First emperor of the human race

Chapter 28 Report to the emperor, this person's surname is Sima, he can be the great Sima!

Chapter 28 Report to the emperor, this person's surname is Sima, he can be the great Sima!

"That's it."

After a long time, Su Chen spoke lightly, breaking the silence of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Let's deal with it according to the law. I will pass on my will. Today, all the officials resign. Ignoring the dynasty's crisis and acting recklessly, it is a serious crime! It is the same crime as treason!"

"However, I think of the hard work of the officials in the past, and I don't want to punish them too much, so in accordance with the law of Daxia's officials, I would like to resign from the officials of three generations and three clans today, and I will never hire them!"

"In addition, four people, Zhao Yun, Bai Qi, Lei Zhenzi, and Li Yuanba, entered the city and confiscated the residence of today's hundred officials."

Su Chen issued a series of orders, and all the officials in the Hall of Supreme Harmony shuddered. They came out one after another, knelt down and kowtowed: "Your Majesty Long En!"

Most of the official residences were bestowed by the imperial court, logically speaking, they were also official residences. Now that they have resigned, they naturally cannot stay in the residence bestowed by the former emperor.

Guo Sikong smiled wryly in his heart. His Majesty made it very clear that the resignation of all officials at this time is no different from treason!This is a serious crime that implicates the nine clans!
In other words, even if His Majesty let the new army enter the city and killed all the officials who resigned, it was in accordance with the rules.

But His Majesty still did not move these officials, but confiscated the mansion, and they would never be hired for three generations; Guo Sikong knew that His Majesty was paving the way for Shang Yang's reform.

His Majesty is still concerned about reforms at this time, and he doesn't want to touch the bottom line of this group of gentry and force them to jump over the wall.

Under the current circumstances, can the reform be successful?Most of the officials in the entire imperial capital have been vacant!

"Your Majesty, what should we do with the six vacancies now?"

Guo Sikong stepped out, bowed his hands to salute Su Chen, and reminded him in a low voice.

At this time, Guo Sikong was suddenly a little lucky. It was also thanks to the fact that most of the ten counties fell into the hands of the Eight Kings. Si Long's powerful generals were like a cloud, resisting the Eight Kings with his own strength, and checking and balancing the orc empire on the frontier.

If not, the shock of the court today will inevitably affect the top ten counties and counties, and it will not only be as simple as the resignation of the core officials of the imperial capital.

That would be a political turmoil that could destroy the Great Xia Dynasty in an instant!

Not to mention that these officials do not have military power, they cannot endanger the Great Xia Dynasty. As long as a large number of external officials and grassroots officials go on strike, the Great Xia Dynasty will basically be abolished, and turmoil and rebellion will emerge in endlessly.

Guo Sikong suddenly realized that the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in China seemed to be chaotic, but under the resistance of General Silong, the situation of the war has been anxious.

This is a rare and good opportunity, a great opportunity to reform the law, centralize power, and clear the court!

"It's okay."

Su Chen waved his hand, turned his head and nodded to Li Nianzi and said, "Go, Xuan Sima Yi and others enter the palace."


Li Nianzi respectfully took the order and went to find someone in person.

When Guo Sikong heard this, his cloudy old eyes froze.

It turns out that His Majesty has already made arrangements, and His Majesty has also thought of this level. His Majesty intends to seize this opportunity!This once in a lifetime opportunity!
Less than a stick of incense, Sima Yi and others hurried to the Hall of Supreme Harmony under the leadership of Li Nianzi.

"Xuan Sima Yi, Guan Yiwu, Liu Bowen, Chen Qun, and Li Ji, come to the palace to see them!"

Li Nianzi's hoarse and tired voice sounded, and then all the officials turned their heads one after another, only to see five middle-aged men in commoner clothes striding in with their heads held high.

"Sima Yi greets His Majesty."

"Guan Yiwu pays homage to His Majesty."

"Liu Ji greets His Majesty."

"Chen Qun greets His Majesty."

"Li Ji greets His Majesty."

The five people were full of respect, knelt and kowtowed on their knees, and the civil and military ministers of the court looked at them one after another, sizing up the five people with surprised and uncertain eyes.

I have never seen these five people before, and I have never heard of any family in the imperial capital who are qualified to enter the temple. What is the origin of these five people?
Is it
The officials suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Be flat."

At this time, Su Chen suddenly smiled, waved his hands, and smiled at Guo Sikong: "Didn't Guo Aiqing ask me yesterday if there are any staff?"

"These five people are all staff members that I have reused in the Ninth Prince's Mansion. Each of them has a great talent, not inferior to Shang Yang's talent at all!"

Su Chen pointed at Sima Yi and the others, full of praise, and then said: "Guo Sikong, if you came to recommend these five people today, how should I use them?"


