Chapter 326


With a painful grunt, the speed of the golden-armored man's spiritual power was still faster after all. The black-robed man failed to escape, but was wrapped in the golden-armored man's spiritual power and fell heavily to the ground.

"Are you really watching these people act violently here? If your auction house can't even guarantee the safety of the guests, who will dare to come here in the future?"

Seeing that he couldn't run away, the man in black turned his head and looked coldly at the old man of the foreign race and said.

Hearing the words of the man in black, the pupils of the old man in charge of the auction also shrank sharply, and his face was gloomy.

The words of the man in black are murderous, and if the news of today's incident gets out, it will indeed deal a big blow to the reputation of the auction house.

But let him take care of this matter, it's... so embarrassing.

"Haha, who dares to control what I do? Besides, I don't intend to take it by force. Don't you want those four human women? I just give it to you on behalf of the auction house. Mr. Mo, you don't want to lose face." Will you give it to me?"

Just when the old man of the foreign race was in trouble, a handsome man wearing golden gilt clothes and a pair of horns on his head came out of the balcony slowly and said.

"Young Master Long's face, the old man will naturally give it."

After seeing this handsome young son, the old man of the foreign race also said respectfully.

"Did you hear that? Hand over Misty Lingxi, and take these four sluts with you."

Young Master Junxiu glanced at the man in black, and said calmly.


Hearing Mr. Junxiu's words, the man in black said angrily, but he was still calm and restrained himself in time, otherwise this guy named Mr. Long would kill him instantly.

As the black-robed man took out a green bottle, everyone present held their breath, even this man named Long Gongzi also looked forward to it.

"get out."

After the black-robed man handed the bottle to the golden-armored man, Mr. Long said contemptuously.

However, when the black-robed man took the iron chain from the hand of the little ghost tribe, a little ghost tribe's eyes rolled wildly, and it quickly tore off the black robe of the black-robed man.

This sudden change not only stunned the black-robed man, but also stunned the people in the auction house when they saw the black-robed man's appearance...

Human race, the man in black robe turned out to be a human race, and a woman at that!
After the black robe of the black robe was ripped off by the little ghost clansman, revealing her appearance, everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"Bold, how dare a lowly human race sneak into the auction house?"

Seeing the true face of the man in black, the old man of the foreign race who presided over the auction suddenly became furious.

"Haha, I thought you were some kind of amazing guy, but it turned out to be just a lowly human race, take it down for me."

Mr. Long said with a contemptuous face.

"What? Didn't what I said just now count?"

The man in black, oh, no, it should be a woman from the human race and said coldly looking at the people who were slowly approaching her around.

"Haha, look what I heard? How dare a mere human race talk to me like that? You are quite brave, that's all, I am very happy to have got Misty Lingxi today."

"I don't want these four women, you can take pictures as you like, and bring this woman up for auction together. They are just lowly human races. If it weren't for their special physique, otherwise they would be worthy of my son's presence." fortunate?"

Mr. Long had his hands behind his back, and under his arrogant expression, he was absolutely proud of his own race.

However, when the people of the little ghost tribe attacked the human woman.


A sword light flashed past, but all the little ghosts who rushed towards this human woman were all turned into powder under this sword light.


Seeing that his subordinates were all dead, the old man of the foreign race also yelled angrily. Someone dared to break the rule of not being able to sell in the auction house in front of him. Could it be that he was bored of life?

When everyone looked in the direction of the sword glow, they saw Su Chen and his party standing in the box that had been completely destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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