First emperor of the human race

Chapter 25 This game of chess is not over yet

Chapter 25 This game of chess is not over yet
At Wang Sima's mansion, Chen Situ came again, and he and Wang Sima were waiting anxiously in the side hall.

A confidant servant hurriedly pushed the door open, cupped his hands at the two of them, and said softly, "My lord, there is news from over there, and the messenger is waiting in the study."


Wang Sima's spirit was shaken, and he replied to the message so soon!

"Quick, messenger!"

"No, I will personally go to the study to meet the envoy!"

Wang Sima was extremely excited. He turned his head and said to Chen Situ, "Go, come with me."

"it is good."

Chen Situ nodded. He was also excited. He stayed in Sima's mansion all the time because of this matter.

Wang Sima's mansion, study room.


Wang Sima pushed open the door, and he saw a dusty middle-aged man sitting on a guest chair in the study.


When the middle-aged man saw Wang Sima, he quickly handed out the teacup in his hand, and stood up with a tired face to salute.

Wang Sima quickly walked up to the middle-aged man, and asked nervously: "Ada, how is the matter going? Can he agree to join forces with me?"

Ah Da is an aide supported by Wang Sima. He is powerful and has the power of Nirvana. He was sent by Wang Sima to contact the general Silong a few days ago.


Ah Da hesitated to speak, sighed, took out a letter from his bosom, and handed it to Wang Sima: "Master, you should read it yourself."

Wang Sima's heart skipped a beat, he quickly took the envelope, opened it, and looked down, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Chen Situ on the side thought it was not good, he leaned over and looked down.

On the envelope, there were only ten characters drawn with silver hooks and iron, and a strong murderous aura came out through the paper.

"When I return with my army, I will kill you!"

General Silong is determined to kill, he will never cooperate with treacherous ministers such as Wang Sima; how can the name of iron-blooded and loyal soul that the General's Mansion has persisted for a full 10 years be destroyed by him?

These ten words are the general's determination and self-confidence.

Si Long is absolutely sure, as long as he is in the imperial capital, no one will dare to take the Daxia Dynasty's idea!

Let me destroy all demons and ghosts with my own strength!
What the Si family has passed down from generation to generation is the unshakable pride of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the loyal soul that stands upright.

"Damn it! You bastard!"

Wang Sima let out a low cry, usurped the envelope into a ball with both hands, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

"This Silong really doesn't know good from bad."

Chen Situ sighed. He became angry from embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "Now that the general situation is in the hands of Sima, he still wants to persist. He thinks he can still turn the tide?"

"Master, what should we do now?"

Ah Da didn't dare to talk too much, he quickly bowed his head to salute, and asked softly.

Now General Silong is unwilling to cooperate, and through this contact, General Silong must know the ambitions of Wang Sima and others. If he sends someone to contact Dijun, Wang Sima and others in the imperial capital will definitely not be able to escape the benefits .

Chen Situ's complexion changed drastically. He obviously thought of this too. He looked at Wang Sima in a panic: "Now that our deeds have been revealed, we are afraid that we will not be able to succeed. Why don't we leave the imperial capital as soon as possible? As long as the general situation is in hand, with the help of the power of the Eight Kings , can also achieve great things!"

"What are you panicking about!"

Wang Sima scolded: "The eight kings are just traitors, why should we lower our status and cooperate with the thieves."

What is the difference between what you do and the traitors?
Chen Situ's face froze, he didn't dare to speak out what was in his heart, so he could only quickly explain in a low voice: "There is a legendary master beside the emperor."

"That is as strong as the Great General Si Long! If we don't make a plan early, we will die in the imperial capital!"

"Although the emperor has dismissed us from our positions, at least he hasn't committed murder. We can take this opportunity to leave the imperial capital."

Chen Situ's voice trembled. He was afraid of death, very afraid.

"Do you think that Dijun doesn't want to kill us?"

Wang Sima sneered: "The court is unstable now, and he will not kill us before he has fully grasped the general situation of the court, and he will not risk the turmoil of the court."

The interest groups behind Chen Situ and Wang Sima are intricate, and this is not something that can be solved simply by executing them.

If it is not handled properly, it will definitely cause endless troubles to the Great Xia Dynasty. This is not the result Su Chen wants.

"It is precisely because of this that we have to leave the imperial capital!"

"Why did you leave? Leaving the imperial capital gave him the initiative! I don't want to."

Wang Sima glanced at Chen Situ indifferently, he would not let himself leave the center of power.

In this political struggle, he still maintains an advantage, so why did he escape?
Chen Situ expressed his worries: "But if Si Long informs the emperor of our intentions, there is no guarantee that the emperor will not be enraged and kill us recklessly."

"No, I won't give him the chance."

Wang Sima narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a flash of murderous intent: "Since Silong is ignorant, he can only be an outcast in this game of chess."

"Oh? You still have a backup!"

Chen Situ's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel determined.

He doesn't have much talent, if he didn't come from a wealthy family, many members of his family were officials in the court, and the whole family was deeply favored by the former emperor, he would not be able to take the position of Sangong, and Wang Sima would not choose to cooperate with him.

The two conspired, with Wang Sima as the main one.


Wang Sima looked at Chen Situ indifferently, and couldn't help but sneer and said, "In this game of chess, I must be the final winner!"


Su Chen settled down with a smile, and then picked up the tea and sipped it.

"Oh, the master is bullying the slave again and can't play, no, no, let's play another game!"

Daji pouted her pink mouth, and her beautiful eyes were full of grievances. The emperor didn't feel sorry for anyone at all, and didn't know how to let others.

This is the chess you taught this slave to play, how can this slave beat you.

"That's all for today, I'm tired."

Su Chen got up with a smile: "There are many mysteries hidden in this chess, you need to study more, you are still young."

"The servant will serve you to bed?"

Daji's beautiful eyes lit up, her beautiful face was full of anticipation, and the appearance of letting you pick and choose made people move their index fingers.

"No, this game of chess is over, but I still have a big game to play."

Su Chen shook his head, said with a faint smile: "I want to stay awake and not be addicted to women."

Being rejected by Dijun again. So sad.


Daji murmured softly, with disappointment in her eyes.

Su Chen smiled, and left the imperial study room directly, and then Li Nianzi sent someone to clean up the mess on the chessboard.

"Don't mess with it, send it to the side hall."

Daji's pretty face was serious, and she told the little eunuch: "This is something created by the emperor. It is infinitely mysterious, so don't destroy it."

Dijun is really as intelligent as a heavenly man. Although this chess object is simple, but after careful study, it reveals a myriad of hidden meanings, which makes people unable to help but be intoxicated by it.


The little eunuch didn't dare to look at Daji, and hurriedly lowered his head and cupped his hands, carefully clearing up the broken chess game.

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(End of this chapter)

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