First emperor of the human race

Chapter 321 Nezha's Breakthrough

Chapter 321 Nezha's Breakthrough
As the saying goes, Wangshan ran a dead horse, and he had already seen the golden city wall of the Golden Crow half an hour ago, but it was almost an hour after a few people reached the gate of the city.

Seeing the bustling crowd coming and going at the gate of the city, Su Chen frowned, because he saw many human races being chained like dogs and being dragged by aliens.

And the people around were watching indifferently throughout the whole process, let alone someone who came out to say a word, judging by their appearance, they seemed to be used to it.

When human beings are livestock and pets, they should appear aboveboard!
Su Chen's gaze was icy cold, and his heart was already filled with murderous intent. He had thought about the possible plight of the human race in the Eastern Wasteland, but he didn't expect it to be so bleak!

"Dijun, these people are too hateful."

Standing beside Su Chen, Daji said angrily.

"Is this kind of thing common in Donghuang?"

Su Chen turned his head and glanced at Jamieba with cold eyes and asked.

Seeing Su Chen's eyes, Jamieba's hair stood on end, and a breath of death filled his whole body in an instant. Although Jamieba knew that Su Chen was not targeting him, this breath was too terrifying.

"The status of the human race in the Eastern Wilderness is low, and they are only slightly better than the pigs. However, compared to the plight of the human race, although the pigs are weak, they have not been harassed."

Jamieba said in a cold sweat.

"What does this mean? Could it be that the life of the pig clan is better than that of the human race?"

Daji asked a little puzzled, in her mind, the human race is already so sad, shouldn't the pigs who are more underground should be even more miserable?
"Hmph, the body of the human race is one of the most suitable bodies for cultivation under the Dao of Heaven. Don't you see that everything in this world is transformed into a human body by cultivation? Such a talent is easy to give birth to some special physiques, so it is favored by foreigners. Coveted."

"Plucking supplements, refining puppets, refining resentful souls, and refining magic weapons, the human race is like a potential treasure in their hearts, while the pigs have nothing, and even the meat is extremely unpalatable. , naturally no one will provoke you."

Su Chen said lightly.

A valuable race is even more coveted. If there is no corresponding strong strength to protect itself, it is meat on the chopping board.

For example, if humans eat fish and shrimp, isn't it an extremely bleak situation for fish and shrimp?
Hearing Su Chen's words, Jamieba also opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. Su Chen's words hit the nail on the head. Jamieba didn't know the situation of the human race in other continents, but it was true in the Eastern Wasteland.

It is destined to be a tragedy if everyone is innocent and pregnant with crimes, and has a special physique in the Eastern Desolation Continent but does not have enough strength to protect it.

Moreover, the aliens also see this very thoroughly, so there is an unspoken rule in Donghuang, that is, the ten thousand races acquiesce, but if a genius appears in the mortal race, it will kill him in the cradle.

A human race without a strong man is a good human race, and it is an inexhaustible good material.

Therefore, the human race has great cultivation potential and talent, but there are very few masters in the race, and they don't even dare to show their faces.

Jamieba glanced at Su Chen, he didn't say anything, but he thought to himself, maybe the sky in Donghuang has changed, and this human race will definitely stir up a bloody storm in Donghuang.

After all, Jamieba thinks that he is not weak, and he can be considered a master among the thousands of tribes in the Eastern Desolation, but he still can't see through Su Chen's strength.

To enter the city of Golden Crow, you have to pay spiritual stones per person, and the fee is not low. One person needs a middle-grade spiritual stone to enter. You must know that a normal Nirvana state of practice for ten days only needs one middle-grade spiritual stone That's all.

Naturally, there is no need for Su Chen to worry about handing over the spirit stones. Jamieba is still very interested in this, but when Jamieba is handing over the spirit stones, a foreigner of unknown race turned his head , looking at Daji with a salivating face.

"Not bad, Jamieba, are these human races your goods? They are all top quality, how about giving this woman to me?"

The alien looked at Daji with eyes full of desire and said to Jamieba.