All the officials suddenly realized that they couldn't laugh or cry.

Although Shang Yang's talents, policies, and ideas only lasted for a day, most of the officials who had come into contact with Shang Yang admired this man's talent.

With a glimpse of the leopard, it is conceivable that people who can serve as the emperor's staff with Shang Yang must have the same talent.

My emperor, how many staff members do you have?
Generally, there may not be one such farsighted and talented staff member as Shang Yang in an ordinary prince's mansion. Fortunately, you arranged one yesterday, and you will arrange five more today!

No, I remember that 12 new troops were formed, and four military officials were also arranged, and those four were also the emperor's staff!
Thinking of this, all the officials couldn't help being silent, feeling that their heads were like paste, we couldn't figure out the emperor's tricks at all!
When asked by Su Chen, Guo Sikong shook his head with a wry smile in his heart, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He finally understood that Chen Situ and Wang Sima used a stupid trick!
All officials resign?

Hehe, the emperor is really dozing off, so you guys will give me pillows!

Originally, the top ten counties were occupied by the eight kings, and there were three princes in the imperial capital to control the government. The imperial power was completely emptied!Now you directly ask the officials who obey your orders to resign and dismiss you, trying to threaten your majesty.

But have you ever thought that His Majesty has been waiting for an opportunity to arrange for his own confidant to be superior!Your Majesty wants to reinvigorate the imperial power!
You said you two, is this still a traitor?Is what you did the work of a traitor?

Pig brains are smarter than you!

Guo Sikong couldn't help complaining in his heart, he didn't mean anything against Su Chen, but he really felt that Wang Sima and others were too stupid and naive.

In fact, according to the calculations of Wang Sima and others, most emperors would panic when encountering such a thing, and would even choose to compromise for the stability of the dynasty, but who made them meet Su Chen!
"Huh? Why did Guo Aiqing keep quiet for so long?"

Su Chen's words awakened the pensive Guo Sikong.

Guo Sikong knew that His Majesty was using his own words to ask these five people to rectify their names, just like Shang Yang.

Although Sima Yi and the others were also from noble families in another world, they were black households in the Great Xia Dynasty after all, and had no roots, but it was different to have Guo Sikong as the recommender.

Guo Sikong was also from a big family in the imperial capital, and he represented an interest group. With his recommendation, he had a ticket to enter the gentry circle, which was very convenient for Su Chen to arrange for Sima Yi and others to suppress, win over, and deter other gentry.

Su Chen's every move now is not only to make a good move in front of him, but also to calculate more moves and variables in the future.

"Return to Your Majesty, I think"

Guo Sikong took a deep breath, raised his hand and pointed at Sima Yi, and said loudly: "This man's surname is Sima, he must be the best candidate to be the Great Sima! The old minister is willing to recommend Sima Yi to be the Great Sima of the Great Xia Dynasty. The veteran is willing to bear the guilt of knowing someone's fault!"

"Guan Yiwu, an outstanding talent, elegant and unrestrained, can be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials! Set an example for all officials!"

"Liu Ji, with a calm face and a mountainous temperament, he can be the Minister of the Ministry of War"

"Chen Qun, with a kind smile and an amiable temperament, can be the servant of the Ministry of Rites"

"Li Ji, well, you can be the Minister of the Ministry of Industry"

Guo Sikong's expression was unusually firm and impassioned.

Sure enough, it felt so cool to do so.

I don't care what talents these people have?
Anyway, from top to bottom, all important vacant official positions are thrown out!
The positions of the six ministries, including the faction of veterans, your majesty, you have successfully mastered the power of the six ministries!

Veteran, resolutely insist that Qingshan will not let go, and resolutely put the emperor's confidants firmly in the court!

Guo Sikong has not forgotten his persistence, he wants to be an excellent "recommender".

There was silence in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The officials of Guo Sikong's faction covered their foreheads one after another, not daring to look directly at the emperor.

The five Sima Yi, Li Nianzi and the others were stunned. They looked at Guo Sikong in disbelief.

You are a dignified Sikong!A dignified veteran of the two dynasties!Actually. Such a recommender?It's too hasty!
Especially Sima Yi, it was difficult to maintain a dead face anymore, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, feeling extremely helpless.

What is this all about?
My surname is Sima, so I was born to be a great Sima?

Guan Yiwu and the others couldn't believe it. There are still people in this world who use their looks and temperament to recommend someone to be a minister of the Six Departments?
In fact, Li Ji is the one who can't laugh or cry the most.

The other four people got an evaluation at least. Why was it his turn? Guo Sikong didn't even bother to explain. Without saying a word, he directly arranged for a minister of the Ministry of Industry. This is too childish!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for support!


(End of this chapter)

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