First emperor of the human race

Chapter 187 Or live!or die!

Chapter 187 Or live!or die!
The Snow Ape Clan has really been forbearing these days. They obeyed Su Chen's order and after breaking through the border of the Beastman Empire, they slowed down their offensive to give the Beastman Empire enough time to react.

From the perspective of the Orc Empire, it was because they underestimated the Snow Apes that the frontier was breached.

The Snow Apes didn't understand why Su Chen wanted them to attack the Beastman Empire and slow down their offensive.

Smart human beings must be planning and deploying greater interests.

But what does this have to do with us?

"Snow Ape Clan, only the heart of a giant!"

The young chief looked at Zhu Ji, his tone was very firm, and there was an unpleasant smell from his big mouth, which was an oral problem left by eating too much raw flesh and blood.

Zhu Ji couldn't help frowning at the oncoming stench. He really didn't know why the emperor valued this backward and barbaric race so much.

Except for their brute strength, Zhu Ji really couldn't see any potential and value worth exploiting in them.

"The emperor promised you that he will never deceive you."

Zhu Ji held his breath, and said solemnly: "There is a saying in Daxia, which is called Jinkou Yuyan!"

This is the emperor's personal promise, a word worth a thousand dollars!
"But my father warned me when I was young not to deal with cunning humans."

The young chief took a deep look at Zhu Ji, and after being silent for a while, he said, "But I am willing to believe in Daxia, because my ancestors once believed in the emperor of Daxia."

Zhu Ji was a little worried about the character of the young chief, which would delay his business.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the young chief.

"You go, tell the emperor of Daxia, tonight, I will cooperate with all the actions of the emperor."

The young chief waved his hand, turned around and left, leaving only one sentence: "On the day the orcs are defeated, I must see the giant's heart!"

What are you doing?

Zhu Ji rubbed his nose depressedly, and suddenly remembered the emperor's evaluation of the young chief: "a lonely and proud man".

This is not an easy race to deal with. If it were him, Zhu Ji would never choose to cooperate with the Snow Apes, but Dijun did so.

Perhaps this is the difference between a courtier and a king. The emperor can always find some potential opportunities and benefits that his courtiers cannot.

Zhu Ji still doesn't know what the Heart of a Giant is. Why does this thing make the Snow Ape Clan subvert the power of the whole clan at all costs to match the emperor's layout?

Let’s talk about the 200 million troops of the Snow Ape Clan this time. In fact, the Snow Ape Clan can’t muster such a large number of troops. They have mobilized most of the young and strong, even young and female clan members.

This is a crazy decision. If the war fails, the snow ape clan will definitely lose their vitality, and even offend the behemoth of the orc empire.

Zhu Ji couldn't understand the longing of the Snow Ape Clan for the heart of a giant, let alone their expectation and extreme desire to regain the glory of their ancestors.

Night fell quickly.

The snowy night is still silvery white, no torch is needed, the snow-white earth seems to have a glimmer of light, reflecting the general appearance of the surroundings.

Creatures with a little bit of martial arts cultivation can clearly see any environment under the snowy night.

"Sasha Sasha."

The sound of rustling sounded around the Yuntian City, and the gate of the Yuntian City was opened silently, and the black beast soldiers were gathering quickly, silently and tacitly, showing their elite spirit.

Yuntian City has completed all the preparations for the army, and the Beast Lord decided not to wait any longer. He wants to attack the Snow Ape Clan at night to determine the outcome of this war in one fell swoop.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is not a real night attack. For the orc army, this is a normal war layout and plan.

But for the snow apes who are not proficient in the art of war, maybe this is a surprise attack?

Who knows, anyway, the vast majority of orc generals think that tonight is a night to gain military exploits.

"send troops!"

At the order of the Beast Lord, countless orc armies began to march.

Wolf Cavalry, Centaur Archer Regiment, Vulpey Priest Regiment, Tiger Man Infantry Regiment
The Beast Lord personally led the bear-men heavy infantry, and sat in the middle army, watching countless sons start rushing to the battlefield, and the goal was the camp of the snow ape tribe fifty miles away.

There are snow apes all over the mountains and plains, with a total of 200 million lives, destined to become the souls of the orcs.

"It's started."

The Beast Lord muttered to himself, and he glanced at the High Priest beside him, as well as the five legendary masters and the guard of the Lion Guard Chieftain.

He wanted the high priest to witness this war with his own eyes. This was a war plan that he did not participate in the deployment and strategy.

The Beast King must let the High Priest know clearly that the Beastman Empire is still strong without the High Priest!
"Yes, it has already begun."

Su Chen, who was hiding beside the high priest, also muttered in his heart.

The orc vanguard army of 50 approached the camp of the snow ape tribe, and the tiger infantry regiment took the lead.

"Huh? What about people?"

General Huren frowned. There was only endless white snow in front of him, and there was no sign of the camp of the Snow Ape Clan, and even some of the crude supplies for camping were gone!
According to the scouts during the day, they were still here two hours ago.

With a force of 200 million, it is impossible to complete the transfer quietly within two hours, right?

"General, what should I do?"

A tiger guard looked at his general, and the tiger's face was full of confusion.

Why can't there be any figures of the Snow Ape Clan anywhere?
"Go and find out!"

General Huren's face darkened, and he arranged for people to search around.

The Beast Lord can personally oversee the army in the back. As a vanguard general, how can he return empty-handed?


Under the leadership of officers at all levels, the tiger infantry began to investigate carefully and kept going deeper.

"There is no one here!"

"Not here, not even luggage and camping supplies."

"It's really strange, where are the people from the Snow Ape Clan? Have they all escaped?"

The voices of tiger soldiers kept ringing out, and they were full of surprises. Logically speaking, the land under their feet should be the place where the snow ape tribe camped.

There is absolutely no way to go wrong!
Where did the 200 million snow apes go at night?

and many more!


The orc general trembled all over, and he quickly shouted: "Pay attention to your feet!"

Just when his voice just fell.


A snowdrift suddenly exploded, and a snow ape warrior appeared from under the snowdrift, holding a huge mallet, roaring and hitting the skulls of the orc soldiers around him fiercely.

"Karrah! Boom!"

With a crisp sound, the head exploded like a watermelon, red and white scattered all over the ground, shocking.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous snowdrifts exploded, and one after another white tall figures burst up. These are the soldiers of the Snow Ape Clan.

Taking advantage of the geography and weather advantages of the heavy snow, they buried themselves deep in the snowdrifts, waiting for the orc army to go deep before making a surprise attack!

"Enemy attack!!!"

The stern roar echoed in the night, one after another sprayed blood, the head exploded, and accompanied by the snowflakes flying all over the sky, there was a strange light shining.


The Young Chief stood up, shaking off the snow from his body.

There was a kind of light in his eyes, which was fearless, fighting for the rise of faith and race!
This battle was about the life, death and future of the Snow Ape Clan. He and his father bet everything, and the clansmen also bet everything.

Either live!or die!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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