they reveal their identities?"

The confidant said respectfully: "No, the human man at the head said that when the high priest and His Royal Highness see them, they will naturally know his identity."

"The slave arranged them in the side hall."

The confidant shouted outside the courtyard: "High Priest, do you want to meet them? Or send someone to drive them away?"

The high priest turned his head to look at Li Ji, with a searching look in his eyes, his meaning was self-evident.

"Go and see."

Li Ji nodded, put on her hood, and left the courtyard first.

In the hall, there is a large pear marble case in the middle, on which there are various celebrity postcards, dozens of square precious inkstones, pen holders of various colors, and the pens inserted in the sea of ​​pens are like forests.

In the corner, there is a big Ru kiln flower pouch, filled with white chrysanthemums filled with crystal balls, and all kinds of decorations complement each other.

When Li Ji and the orc high priest walked into the hall, they saw a human man in a white robe sitting in front of the desk. Copybook.

Behind this human man in white robe, there are five or six powerful human beings of different sizes, some of them even wear swords at their waists, with awe-inspiring eyes and murderous intent, they look like martial arts masters.

"who are you?"

The high priest walked into the hall, watching the group of people in front of him warily.

He didn't know any of these people, and among them was a handsome guy who looked like a woman but not a man. The breath on his body was as dark and terrifying as an abyss, which made the high priest feel a sense of danger.

"Let's all go back."

Li Ji's voice was hoarse, and she wore a hood. She waved her hand to make all the confidantes in the hall retreat, then walked up to the human man and bowed her knees.

"Li Ji, pay homage to the emperor."

Li Ji's voice regained its clarity and magnetism, echoing as crisply as Yin Lin, she did not hide the joy and throbbing in her heart at all.

Li Ji never imagined that she could see Su Chen in the Beastman Empire!
That's right, the human white-robed man in front of her is the Emperor of Great Xia, Su Chen!

"Emperor? The Emperor of Great Xia!"

The high priest's heart was shocked, and he looked at the few humans in front of him with shocking and complicated eyes.

He already knew about the cooperation between Li Ji and Da Xia, and also knew that Da Xia had given Li Ji a lot of help behind his back, but to be honest, when he really saw Emperor Da Xia, his heart was still a little complicated.

It's an emotion beyond words.

"come over."

Su Chen smiled, put down the pen in his hand, and waved to Li Ji.

Li Ji obediently came to Su Chen's side, Su Chen reached out and lifted Li Ji's hood, revealing a shy and stunning face.

Her black hair is like lacquer, her skin is like jade, her beautiful eyes look forward, and there is an indescribable charm in every frown and smile.The beauty conceals the present and the past, and the lotus is ashamed of the beauty.


Su Chen stroked Li Ji's hair, with a somewhat reproachful tone.

"This is all due to missing the emperor."

Li Ji blinked her beautiful eyes like water, and said playfully.

She smiled like a flower, wishing to show her best side in front of Su Chen.


Su Chen laughed, and hooked Gou Liji's nose.

The high priest on the side didn't dare to speak, but he was crying and laughing in his heart. How had he ever seen his master like this?

This man is really a demon in the master's heart.

The people behind Su Chen looked at their noses and noses, their noses and hearts, as if they hadn't seen it, wishing to leave here, not daring to disturb the sweetness of the emperor and Li Ji.

"Dijun, why are you here?"

After the two exchanged a few words, Li Ji asked softly: "The Beastman Empire has been very wary of the human race recently, and the emperor is very unsafe here."

"Who told you to be disobedient, otherwise is it necessary for me to make this trip?"

Su Chen glared at Li Ji, feeling angry and laughing in his heart.

This girl really knew why, and she was asked to return to the country before the heavy snow closed the mountains, but she chose to stay in the beastman empire.

It's all right now, in the face of the beast king's crazy suppression, the high priest and Li Ji are completely powerless to resist, this is no longer a matter of resourcefulness and power.

The Beast Lord has great power and is unstoppable, even if Zhuge is still alive, there is no way to restore the current decadent situation of the High Priest and Li Ji.

"Dijun, are you here to bring slaves back?"

Li Ji blinked her beautiful eyes expectantly, she was not sure what to do next, if Su Chen helped her make up her mind, she would absolutely obey now.

The high priest is a master of the legendary realm and the strongest in the orc empire. In Li Ji's view, with the help of the high priest, it is easy for them to leave the orc empire.

"No, since I'm here, I won't go back empty-handed."

Su Chen shook his head, and said lightly: "I know that your recent situation is not good, and I am here to help you."

It is true that Li Ji's stability can be guaranteed if she just leaves like this, but the good situation and foundation laid by Deng Tiantai and Li Ji in the Beastman Empire will disappear in smoke.

If you want to find another opportunity to severely damage the orc empire, it may not be so easy.

After all, Li Ji's identity as the orc prince has not been exposed yet, and the high priest is still the high priest, and these two breakthroughs are still in Su Chen's hands.

Su Chen has no reason to give up now.

Not to mention anything else, at least under Su Chen's current layout, he can definitely guarantee the safety of himself and Li Ji, why not stay and give it a go?

This winter is an excellent opportunity, if you miss it, it will be hard to find.

"Dijun, didn't you come to take the slave away?"

Li Ji was taken aback, looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes, and asked softly: "Emperor, it's useless to blame the slaves. The situation is not good now, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to find another opportunity to fight for power with the Beast Lord."

She took the initiative to explain her current predicament, just because she didn't want Su Chen to take risks.

Compared with her own safety, she pays more attention to Su Chen's safety and environment, and she absolutely does not want to see Su Chen in deep danger just to help her.

"You're right."

Su Chen nodded in agreement, and said: "Based on the current situation, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to compete with the Beast King. His control over the Beast Empire is terrifying."

"The Beast Lord will not die for a day, it will be difficult to open a gap from the inside of the Beastman Empire, and it will be difficult for you to successfully fight for power."

"Dijun means"

Li Ji was startled, and couldn't help but whispered: "Emperor, are you going to kill the Beast Lord? But the Beast Lord is surrounded by a cloud of masters, and I have borrowed information. Now the five legendary masters of the Beastman Empire have returned to the capital. Under such circumstances, it may be very difficult to kill the Beast Lord."

"When did I say I was going to kill him?"

Su Chen looked at Li Ji with a smile, and before Li Ji could ask, he asked, "As far as I know, the Beast Monarch issued an imperial decree today, asking you to attend the Seventh Prince's hundred-day ceremony?"


Li Ji nodded, she still had a headache because of this incident just now.

"So good."

Su Chen said with a smile: "Send someone back to the Beast Palace, and go to the banquet on time tonight."

Originally, he was worried that he would not be able to find a suitable opportunity when he came to the Beastman Empire, but now it seems that God has really helped Daxia.

An excellent opportunity is in front of him, if Su Chen doesn't seize it firmly, it will really be a waste of his identity and means as the emperor of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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