From what he said, he seemed to be very familiar with Jamieba.

"You idiot, Puka, are you looking for death again? Shut up!"

Jamieba was taken aback for a moment, then said loudly in horror.

Don't take me with you even if you want to die, coveting the woman of this mysterious emperor?Is this the impatience of the birthday man hanging himself?
"Hey, Jamieba, when did you become so stingy? And didn't you often recruit human races before? What, suddenly enlightened? Do you know the beauty of human women?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't tell me, these two women are top-quality, one hundred top-grade spirit stones, how about buying this woman with one hundred top-grade spirit stones? Isn't the price cheap?"

The foreigner named Puka didn't care, he looked at Jamieba impatiently and said.

Su Chen didn't speak all the time, and didn't even bother to look at Puka, but he was just a mortal alien.

"court death."

Nezha made a move directly, the master humiliated his ministers to death, how dare this bastard say such things about your mother, if he didn't smoke his soul and burn him to death in Sanweizhen fire, how could Nezha's anger be relieved?

At this time, Puka was full of thoughts about how to enjoy this peerless woman later, and he didn't react until Nezha shot suddenly.


The spear entered his body, blood spattered everywhere, Puka was too careless, so that it was too late after he reacted.

The Sanwei Zhenhuo was burning, and Puka's soul was wailing terribly. Because this is the reason for the city gate, many people saw this scene.

However, compared to their indifference when they saw the human race being enslaved just now, these people were suddenly furious after seeing Nezha make a move.

"Bold, how dare a mere human race commit crimes? No matter who is behind you today, I will not let you stay."

No fewer than dozens of people from the foreign race made a move in anger, and the first move was a lore.

"Boom! Whoosh! Clang!"

Countless attacks burst towards Nezha with powerful spiritual power, covering the sky and covering the earth.

In the face of these attacks, Nezha also got really angry.


Huntian Ling stirred up the universe, and the fire-pointed spear pierced the sky. Nezha had the Huntian Ling in his left hand and the fire-pointed spear in his right. His spiritual power was so powerful that it was like a volcano erupting angrily. He crushes.

Facing the predicament of the human race, not only Su Chen was uncomfortable, but Nezha also felt a fire in his heart.


Dark clouds enveloped the entire sky above the Golden Crow City, and silver snakes danced in the clouds, which looked quite impressive.

This is the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, the first-class and powerful Heavenly Tribulation in the world, the power to destroy the world that only the true arrogance and evildoers can arouse.

Because of the anger at the enslavement of the human race by the aliens and the pity for the miserable situation of the human race, the anger hit the aura in the body, and at this moment, Nezha broke through.

How terrifying is it to survive the catastrophe with the body of a demon god?
After Jamieba saw the scale of the catastrophe, he was already dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

He knew how powerful Nezha was, otherwise he wouldn't have obediently followed Nezha to see Su Chen after Nezha stopped him.

But if you know he is strong, you know he is strong, but with the momentum in front of you, brother, are you going to destroy the world?

Because of the coming of the catastrophe, Nezha has no spare time to fight with those aliens. He must deal with the catastrophe with all his heart, otherwise even he may fall into the catastrophe.

"Don't be afraid, his catastrophe is coming. Now that he has no time to take care of us, kill him with a long-range attack."

Seeing such a powerful catastrophe, these aliens were also afraid, but when they saw that Nezha stopped attacking them, the courageous aliens' eyes flickered, and they immediately spoke maliciously.


Before everyone could make a move, a thunderous sound exploded among them in an instant.

These people who tried to take advantage of Nezha's crossing robbery had suffered heavy casualties before they could make a move.

Lei Zhenzi fanned the wings of the wind and thunder, his face was full of murderous intent, and the terrifying spiritual power around him was like a substance, condensing into a blue air column that could be clearly seen with the naked eye.

"Travers, die!"

With Lei Zhenzi as the center, the pillars of air intertwined and rose up into the sky, while the ground was cracked like a spider's web because of his too powerful spiritual power.

There are so many masters around the emperor, how can this group of aliens resist?

(End of this chapter)

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