First emperor of the human race

Chapter 193 Today, I Rectify the Name of the High Priest!

Chapter 193 Today, I Rectify the Name of the High Priest!


A crisp sound came from far away in the quiet snowy night.

A pile of snow on a big tree in the forest began to shake.


The snowflakes fell, and a cross-legged figure appeared. He opened his eyes and spread his palms, on which lay a broken mother-child vessel.

"Let's go, the emperor ordered."

Nezha raised his head and shouted to the empty side.



Several figures appeared, standing on different big trees.

Daji, Lei Zhenzi, Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, Li Ji.
Three legends, a dozen Nirvana masters in the Great Xia Army, some were summoned high-level talents, and there were also native Jianghu masters of Great Xia, and three of them came from the Mad Sword Sect.

There are not many people, but everyone is loyal and elite.

Nezha's spiritual thoughts began to pervade, he found the position of Chief Lion Guard, and began to rush forward.

"Since the Chief Lion Guard has made a move, this war should end soon."

"Emperor Daxia has far-reaching calculations, but he is far from being the opponent of Beast Lord!"

"I seem to see that Daxia's Iron Army and Snow Ape Army have suffered heavy casualties!"

"If the Beast Lord's move is known to the Great Xia Emperor, I'm afraid he will vomit blood with anger, right? Haha!"

Perhaps it was the dispatch of the lion guard chief, which made the orc generals of the central army very relaxed, and began to smile at the beast lord, flattering constantly.

Originally, they thought that the Beast Lord would let them lead the last of the central army's heavy bear infantry into the battlefield, but the Beast Lord was decisive and directly let the Lion Guard chieftain participate in the next battle!

Of course, there are also people who think that the Beast Lord should have let the Lion Guard chief take action, but no one has mentioned this question. They think that the Beast Lord has far-reaching thoughts.

"Before dawn, the war should be over, right?"

After laughing and chatting with the people around him, the beast king suddenly turned to look at the high priest, and asked with a smile, "You know, why didn't I let you lead the lion guard chief into the battlefield?"

"The Beast Lord thought I would stop the Lionguard Chief and make this war a failure."

The high priest's tone was very calm, he naturally knew the concerns of the beast king.

The Beast Lord was worried that the High Priest still remembered the Great Xia Eastern Border Battle not long ago, so he would play tricks in the battle tonight, so that the Beast Lord could also taste the taste of defeat.

The beast king glanced at the high priest, but just smiled, without speaking.

"How did you speak to the Beast Lord?"

The Beast Lord didn't speak, but the bear man and animal officer beside him spoke quite dissatisfied, and said in a serious tone: "This way, the Beast Lord treats you well and respects you as the high priest, but do you have the Beast Lord in your eyes! "

The bear man and the beast officer had endured the high priest for a long time, but the beast king was worried about the war with the snow ape clan, which was tantamount to continuing to fight with the high priest, so they have been patient until today.

Now that the Lion Guard Chief is dispatched, the victory or defeat of the war can be determined in advance, and the legendary masters such as the bear man and beast officer naturally don't have to deliberately tolerate the high priest.

"What do you mean?"

The high priest ignored the bear man beast officer, but looked at the beast king instead.

The beast king didn't look at the high priest, but just smiled, stroked the lion's hair, and murmured: "It seems that you may have some conflicts."

"That's it."

The beast king shook his head, his voice was calm: "Fix it yourself, I don't want to interfere."

The lion under the beast king's crotch stepped away from the high priest.

"Want to start?"

Su Chen raised his head in surprise, and looked at the back of the Beast Lord.

Unexpectedly, the beast king actually had such thoughts, and he planned to deal with the high priest here.

"What we didn't solve last time, now is the time to do it."

The bear man beast officer and other five legendary beastman masters smiled sinisterly, and they surrounded the high priest with malicious intentions.


A group of orcs all backed away with vigilant faces, and followed behind the Beast Lord, making room for the boss.

They dare not intervene in the battle between masters in the legendary realm.

The high priest didn't look at the bear man or beast officer, but gave Su Chen a strange look, his meaning was obvious.

Dijun, you can't think of it, can you?

You are plotting against the Beast Lord, and the Beast Lord is plotting against me at the same time.

Su Chen smiled wryly and shook his head. He really didn't expect this. He ignored the beast king's scruples about the high priest. He never wanted to kill the high priest and get rid of this thorn in his side who would seize power and power.

Obviously, the five legendary masters did not really decide the outcome with the high priest last time, and the escape of the high priest made the beast king more sure that the high priest was not the opponent of these five legendary beast masters.

