First emperor of the human race

Chapter 173 The Beast Lord's Killing Intent

Chapter 173 The Beast Lord's Killing Intent

The beast king was expressionless, he didn't even look at the high priest and the eldest prince, he went straight through the crowd and sat down on the main seat.


The Beast Lord waved his hand with a loud voice.

"Thank you Beast Lord."

The orcs returned the salute and sat on it.


The Beast Lord toasted, not long-winded, very decisive, without any cutscenes or words of comfort.

That's it?

Su Chen was a little dumb, the beast king was too impatient.

After the Beast Lord gave an order, everyone began to eat, and the atmosphere was a little dignified for a while, only some orcs were communicating with each other in a low voice.

The Beast Lord didn't open his mouth, just drinking in a slumber. From time to time, confidant ministers came up to toast loudly, which gradually made the atmosphere of the banquet lively.

Under the arrangement of the servants of the Beast Palace, groups of fox girls Meiji filed in, with their red sleeves fluttering, dancing exotic dances to add to the fun.

Originally, according to the custom, the Seventh Prince should also be carried by the nanny, but the Beast Lord obviously has something on his mind today, so this process was skipped.

Under Su Chen's careful observation, many orcs were gulping down alcohol, constantly stretching out their hands to tear the flesh of the beasts.

Just watching them eat like this is really very appetizing, and it makes people feel a little hungry too.

Just looking down at the greasy meat and barbecue on the table, as well as some special fruits with special sour and sweet taste, Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

The fragrance is very fragrant, which makes people move their index fingers, and it can be regarded as a delicacy.

But Su Chen is still not used to the food of the Beastman Empire, and he doesn't like to eat in such a rough way, it's too barbaric.

Su Chen still prefers the delicious taste of slow risotto.

This may be caused by the differences in habits between races. Su Chen doesn't think the customs of the Orc Empire are bad, and he even thinks that the Orc Empire has its merits.

All the people of the Orc Empire are warlike and fearless, and their style of fearless death is well-known throughout the Central Wilderness.

Su Chen felt that this had a lot to do with some living habits and the overall political style of the Beastman Empire. For example, they didn't pay much attention to etiquette, and they didn't have too many complicated etiquettes when meeting Shangguan and Beast Lord.

On this point, Su Chen felt that it was necessary to learn from the Orc Empire.

Although etiquette and rules can make people learn to better cultivate their own inner self-cultivation, it can also promote the peaceful development of various fields of society, and can promote the interaction between people before they communicate with each other and many other benefits.

But too complicated etiquette also has many shortcomings. After all, everything has two sides.

Su Chen felt very seriously that the kneeling ceremony of the Great Xia Dynasty must be abolished as soon as possible.

Save the courtiers from kneeling for a long time, and their bones are gone.

As an excellent king, one should not pretend to be arrogant and look down on all races, but should be good at absorbing and learning the advantages of others, and constantly find one's own shortcomings and improve them.

Su Chen tasted the wine thoughtfully, and the big meat in front of him didn't move.

Just as Su Chen was pondering some of his own ideas, the lively atmosphere of the banquet was suddenly interrupted.

A Beast Lord servant hurriedly came from outside the hall, attracting everyone's attention.

After the banquet started, servants other than those who brought wine and wine were not allowed to enter, so the entry of this servant made the atmosphere of the banquet a little less, and most people's eyes fell on this servant .

Some insiders couldn't help but stop talking at this moment, their eyes burning.

"Beast Lord! The spies have an urgent report!"

The servant came in front of the Beast Lord with a hoarse voice. He didn't deliberately avoid suspicion, but spoke directly.

Urgent report?

What kind of urgent report could be more important than the Seventh Prince's hundred-day ceremony?

"What's the matter?"

The beast king was shocked, and his drunken eyes suddenly became sober.

The Beast Lord spoke, everyone put down their wine glasses and stopped making noise, and the atmosphere at the banquet was very quiet for a while.

"Back to Lord Beast, a few days ago the spies destroyed the three dark branches of Daxia Dengtai, arrested a group of humans, and tortured them severely for many days. Just now, those humans have let go and confessed some Very important thing!"

The servant of the Beast Palace said respectfully: "I dare not delay, so I hurried to report to the Beast Lord."

After hearing what the servants of the beast palace said, the beasts at the banquet were extremely excited and applauded loudly.

In their view, anything that can hit the old enemy of the Great Xia Dynasty is a good thing.

Su Chen looked at Zhu Ji at the side, softly translated the words of the servant of the beast palace, and then asked in a low voice, "Is someone arrested?"

Su Chen knew that Dengtiantai had destroyed three branches of intelligence agencies in the past few days, but no one told him that those who had ascended to Tiantai should be captured.

This is a big event, although it is said that the people who climbed to the roof are elite and loyal, but if the outsiders who climbed to the roof are really arrested, there is no guarantee that they will not reveal some crucial things under the torture of the enemy. intelligence.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the Orc Empire possesses even more torturous torture methods. Most of the members of the Tiantai have extremely important intelligence information, so there is nothing to lose.


Zhu Ji shook his head and said in a low voice: "Emperor, I dare to guarantee my life. Although we were destroyed three branches of the intelligence agency and killed a total of 31 people, absolutely no one was captured."

Zhu Ji's voice was extremely calm: "The Orc Empire sent troops to encircle and suppress three stronghold branches. 19 of our people died in the manpower battle, and 12 of them died by self-harm; at least five of them received the report and were ready to come to support Those outside the rooftops witnessed this, and they have secretly inspected the bodies of these people."

There is a death rule for internal and external response on the rooftop: in the case of no way out, you must commit suicide before the enemy catches you!

Each of them has at least three ways to commit suicide hidden in their bodies, in order to prevent themselves from being captured, unable to withstand the enemy's torture, and the possibility of exposing the information they have mastered.

Such rules may be cruel, but there is no absolute peace and gentleness in the previous struggles of different races.

Whoever is merciful loses.

Only when you are ruthless to yourself can you be ruthless to the enemy.


Su Chen nodded and said no more, he believed in Zhu Ji's ability.

In handling this matter, Zhu Ji will never take chances.


After hearing what the servant of the Beast Palace said, the Beast Lord quickly said in a deep voice, "What information did you find out through torture?"

"I don't know."

The servant shook his head and said, "But the tortured beast officers and human captives are outside the temple, do you want to summon the beast master?"


The Beast Lord spoke without hesitation, the servant of the Beast Palace nodded, and hurriedly left the banquet to convey the Beast Lord's order.

The audience was silent, and everyone looked out of the hall in unison.

"This matter is weird."

The high priest frowned and remained silent, deep in thought, without showing any signs of expression.

At this time, you can't get confused, you have to hold your breath, and let's see what tricks the Beast Lord is going to play.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, he felt a killing intent, it was the killing intent from the Beast Lord, he was going to do it!
 Occasionally, there are other urgent matters that will cause the update time to be delayed. For example, the original morning update will be delayed until the evening.

  But there are absolutely no fewer updates that should be made every day!

  This is a matter of reputation. If you want to ruin your reputation, the author will not do this. Please rest assured.

  Wait for another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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