First emperor of the human race

Chapter 317 Human Race's Distress and New Call

Chapter 317 Human Race's Distress and New Call
Shiranui was still burning, and under Su Chen's signal, Nezha Lei Zhenzi and others set up a formation to ensure that Shiranui would not burn outside.

As for the aliens who were still howling in it, Su Chen also set up a formation to prevent them from leaving.

"Dijun, everything has been arranged according to your request."

Nezha said to Su Chen respectfully.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Su Chen nodded.

The array around here was provided by Su Chen for Nezha and others to arrange. Unless someone's strength can far surpass that of the real fairyland, otherwise these beast-like guys will never be able to get rid of it in advance.

"Let's go and see those human races."

The wailing in the formation never stopped, but Su Chen no longer cared about them.

Looking at the group of skinny and ragged fellows in front of him, Su Chen suddenly felt that it would be too cheap to just burn them with Shiranui for 1 years.

With those helpless eyes, and the longing for life, Su Chen didn't know what these people experienced here.


Su Chen shouted softly.

"Pass down my decree, Silong Zhao Yun and others quickly integrate the army, must absorb and digest the resources in the shortest time, half a year, I will give him half a year!"

Su Chen said with a serious expression: "In half a year, I want him to lead my army to attack Donghuang, and I want the human race in Donghuang to no longer be bullied like they were in Zhonghuang."



After killing the Pig Emperor, the resettlement of the rescued human race is a big problem. It is naturally impossible for Su Chen to take them to walk on the Eastern Desolation Continent, and the vicinity is too dangerous. Less alien attention.

Although they dare not come to investigate now, it will only be a matter of time before they find out what happened here.

After thinking about it, Su Chen finally decided to give the right to choose to these poor people of the same clan.

"Is there anyone in charge among you?"

Su Chen looked at these escaped people and asked.

"Returning to benefactor, the old man is a little older and has a little prestige among these people. I don't know what benefactor wants to order?"

It was an old man who was speaking, the sleeve of his left hand was fluttering in the wind, he was actually a disabled person, but he knew how to advance and retreat very well in his words, if there were no exceptions, he might have been the head of the clan before.

The old man spoke very decently, and he also understood the etiquette very well. After Su Chen spoke, he walked to Su Chen's side, and then knelt down.

"You don't have to be like this, old man, let me ask you, do you have somewhere to go now?"

Su Chen helped the old man and asked.

"Don't worry about Mr. Lao En, I'm a person who died once, where should I go..."

"Don't be afraid of Engong's jokes. The old man observes Engong's words and deeds, and knows that Engong must not be from the Eastern Wasteland. God has no eyes. The status of the human race is low in this Eastern Wasteland."

"It's normal for men to be slaves and women to be prostitutes. Occasionally, some powerful human races can only protect themselves, but within a radius of [-] miles, our human race doesn't even have a place."

"I know that benefactor is a person who wants to do great things, and I don't want to drag him down. There is no need for benefactor to worry. I will find a place where there is no one to recuperate."

The old man said to Su Chen respectfully.

Su Chen could tell that what the old man said was serious, and other people probably had the same idea.

These people actually planned to leave their asylum, and looking at them, it seemed that they still had some expectations about what they were going to do?

Su Chen was a little confused, so, so far, he didn't plan to do anything big for a while.

Although sending troops to the Eastern Wilderness is a foregone conclusion, but because the Central Wilderness has just been reunified not long ago, even though the power of the Great Xia Dynasty has reached a new peak, the integration of the Central Wilderness cannot be completed in a day or two.

What are they expecting?Are they misunderstanding something?Su Chen thought suspiciously.

Seeing Su Chen's expression, the old man immediately reacted: "Engong doesn't have to be like this. Engong is not from Donghuang, so he doesn't know Donghuang's rules. You saved us because of love. I will never forget it."

"But love is not the shackles that bind you. In the Eastern Wilderness, our human race also has Tianjiao, and they will take action for injustice, but as long as there is Tianjiao who saves people, they will often be treated as ordinary people by foreigners." Threatening, forcing Tianjiao to bind himself."

"Most of the bloody Tianjiao can't bear the death of their clansmen in front of him, so some Tianjiao of the human race are willing to exchange their own lives, wanting to die in exchange for the lives of their clansmen."

"If you do this, you don't need to say anything about the result. In order to avoid dragging down our clan's arrogance, the human race on the Eastern Desolation Continent has a new rule: the rescued people need to fend for themselves, and they will never be dragged down." save their people."

"The old man said that, benefactor should be able to understand?"

Hearing the old man's words, Su Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that the situation of the human race in the Eastern Wilderness has become so bad. In order to protect the talented clansmen, more people are willing to face this cruel world alone .

Letting this group of ordinary humans wander in the Eastern Wilderness is no different from sending them to death!

Su Chen clenched his fist, his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

After the old man saw Su Chen's expression, he knew that Su Chen had understood his words.

Following the old man's yell, the rescued people all knelt down and respectfully kowtowed to Su Chen, then stood up, turned around and left, without even the slightest nostalgia.

Obviously they would die if they left me, but they left because they were afraid that they would drag me down?


Daji appeared beside Su Chen, she looked at the backs of those human races with red eyes and said to Su Chen.

"The human race is like this. I don't know whether it's a blessing or a sorrow. If everyone in the human race has such a backbone, sooner or later, they will return to the peak of the ten thousand races."

"But since I have met them, how can I bear them to die like this?"

"System, I want to summon!"

For a long time, Su Chen has not made a new summon. Originally, he wanted to save more power and summon stronger talents, but now, Su Chen does not allow anyone to die like this.

The Central Wilderness is too far away from the Eastern Wilderness, so it is better to summon a group of talents first than to spend time to gather the talents of the Central Wilderness.

With the help of outstanding talents, Su Chen can protect this group of people without delaying his own affairs.

Su Chen hasn't summoned for a long time, and the spiritual energy like a vast ocean instantly poured into the system.


"Master, the summoning is complete, and I have selected three candidates for you who can solve the current situation."

"The first one, Gao Shun of the Three Kingdoms, has more than [-] people in the camp."

"The second place, Xiang Yu from Chu State, will also erase his character flaws."

"The third place is Fan Li of the Spring and Autumn Period (li third tone)."

Looking at the three people on the system panel, Su Chen was also taken aback, it's worth saving for so long.

Not to mention Gao Shun, he was already extremely good at training soldiers, and his power of being trapped in the camp was world-renowned. Now it's fine to summon Gao Shun, but he even got trapped in the camp?

As for Xiang Yu, although he is not a demon god, his cultivation talent is stronger than that of ordinary demon gods.

"Feather's bravery is unparalleled throughout the ages" is not just talk, with him, I am afraid that there are very few people in the Eastern Wasteland who can fight against him.

As for Fan Li, people in later generations can already see one or two of them in their evaluation of him.

"Be loyal to the country, wise to protect yourself, business to get rich and famous all over the world."

This is a powerful man, a wise man who integrates military and government affairs, and what is even more rare is that he has a strong business mind, and he is honored as the God of Wealth by later generations...

(End of this chapter)

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