The Beast Lord has ambitions, and wants to get rid of the high priest at the same time as the Snow Ape Clan today. This is the most important reason why he agrees with Li Ji to stay in the Beast Palace to govern.

From the very beginning, he planned to kill the high priest!

But it doesn't matter, the beast king wants to kill the high priest, why doesn't the high priest want to kill the beast king?
It just so happened that everyone wanted to do something, so there was no need to continue to hide from each other.


The bear man and animal officer frowned. He glanced at Su Chen who was standing beside the high priest, and said in a low voice, "Get lost!"

Why is this orc guard so ignorant? This is a battle in the legendary realm. Isn't he afraid of death?
Why hasn't he left yet!

"Can it be resolved?"

Su Chen was too lazy to look at the bear man beast officer, raised his head, and spoke to the high priest.


The high priest nodded.

Su Chen thought for a while, took off the saber from his waist, and handed it to the high priest: "Take it."

This is Su Chen's saber, Qingshui long sword, and Houtian Lingbao.

Although the level is not as good as Zijin Yunbo, but against the enemy, it also has good magical powers and mysteries, which is enough to make the high priest even more powerful in the next battle.

"Thank you."

The high priest was a little flattered. Holding the hilt of the sword, he could clearly feel the specialness of the sword.

"It's just a sword."

Su Chen smiled. To him, the Qingshui Long Sword was just his temporary saber, not so precious, even if it was given to the high priest.

The Beast Lord frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Kill them all."

He was just a loyal guard, since he chose to stand by the high priest's side, he should be killed together.

"He's really not afraid of death."

The bear man squinted his eyes slightly, and took a step forward. The chain in his hand made a crisp sound, and he wanted to kill Su Chen.


The high priest narrowed his eyes slightly, shook the long sword in his hand, and the sword chanted, "Cry!"

The clear sword body cleansed out a wave of spiritual energy, cut through the void, and quickly slashed towards the bear man and beast officer.


The bear man and animal officer didn't dare to be careless, gathered his spiritual energy on the chain, and resisted with all his strength.


After a loud noise, "Clatter." The chain in the hands of the bear man and beast officer was broken in an instant, and he stepped back quickly, his fleshy palms were dripping with blood, the skin was ripped apart, and the bones inside the flesh could be seen.

Everyone couldn't help but look shocked, including the other four legendary masters, their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at the high priest in disbelief.

The bear people are the best at defense, and their strength is boundless. It is difficult for monks of the same realm to hurt the bear people.

In the last battle, the High Priest was not able to hurt the Bear Man and Beast Officer so easily, but today's High Priest can do it.

"This sword is weird!"

The bear man and animal officer resisted the pain, he didn't let out a miserable howl, his bloody palms were trembling constantly, he was staring at the Qingshui long sword in the high priest's hand.


The beast king's eyes were fixed, and he looked at Su Chen: "Who are you!"

Someone who can hand out a spirit treasure to the high priest is definitely not a small person.

"You'll know, before you die."

Su Chen glanced at the Beast Lord, patted the High Priest on the shoulder, turned and walked out, his direction was the fiercely stalemate battlefield.

"Stop him!"

The Beast Lord shouted, he must never let this person go, he definitely has a big secret hidden in him!

Numerous Xiongren heavy infantry took a step forward, surrounded by swords and guns, full of murderous intent, surrounded Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled, kept walking, and didn't intend to make a move.

It's just a group of soldiers, not worth his shot.


A sword chant shot up into the sky, the sword energy was like light, illuminating the forest under the snowy night, and a sword intent bloomed from the Qingshui long sword, lingering around Su Chen.

The sword intent streaked across like a sharp edge, like a rainbow penetrating the sun, tearing apart the bodies of countless bear heavy infantrymen.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Following Su Chen's pace, blood splattered and bones were thrown away.

If there are people blocking the front, they are all dead souls under the sword!

"Quickly withdraw! Quickly disperse!"

The bear man and animal officer shouted distressedly, these are all members of his tribe!
The high priest wants to keep Su Chen away, they can't stop Su Chen, no one can stop him!

The beast king was startled and angry, and turned to look at the high priest.

"Let's fight."

The high priest watched Su Chen leave, he turned around, and shook the long sword in his hand.

The high priest stood in the snow, wearing a dark gray hooded robe, calmly watching the enemies surround him.

"Today, I will rectify the name of the High Priest."

The high priest's voice was no longer hoarse, and returned to his original tone, calm and powerful.

What is the high priest, I will tell you these orcs today!
Ancestor Era, you are my beasts.

This life, too!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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